3:42pm Mar 16 2009
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3:43pm Mar 16 2009
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4:47pm Mar 16 2009
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Sagepelt, feeling better, curled back into her nest ready to sleep. A mouse hit the ground beside her. Jerking her head up she looked at shadeheart. "Oh, thank Speakers of the Stars your all right." He cocked his head to the side. "Speakers of theStars, dont you mean Starclan?" She snorted. "Starclan diddnt do much when the wolves attacked Fernleaf. Speakers of the Stars are the ones that told me where to go." He shook his head at his sisters lossof faith in Starclan. Brightkit wiggled out of her brother and sisters tight embrace to beside their mother to poke her head outside the nursery. Everything was so bright and full of life!
4:49pm Mar 16 2009
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Dasyflower watched Brightkit carefully. Littleleaf tried to stand up. The other kitd followed Brightkit. Rockpelt watched the kits too.
4:53pm Mar 16 2009
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Fernleaf was grooming her injurie to clean them some.She looked up at this and said"How long are you going to be using this whole peakers of the stars thing/Its kind of getting me nervous hearing you talking as though Starclan was never there.It makes me feel like they're going to get angry aat you and make somthing bad happen to the entire clan!"She said this with a slight hint of worry.Her feel that somthing bad was going to happen made her feel like the clan would never last!"As if the famine wasnt enough on us..."She mutteredd.Starwalker was putting a new bit of cobwebs on Fernleaf' wounds to replace the old ones.She also had somthing to say on the matter."Fernleaf is right.They aret happy with you not trusting them.Some of thm anyways.Mostly those who had always had a strong beleif in Starclan and other medicine cats."Inide she felt fear of the unown future boiling upwards.
4:56pm Mar 16 2009
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Littleleaf looked up and said timidly "i agree, but i think that all cats can belive in there own starclan.... but you should belive in all of them, but just one..."
5:00pm Mar 16 2009
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Fernleaf' ears twisted back and layed lat on her head in uncertainty and unhappyness for a split second.She wasnt happy at all with what she guessed Littleleaf was trying to tell her.She continued to clean herself more to try and work out her nervous energy.She didnt norally act like this unless somthing terrible was soon going to happen.She acted the same way before the famine had started.Look at where they were now... Starwalker sighn and said"Im going to go check on the new kits and make sure they're doing okay."
5:03pm Mar 16 2009
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((im havin ice cream with by dad ^^ be back later))
5:06pm Mar 16 2009
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Sagepelt felt her fur start to bristle. "I believe their might be a Starclan, never siad there wasent, but they diddnt warn anyone about the wolves. But the Speakers of the Stars told me about them." She turned pointedly to Fernleaf. "If it wasent for them you'd be wolves meat now. Oh, and I dont see Starclan saving any cat from death. Speakers of the Stars did." She glared at the ground. Grief welled up in her. Her mother was a strong believer of the Speakers. She told Sagepelt about them. And her father was one. She meet Starwalkers eyes. "The only reason I know there is a Staclan is because I saw Echopaw. Happy now!" She snarled. Sagepelt tried to get up to leave these cas for a while. But fell down again. She hissed in anger and turned her back on the other cats. Brightkit, liking he way the sun felt on her pelt, took a couple of timid steps in to the clearing. She turned around hoping her siblings followed. Not wanting to go alone.
