2:39pm Mar 27 2009
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Posts: 2,220
"Erm, well. That belly... You look like if you were expecting kits. But i dont think that might be the reason... Why dont you go and see Starwalker?" Lovestar meowed. She wasnt sure if it might be kits or food... But if it was kits, who might be the father? I havent noticed Sagepelt falling in love with any tom..
I'm Feline♥
2:41pm Mar 27 2009
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Posts: 443
((bump, my comuter wont switch pages, sorry))
2:44pm Mar 27 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelts skin flushed three shades of red. "Kits! Oh, surly not." She panicked. She got up and paced. "I just came from Starwalkers den, shes not there. Ill go see if Foxfoot wants to hunt." She bolted to the warriors den.
2:53pm Mar 27 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Lovestar opened her mouth to talk, but Sagepelt was already gone. Poor Sagepelt... She thought. Then she carefully padded inside of the nursery. "I have another question for the kits. Does any of you wish to be Starwalker's apprentice when the time comes?"
I'm Feline♥
3:10pm Mar 27 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((What are Willowpaw's, Echopaw's, and Tigerpaw's mentors? Im sorry, i suddenly just forgot. And, is this correct... Crownedkit=female. Blossomkit=female. Brightkit=female. Lakekit=female. Scratchkit=male.????))
I'm Feline♥
3:24pm Mar 27 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Look at the first page. Its the ultimate version. XD))
I'm Feline♥
3:49pm Mar 27 2009
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Posts: 443
((Dasyflower is Brightkit, Lakekit, and Scratchkit's mother. Not Littleleaf. Also there is Nighpaw, Dapplesongs apprentice. Scratchkit as a female. Echopaw is Rockpelts apprentice, while Oakcloud is Tigerpaws apprentice. I dont think there is a Willowpaw, I havent heard of him. Hope this helped.))
2:44pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Thanks a bunch! It helped alot. I changed it now. Dapplesong is Aurrby's character, but she never roleplays here so i took her off of the list. Im not sure who's character is Nightpaw, is it yours? Maybe its also from someone that never roleplays here because i took him off and i havent seen anyone roleplaying him/her. Isnt Willowpaw, Echopaw's sister? Willowpaw is the kit who had gotten in trouble by helping Lovestar attack some wolves, or am i confused with another Willowpaw from another roleplay? Ah, sorry for my broken memory.))
I'm Feline♥
3:08pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 443
((Thats fine! Glad it helped. Willowpaw is Echopaws sister and the kit that tried to help.))
3:14pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 443
3:30pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 2,220
bmp. Pandameg needs to come...
I'm Feline♥
3:32pm Mar 28 2009 (last edited on 3:33pm Mar 28 2009)
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Posts: 443
bump, She does
3:43pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 2,220
i wonder if she is connected? I was roleplaying with her in another roleplay a few minutes ago.
I'm Feline♥
3:46pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 443
So was I, I reminded her about this one and she never repiled back.
4:14pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 2,220
LOL. The same thing just happened to me. XD That might meen she's away.
I'm Feline♥
4:36pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 443
To bad, oh, and im going to have Sagepelt have kits. Is that okay?
5:28pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Crownedkit an Blossomkit remained silent.They wanted to be warraiors.Not medicine cats.Then Starwalker entered.She had heard the question and said to Lovestar"Starclan will choose who the next medicine cat will be.When that time comes we will know who gets to be the next medicine cat."She didnt beleive that a cat from Loveclan should choose.It should be starclan since they were the ones who were going to get to share dreams with the cat.They needed the correct one who could understand dreams.
5:29pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Im sorry.Parents were being mean today.I had to clean my ENTIRE room...even the closet and under the bedO_OIt was a very ugly battle between me nd the filth....Many died...))
5:34pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 2,220
(LOL, panda XD Of course its ok, Sagepelt X3 How many do you plan to make her have? Any amount is good with me, except for 1,000 kits(That wouldnt be so good XD))
I'm Feline♥
5:35pm Mar 28 2009
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Posts: 2,220
"Ok, Starwalker." Lovestar nodded and padded out of her den. Rest was begging her.
I'm Feline♥