6:59pm Mar 18 2009
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"Well we did encounter a few nasty things but what else can you xpect when traveling with only one other cat?"He didnt really wish to go into details about it.Bexsides,Warmheart was a better story teller than him.
7:09am Mar 19 2009
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I'm Feline♥
8:13am Mar 19 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt nodded. Knowing he'd rather not talk about it. "I need to get hunting, there are more mouths to feed now." She purred. Getting up and heading tword the entrance she spotted Foxfoot not far away. She padded up to him. "You want to go hunting?"
4:40pm Mar 19 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((what i miss?))
5:36pm Mar 19 2009
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Boarfur walked over and said"I think that I can go with you.Ive noticed in thi area there isnt a good amount of prey.Makes me think the clan is goin to move once more."He felt that hunting could help him get rid f some energy.
8:52pm Mar 19 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt looked sorrowfully at Foxfoot, the last couple of days she had not spoke to him. She padded out of the camp after Boarfur. She looked ast the new warrior. "I hope we dont move, but the way the prey is now I would not put it past Lovestar to relocate us. And there are so many other threats that we may loose other warirors." She looked at the ground in greif. "We already lost Echopaw, we cant loose any others." She spotted a small mouse ahead and silently stalked up to it to kill it with a quick bite.
8:49am Mar 20 2009
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Boarfur thought a second then rememebered Echokit back when he was still with the clan.He looked at the mouse she caught.He ighed."The prey here is scrawny and wont feed the clan for much longer.I actually beleive the cause of this bad prey is the two legs.Ive been inside of their domainss more than once in search of food."He paused as he had a wonderful time remembering steak."They had things that kill mice and other things we eat in there."He saw a rabbit nearby an dleaped away to chae it.It was fast though and he had a hard time keeping up.He did after about 5-8 mintues catch the thing.He dragged it back to where Sagepelt was."Can you beleive my luck?I havnt seen any otheer rabbits around here ever!"
8:54am Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
"Wow! Great catch. That should feed the queens and kits." She purred. "It might be Twolegs. I would not put it past them. But it also could have been the wolves. From the looks of it they eat alot." She scented the air, but there was not another scent of prey. "At this rate we might have to leave. Did you see anywere acceptable on your journy?" She asked.
9:00am Mar 20 2009
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"Nope.All just as bad as this.I didnt pass the camp though and that was a lucky shot.Tommorow Ill segt out again to try and find some place better."He said.He wanted to et the best home fr his mate and daughters.He then whispered to Sagepelt"Dont tell anyone but Lovestar this.Blossomkit and Crownedkit need apprprenticing sooon and I want it to be a surprise for everyone else."He didnt know why he wanted it to be a surprise.Hejust sort of did.
9:10am Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt nodded. "Ill tell her myself. They'll be fine apprentices. I hope I can mentor one of them my self."
9:10am Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt nodded. "Ill tell her myself. They'll be fine apprentices. I hope I can mentor one of them my self."
9:29am Mar 20 2009
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Boarfur smiled.He picked up his catch and started dragging it back to camp.He had seen there were many hungry cats in there.Th emost hungry the warriors as they were giving up their food to elders.queens,and kits,but still the food was given to the queen.He wished that there was enough food to feed the whole clan.Not just those who were old or kit bearing.He actually didnt give his food to the queen and kits.He shared.He hadnt eatten in a while so he guesed this would work good.He and his offspring ate along side thte other cats in that den.
9:39am Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt finched a little as the wound in her leg twinged. She padded over to the medicine cats den hoping Starwalker was in a decent mood. She really diddnt want the medicine cat the give her something to make her sick. She noticed Shadeheart laying over by Littleleaf. "Do you mind to get off your lazy butt and hunt a little. There are now more mouths to feed." He growled at her but stalked out the den. "Starwalker! Are you here?"
9:46am Mar 20 2009
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Starwalker looked up and walked over."Yes.I am.Somthing bothering you?"She asked.This could aply for dreams or wounds.She guessed it was Sagepelt's leg since that was an obvious spot for discomfort at times.
9:50am Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt nodded. I was wondering if you could give me something for my leg. Its not feeling the best today." She looked a little disconforted. "And I wanted to apoligize for the way I acted. I want to be a good deputy, and that will be hard if im on the outs with the medicine cat."
9:56am Mar 20 2009
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"Apology accepted."She walked back to her thins and came back with a petal of some ort of purple flower."This should help some.Its worked before when cat have had to heal old wounds that start to bother them.I just wish i knew where more of it was..."€she really like thi flower.It was good for almost anything.Only proble, being that they were extremely difficult for her to find,.
10:12am Mar 20 2009
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10:19am Mar 20 2009
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10:26am Mar 20 2009
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((w/e. bye))
11:42am Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
((you'll have to asked FelineLover, whatever6551)) Sagepelt ate the flower and almost instantly started to feel better. "Thank you Starwalker. And not for just the flower."