12:58pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 443
((This is off topic FelineLOVER, but did you create your signature?)) Shade looked at the freshkill pile and noticed how small it was. "No thanks, I had a bite or two of Littleleafs freshkill. Leave it for someone who really needs it." He murmered, greif consumed him when ever he spoke of the wounded she cat.
1:42pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 2,220
I'm Feline♥
1:43pm Mar 29 2009
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((Nope. DawnHeart did. Isnt it great?)) Loevstar nodded and finished her food. Then she padded beside Shade. "Wanna go on the sunset patrol?"
I'm Feline♥
1:50pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 443
((I love it, im looking for one myself, ill have to ask her.)) Shadeheart nodded. "Of course Lovestar."
2:02pm Mar 29 2009
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"Okey. Lets go, then." Lovestar padded out into the forest. Its expencive, though.
I'm Feline♥
2:07pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 443
((About how muchare they?)) Shade quickly followed her scenting the air for wolves, or foxes. "Are you sure your alright, you seem a bit distracted." He kept a look out.
2:15pm Mar 29 2009
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You ask her, she always changes XD "Well... Its just weird. I was talking to Echopaw that Sagepelt and Dasyflower had kits. And he suddenly uses these simple words... Maybe Dasyflower's kits are her reincarnated family? Or Sagepelts? Ive heard that Dasyflower's family died horribly, and Sagepelt's too. She's your sister. What do you think?"
I'm Feline♥
2:18pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart flinched at the thought of her sister having kits. "She has been getting awfully close to Foxfoot and with her having all of the weird dreams from Speakers of the Stars, its hard to tell. But Iv heard of Dasyflowers family and non of the kits look like them." He sighed. "So your telling me my sister is going to have kits?"
2:27pm Mar 29 2009
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Lovestar flinched. I thought he already knew! "Uh, yes. She is. Doesnt her belly bring you the thoughts of kits? I never thought Foxfoot was close to Sagepelt. Would you tell him the news for me?"
I'm Feline♥
4:31pm Mar 29 2009
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I'm Feline♥
4:37pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart felt the ground shake under his paws and every thing went blury. Sagepelt is having kits! "Uh, sure Lovestar, ill tell him." He sat, hard, and looked at the sky. "You can go ahead Lovestar, ill catch up later." He closed his eyes and thought of a hundred ways that he could make Foxfoot dissapear.
4:42pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((im hear! i read everything too)) Dasyflower looked at Sagepelt and said "well it hurts a bit, and sometimes you can feel them moving, and your stomick gets really big untill you finilly give birth." she said "i hope that helped." then she licked her kits heads. "I think im getting used to not having a left eye or ear." she said. "and at least it does not sting anymore..."
4:46pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt purred to Dasyflower. "Thanks, I have a feeling Im going to be moving into the nursery pretty soon." She flinched a little as her stomach gave a twinge. "I have a feeling that next couple of months are not going to be fun." She smiled at the queen. Shadeheart almost forgot Lovestar was there as he placed his nose under his paws and groaned in horror.
4:52pm Mar 29 2009
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Dasyflower smiled "it is worth it in the end" she said.
4:55pm Mar 29 2009
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Lovestar ignore Shadeheart's words. "Oh, Shadeheart. Your worried about her, arent you?" Lovestar layed down beside him and licked him. "She will be fine, Shadeheart. I promise you that. She'll have her kits, and if Echopaw's prophecy is true, you'll soon have your family back. Visit her and make her feel comfortable beside you, make her think that your her best brother, instead of a bossy-pawed furball."
I'm Feline♥
4:56pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt smiled. "I had a dream not to long ago, and there were three little kits beside me. I had never been so happy in my life as I was with them." She sighed. "Is that what its like, you never want to let them go, and it hurts when they grow up or dissapear." She looked over at the kits that were watching them.
5:00pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart looked up at Lovestar. "Yes im worried about my sister." He looked at her with pain filled eyes. "Im so worried that something is going to go wrong. I have no one if something happens to her. I knowim acting selfish but its hard not to." He got to his paws and padded back to camp with his tail drooping to touch the ground." Thanks Lovestar." He murmered over his shoulder.
5:02pm Mar 29 2009
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Lovestar dipped her head and followed.
I'm Feline♥
5:03pm Mar 29 2009
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Posts: 4,848
Dasyflower nodded "i think im gonna cry when they become apprentces..." she said. "we will visit moma!" lakekit mewd. "yah." scratchkit said.
5:05pm Mar 29 2009
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((im not using tigerpaw anymore, i dont know how to make her die though... and who is Rockpelt's apprentice again?))