8:12pm Mar 16 2009
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Warmheart waited calmly then said"I thought it was Lovelake."She didnt yet know that they had become leader.They let just that long ago.She then wondered how Shadeheart knew her new name.She had been lost as an apprentice.She pushed away the thought and continued on her first question.Boarfur waited for a repl to Shadeheart from Lovestar.
8:15pm Mar 16 2009
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Crownedkit was pushed forwards by her sster who received a quick swipe on the nose..Crownedkit stepped forward eyeing the other kits coriously.She sniffed Brightkit then jumped back thinking they would do somthing like a snake would.
8:23pm Mar 16 2009 (last edited on 8:25pm Mar 16 2009)
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart noticed the odd looks Warmheart was giving him. "I remember you, barley. I was the little scrap of fur they picked up in the forest not a couple of days before you were lost. My sister, Sage, was the one that would not shut up." A sudden proud look showed up on his face. "Shes deputy now." Brightkit looked curioulsy at the two new kits. She padded up to them and purred lightly. Hoping it would calm them down a little. 'Why are they so freaked out?'
8:33pm Mar 16 2009
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((gtg :( ))
8:36pm Mar 16 2009
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((Sorry.Im poping in and out.At grandparents house today.)) Warmheart smiled and said"Thats nice to know.I knew I sensed somthing good about her when they found her.It was just one of those feelings you get somtimes."Boarfur nodded silently. Crownedkit was nw braved then before and aproacched again.She sniffed carfully then relized they were another kit like her and Blossomkit.Being that sh had only seen blossomkit before,she thought al kits looked like that and no other kit looked different.That was what lead her to beleive they were somthing other than a caat.
8:00am Mar 17 2009
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Posts: 443
Brightkit sat there and waited to see what the other kit would do. She was delighted when she approached her and let out a little yowl. Shadeheart looked over at the medicine cats den. "Lovestar should be out in a mintue. Just tell her what you told me. I have to go check on someone." He nodded to the two cats and padded off to meet up with his sister. He stopped beside the nursery for a second to see what was up with the other kits. Looking at enthusiastic Brightkit he laughed lightly. 'She'll be a great warrior someday. I hope I can metor her.'
8:09am Mar 17 2009
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Crownedkit stepped back some at the yowl not relizing it was a happy yowl."Wha you yowl for?"She asked.In her mind she had either done somthing wrong or they got hurt.Thats what shee thought yowling was for.Blossomkit had also come a bit closer by now. Boarfur watched them then said to Warmheart"Im glad we got them here in time for apprenticing.It would be a pain to have to train your own kits to be a warrior."He watched as they discovered the mystical wonders of other kits.Watmheart replied"Yes.Im glad that now they have a future in a clan.Even if food is scarce at the time."Se still remembered why they moved last time.There was to little food to feed the cats in the clan.She knew thatit was only a matter of time before the famine ended or the clan moved again.
11:48am Mar 17 2009
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Posts: 443
Brightkit looked embarrased. "Becuase, you came toword us." She cocked her head to the side. "What oyu so scared for?"
Shadeheart entered the medicines cat den and looked around. Littleleaf and Fernleaf were asleep in a corner and Sagepelt was sitting up looking at a wall. "Is everything alright?" She turned to him and sighed. "No, the others think im unloyal because I turned my back on Starclan. Im as loyal to Loveclan as any cat here. Starclan are the ones who betrayed me." She snarled the last part. She looked more vicious than any wariror he had ever seen before. He took a step back.
2:40pm Mar 17 2009
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Posts: 1,895
"I didnt know what you were."Crownedkit said in an obvious tone.She didnt understand that the others kits knew how other kits looked. Starwalker turned from her sorting and said"Dont go giving that fierce look again.It scares the others cats you know.If you stop going on about how Starclan betrayed you and such then you can come see the cats who just came into the camp.If you continue though you have to stay here."She guessed that if this technique worked other cats it should be no different for Sagepelt.
7:00pm Mar 17 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Okay... I give up. I need an update, this is way to much for me to read in so little time i have... =/ Can someone give me an update from page 36 to here??))
I'm Feline♥
7:05pm Mar 17 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((i cant, sorry :( im not good at that kind of stuff, i dont even remember what i did yesterday XD))
7:22pm Mar 17 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((whare ish post?))
8:59am Mar 18 2009
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Posts: 443
((I will FelineLover, ill send it by rmail))
4:06pm Mar 18 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Thank you! =D
Ribunny: In the other page.))
I'm Feline♥
5:08pm Mar 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Meep.We get to continue now?))
6:25pm Mar 18 2009
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Posts: 443
Brightkits eyes opened in awe. "You diddnt know what another kit looked like?" Sagepelt whipped around and glared at Starwalker. "Ill go visit the new comers. But im not going to grovel to Starclan, like some cats. They betrayed me. And I will not look up to them any more!" She stalked/limped to the entrance of the den and looked around for Boarfur and Warmheart. She spotted then and went up to join them. "Hello Boarfur, Wsarmheart. Nice to see you again."
6:40pm Mar 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Starwalke hrugged and continued her work."Never said you have to do that.Just stop going on about it." Crownedkit blushed slightly and said"no...I though they all looked like me and Blossomit."She felt embarrased for the first time in her life.Blossomkit then burst into the coversation by saying"How could we have known what others looked like?We've only seen us and our parents!"
6:42pm Mar 18 2009
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Posts: 443
Brightkit purred lightly, glad theknew what other slooked like now. "Do you know how to play?" She crouched in a playing position waiting for the other kits to start.
6:45pm Mar 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Boarfur looked at Sagepelt and said"Uh...Its Sage right?"He was pretty sure this was the same cat that had been rescued along with Shadeheart back when the clan went and moved.It was a bit hard to telll though with the adultnes and all.
6:50pm Mar 18 2009
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Posts: 443
Sgaepelt dipped her head to the other warrior. "I am, and its Sagepelt now. Has every thing been alright with you? Nothing bad happened while you were away?"