10:20pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart snarled at Fernleaf, trying hard to not leap at her and give her more wounds. "Im not afraid to die. Particualy for what I love."He whipped around and took off at full speed to were Littleleaf disappeared. The scent of blood was strong, he followed it, terrified at what he may fing at the end. And what he found paralyzed him. Littleleaf was ripped almost apart, and barly alive. "Oh no." he whispered. He curled around her trying to keep off the up coming nights chill. 'This is just like mother and Amber. And again, I could do nothing.' He looked at hte scrap of fur. "Please live." Sagepelt was found outside of camp and was drug in. After retelling her story she collapsed in exahustion. Then wails broke through her stupor. "Are any of the cats alive!" A random cat yowled.
10:23pm Mar 13 2009 (last edited on 10:24pm Mar 13 2009)
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Posts: 443
((hm.. Sorry my pages wont skip over to the next.))
10:32pm Mar 13 2009
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Fernleaf brst into camp at that moment and dragged Starwalker away from whatever she was focussing on.She hadnt payed much attention really."CAt!Near dead mosst likely!Needs help!"She then took off again with Starwalker following closly behind with a few obviously needed supplies.
10:36pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt tried to get up to follow, knowing her brother was out there somewhere. But she was to weak to move. 'Oh Shadeheart please be okay.' Shadeheart was almost unconcious but still not moving from the spot beside Littleleaf. 'Please, Starclan, Speakers of the Sky, I dont care, just save her.
10:42pm Mar 13 2009
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It took a good bit of time but the two cats finally arived.Starwalker rushed over and immediatly went to work on stopping the blood from flowing out.She looked at Fernleaf and said"Get more cobwebs fast!"Fernleaf nodded and dashed off in pursuit of cobwebs.Starwalker worked madly to heal the cat.After running out of cobweb she started to clean the cat so she could tell what was doing better.The taste of anothers blood was fowl in her mouth since it came another cat but he had to.Thi was an important ituation that didnt depend on what Starwalker liked the taste of.After moderaty cleaning Little leaf she started to put things on to clean and prevent infection.She was in constant motion.Either putting somthing on one of Littleleaf's many wounds of getting more materials from the land around her.Fernleaf finally came back.Her head not visable do to er taking a to literal meaning of get cobwebs.Her face wasnt seeableSomhow she maneuvered to Starwalker and layed down.Star walker tore off bits of web and stuuck it on the other wounds.She could only hope and pray that the cat made it.

10:46pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart's heart leapt at the sight of the medicine cat. He never let Littleleaf out of his sight as the medicine cat worked on her wounds. He turned to Fernleaf. "Did you see Sagepelt." Finally the medicine cat seemed to finish and he rushed over without waiting for a response. "Will she live? Please tell me she will?" He paced back and forth waiting for an answer.
6:16am Mar 14 2009
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(We'll have to update felineLOVER when she gets back. xD But for now, I need someone to fill me in. My last post was on pg. 32...)
6:19am Mar 14 2009
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Foxfoot ran up to Sagepelt. "Sagepelt?" he asked her. "Are you alright? Do you need help?"
8:48am Mar 14 2009
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"Yah.I did."Fernleaf said before beinng sent off to get omthing else.Starwalker wondered if Shadeheart knew how horribly mangleed Littleleaf would be for the rest of her life.She turned to him and told him the horid news."It extremely slim.Mabye one in one thousand.Even if she does make it she will have this horribly mangled look about her and may never get to have kits."
10:25am Mar 14 2009
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Posts: 443
((If you still need an update alice111. Littleleaf is a new she cat and shes close to Shadeheart. Fernleaf then goes into the woods to hunt and is attacked by a mother wolf and her pups, Sagepelt has a dream about it and goes to help. She gets ripped up again but is saved and drug back to camp by Littleleaf. Fernleaf, Shadeheart, and Littleleaf drive the wolves away, but Littleleaf is mangled and may not survive. Hope that helped.)) "Yeah, can you please get me to the medicine cats den? My leg is tore up." Sagepelt meowed quietly. She was still terrified that her brother still had not come back. "Shadeheart bristled. "I dont care what she looks like, as long as she survives. Ill still take care of her." He lay down beside the hurt she cat, and gently groomed her torn fur. 'Please Littleleaf,wake up.'
12:55pm Mar 14 2009
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Littleleaf growned, "whare am i?" she asked, then she became alert "the wolf!" she said and tried to get up. Dasyflower wished she could leav the nursery, but her kits were still drinking the milk. Rockpelt went in and out of the nurery, keeping Dasyflower informed of what was happing. Scratchkit and lakekit senced somthing was wrong,but they could not ask what was wrong because they were too young, they could not even see yet.
12:56pm Mar 14 2009
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((whare post go?))
3:12pm Mar 14 2009
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Starwalker forced her to lay down."You shouldnt stand up.It could make you start bleeding again and that could kill you this time.You need to stay still for a while."She started working on some leg wounds that had just been freshly opened thanks to her efforts to move.
3:19pm Mar 14 2009
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"fine........." littleleaf said.
2:07pm Mar 15 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart limped over to the fresh kill pile and grabbed a fat mouse and a large thrush. He took both peices to the medicine cats den for his ssiter and Littleleaf. The deputy woke up and looked around the den to see who else was there. Littleleaf, Fernleaf, and Starwalker were all there but ther brother was not. She never remembered seeing him after the attack. "Starwalker, did you see Shadeheart?"
2:22pm Mar 15 2009 (last edited on 2:23pm Mar 15 2009)
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Posts: 443
3:11pm Mar 15 2009
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"thanks shadeheart...." littleleaf said.
3:16pm Mar 15 2009
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Starwalker simply replied"Yes."She didnt mention how she saw him only seconds earlier getting freshkill as she thought that was uneaded information.
4:47pm Mar 15 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Im really sorry i havent posted! Im still reading page 34 and i read so slow, and have so much to do!! But ill post some day! I know i will!!))
I'm Feline♥
5:01pm Mar 15 2009
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((ok ^^))