5:31pm Mar 20 2009
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((unsure what to do....))
7:05pm Mar 20 2009 (last edited on 7:12pm Mar 20 2009)
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Posts: 443
((You could get Littleleaf to finally wake up (I think that oyur character?) Shes injured so it'll be interesting to see what she looks like.))
9:13pm Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Starwalker smiled."Your welcome."She then started to watch Crownedkit wo was busy balancing on her head."Are kits supposed to do that?"She asked.Blossomkit walked up beside Crownedkit and tared a bit before attempting it as well.She just kind of rolled over though.
9:27pm Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
"I dont think they are." Sagepelt purred in amusment at the kits. "I hope I get to mentor one of the kits. Particuarly Blossomkit. Theres omething about her I like."
9:36pm Mar 20 2009
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"I think you should metion that to Lovetar.Feelins can have some sort of meaning behind them.Im sure you would be able to mentor her well if you get her."Starwalker watched with amusment at the kits antics.Crownedkit was feeling especially proud now.Then blossomkit got jelous of Crownedkit's ability to stand on her head and hoved her with her head.Crownedkit let out a small high pitched yowl of surprise.She landed hard for a kit and then leaped upon Blossomkit.Blossomkit had just started a playfight.
9:47pm Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt purred at the complement. "Thanks Starwalker. How has your apprentice been? I dont see him much."
9:53pm Mar 20 2009
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"I dont know.He disapeered one day and I didnt know where to look for him.I asked tarclan and they said that he was fine and didnt need m at the time so I trusted them and stayed here instead of searching."Starwalker actually hadnt thought much of Boltpaw's disapeerance.
9:57pm Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt bit her tounge to not say something snippy about Starclan. She was on Starwalkers good side and she planned to stay there. "If they say hes fine, then we shuld not worry about it. If you ever need any help let me know okay. Id like to learn a little about being a medicine cat since Spaekers of the Stars comes to me." She looked hopefully at Starwalker.
10:02pm Mar 20 2009
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"Hm...okay.What is it you would want to know?"She didnt know why she wanted to learn thins that a medicine cat does since she already had enough to deal with.
10:05pm Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
"I want to know how to inturpret sighns mostly. But I kinda want to learn to heal in case theres another attack." She looked away. "Or we have to relocate the clan." She mumbled the last part.
10:09pm Mar 20 2009
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"Well first ill show you some simple things.The interpritation things are more dificult though as they can vary from cat to cat."She went into her den and set out a few herbs Sagepelt might want too get to know better.
10:21pm Mar 20 2009
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Posts: 443
10:23pm Mar 20 2009
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Sagepelt sniffed the herbs. She spent the rest of the day in Starwalkers den learning the herbs. She was exuasted by the end of the day and wanted to curl up with Foxfoot in the warriors den. Like she did every night.
10:28pm Mar 20 2009
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Starwalker yawned and curled p to sleep.She was tired after teaching so much.Boltpaw had never wanted to know nearly as much as Sagepelt.Sagepelt was better at acting like an apprentice then Bolttpaw had!
10:35pm Mar 20 2009 (last edited on 10:48pm Mar 20 2009)
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt had the oddest dream she could remember having. She was curled up in a well protected den. It was warm and there was a homey scent to it. She suddenly felt somthing wiggle next to her. Starteled she looked down. Laying curled beside her stomach were three tiny kits. She purred and instantly fel in love with them. One was black, anf the other two were silver, on lighter than the other. She wanted to protect them, to never leave thier sides. Sagepelt nuzzled the kits, drinking in their scents. She suddenly felt someone prodding her. She snarled in annoyance and anger. The kits were suddnely driffting away, she wailed after them. With a sudden jerk she woke up looking at an anxious Foxfoot. He wanted to know if she wanted to go hunting. She agreed instantly. But her heart hurt for those three kits. She was going to have to ask Starwalker about this one. As she walked back into camp she dumped her fresh kill offering on the pile and headed over to the medicines cat den. "Starwalker?"

11:20am Mar 21 2009
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Posts: 443
10:01am Mar 24 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Bump!! Ugh... Travelings! once im back home im posting! Lovestar greeted Harmheart and her family. "Greetings!"
I'm Feline♥
6:25pm Mar 25 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt sighed in annoyance, apperantly Starwalker was not there. She padded off to the nursery and played for a bit with the kits.
2:28pm Mar 26 2009
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Posts: 2,220
I'm Feline♥
2:55pm Mar 26 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((aw man! i missed a lot! what happened and how can my charries come in?))