5:18pm Mar 16 2009
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((I just remembered mah other cats.Im going to shove them into the rp now.)) Boarfur wandered through the forest.His mate,Warmheart walked beside him.Between the two cats they had three kits to sustain.When the clan had moved many many moons ago they had been out hunting.when they came back to clan was gone.Now they were on the search for them once again.They had been lost as apprentices and by now had grown into addults worthy of being warriors.They knew they should be warriors and had therefore given themselves the ceremony on their own.After a while they had kits.There is there life tory for you.Crownedkit began whining again."Why do we have to walk o much?Im tired!I want to stop!"She cryed like this often."Now now dear.Theres no nead to cry.We'll take a breack soon."Warmheart said confortingly to the kit.The kits themselves had no knoledge at all of the clan and didnt even get why they had to travel so much."But I wanna top now!"Crownedkit complained.Blossomkit hoved her and said"Oh stop whining already!We go through this every single daay!You would think that SOMEONE would have gotten used to it already!"Boarfur stepped in"You two stop fighting immediatly.W already have a hard enough time traveling like this!We dont need your bickering!"After a long day of traveling all of the cats but Warmheart were on a short temper."Oh come now Boar...Dont be so hard on them.Theyre only kits."She purred."Well they're kits that would be an apprentice if we knew where the clan was."He grumbled."They hould know better than to ight like this while traveling.Its gets n everybody's nerves!The fact that we had to escape two wolves not to long ago already put me in a bad mood.Im not ready to deal with this mouse dung right now."Warm frowned at him and said"You know better than to use words like that around the kits!You're setting a bad example.""I don-"He stopped his sentence as he smelled sothing slightly fariliar....LOVE CLAN!"We found them!"He yowled joyfully and dashed forwards."Found who?"Blosomkit asked as she chased after him.Warmheart picked up the still complaining Crowned kit up by the scruff of her neck and ran after them.Soon all of the cats were standing in the camp.Their eyes sparkled with joy at finally getting home again.

5:22pm Mar 16 2009
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Starwalker sighed."Let me think why dont you?!"She snapped at Littleleaf.She then left the den angrily.Fernleaf was already asleep because she had gotten tired of all of this confusing nonsense.
5:22pm Mar 16 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart looked up and was surprised to see the two cats standing in the entrance. "Boarfur? Is that really you?" He asked. He ran up to his long time friend. "And Warmheart! Its excelent to see you."
5:23pm Mar 16 2009
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Posts: 834
((Can I join this?))
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
5:24pm Mar 16 2009
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Posts: 443
((You'll have to ask FelineLover. Shes in control of this roleplay.))
6:20pm Mar 16 2009
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Boarfur was still ooking at the camp with joy."Yah..."He muttered.He was quiet so he didnt ruin the moment.Warmheart purred to him"Same here!I thought we would never find the rest of the clan again!Didnt anyone relize we werent there whenthe clan moved again?"Then Blossomkit and Crownedkit made themselves heard."Who are these cats moma?Whos this cat?Are you friends?How come you never told us about this place?"Boarfur calmly answered their every question as Warmheart and Shadeheart caught up with each other."These cat are clan cats and are our friends.The cat Warmheart is talking with is Shadeheart.We never told you about it because we didnt want to disapoint you in the case that we never found it."It seemed his fowl mood had completely vanished.
6:25pm Mar 16 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart looked at Blossomkit and Crownedkit. "Are they yours? There beautiful kits," He looked longingly over his shoulder at the medicine cats den then bakco ver to the newly found warriors. "We best get you settled."
6:35pm Mar 16 2009 (last edited on 6:36pm Mar 16 2009)
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Lakekit and Scratchkit followed Brightkit. Dasyflower watched them carefully. Rockpelt fell asleep. Tigerpaw yawned. Littleleaf started to fall asleep.
7:05pm Mar 16 2009
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"Thanks.They are ours.Beware though.Those two can be ripe little demons they can."Boarfur said.Crownedkit and Blossomkit had already walked over to the other kits and were examinning cautiously.They hadnever seen any other kits before so their caustiousness and curiosity was for and obvious reason.They had never met any other kits.
7:10pm Mar 16 2009
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Lakekit yawned. She looked at the kits, she was unsure what to do. Scratchkit growled. He swiped at the kits. "Scratxhkit!" dasyflower scolded "no scraching!" Then she thought for a secound "mabe i should rename you..." she mutterd.
7:12pm Mar 16 2009
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Posts: 443
Brightkit watched curiously as the two other kits walked up to them. 'Why are they so cautious' she thought. 'Its not like we're going to eat them.' She shivered at the thought. Shadeheart lead the other to cats to Lovestar to introduce them. "Lovestar?"