1:11pm Jan 25 2009
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Starwalked look at her then said"Oh.I must still be tired if I didnt see you there."She smiled some.Her sleep hadnt been going to good lately and most of the cats in the camp knew that.
1:13pm Jan 25 2009 (last edited on 1:14pm Jan 25 2009)
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Lovestar nodded and left her den, and walked towards the river.
I'm Feline♥
1:16pm Jan 25 2009
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Boltpaw wandered out from the apprentice den
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
1:18pm Jan 25 2009
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Starwalker lok aaround her den."Well I guess we should start off by teaching you the diferent things I have."AShe said walking over to the many herbs and other things she used.
1:21pm Jan 25 2009
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Lovestar splashed herself in the river washing all the dirt from her long fur. Echopaw watched her.
I'm Feline♥
1:54pm Jan 25 2009
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Echpaw walked towards the fresh-kill pale, it was finished. Lovestar shook all the water from her pelt and walked to a small patch of sun to dry off. When she was fully dry she walked towards Sagepelt, her deputy. "Hello Sagepelt. I will lead the next hunting patrol, will you come? and ask Shadeheart if he wants to come too." Lovestar meowed too Sagepelt. "Echopaw is comming for his first time." She added.
I'm Feline♥
1:58pm Jan 25 2009
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Fernleaf walked up to them."Can I come?Im bored to death."She said.She also hadnt eaten today.She had given her food to Warmheart and her kits who were just starting to try meat.
2:08pm Jan 25 2009
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While waiting for Sagepelt's reply, "Sure." Lovestar meowed. "Can you tell Echopaw to come here?" She added.
I'm Feline♥
2:13pm Jan 25 2009
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"Sure."She then padded over to Echoe paw and said"Lovestar wants to see ya."She happened to be one of those cats who couldnt say you for some reason.Ya was the the replacment of that word.
2:31pm Jan 25 2009
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"ok!" He answered following Fernleaf towards LoveStar.
I'm Feline♥
2:43pm Jan 25 2009
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Posts: 443
"Yeah, ill go, and ill go get Shadeheart real quick." She padded off to the warriors den and poked her head in. "Shadeheart, do you want to go on patrol?" He rose his head and grumbled. "Yeah, im coming, im coming." Both cats walked back over to where Lovestar was waiting. "We're ready yto go." Sagepelt said.
2:52pm Jan 25 2009
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"Ok," She meowed and ran towards a place in their territory where she knew there was some prey. She looked around it seemed so weird she couldnt scent almost anything. Suddenly she heard a squirl eating a nut beside a tree. "Look..." Lovestar whispered to Echopaw, "Ill catch this one, look how i catch it." She finished and hidding on the grass and jumped towards the squirl and killed it with one bite. "Ok, now try to scent another one and lets see how you go with your first catch ever." Lovestar meowed to Echopaw. "Ok," he replied as he looked around searching for more prey while Lovestar buried the squirl to take it to the camp later.
I'm Feline♥
6:47pm Jan 25 2009
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Fernleaf sat down and tok many dep breath.No prey.Not one single prey creature was close."Im going out farther.There may be some prey outside of our territory."She said,.She got up and started towards the boundary of their territory.
11:53am Jan 26 2009
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Boltpaw looked around the medicine cat den, she smiled
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
12:50pm Jan 26 2009
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'Im worried, theres so little prey, expecilly for this time of theseason. And Lovestar looks concerned. Sigh, what going to happen when leaf-bare comes.' Sagepelt thought. Then a little further away from the rest of the patrol she spotted a mouse nibbling on a seed. She took it out with one swift bite. After the patrol came back together they all notice how little they caught. All the warriors and the apprientice looked to Lovestar for an explination.
1:52pm Jan 26 2009
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"I dont know, its very weird. I havent seen such little prey." Lovestar sounded worried. "I guess we will have to go fish on the lake until we find out whats happening to our prey!" Lovestar meowed with pain in her eyes. "So, lets go back and fish." Lovestar finished walking towards the lake. "Echopaw, this is how you catch a fish." Lovestar meowed as she crouched infront of the water. "First crouch and wait till a fish comes, the bigger the better." Lovestar kept meowed as a fish passed by, "Dip your paw in the water and quckly pull it out to the solid ground," Lovestar meowed as she pulleed the fish out. "No you try." Lovetstar finished. Echopaw nodded.
I'm Feline♥
7:57pm Jan 26 2009
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Fernleaf was still going though.She would traavel until she found a good prey place.She did but wahat she came upon was only a small pocket of fat field mice.She swiftly killed about six and then stgarted ti drag them back towards the territory by their tails ince there were to many to holld in a normal way.
10:38pm Jan 26 2009
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Posts: 597
As the rest were Hunting Kasha slowly approched in Curiousity. Wondering what they were doing she approached Fernleaf and followed her around to get an idea of what was going on. As Kasha watched she started to learn and quicky tried to pounce on a Fat field mouse,attempted but failed. Startling Fernleaf she quickly ran back into the bushes.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:17pm Jan 26 2009
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Name:Night Paw Rank: Hunter Eye color/pelt color: Green/Gray and Black Personality: Fast and Good at Hunting! Gender: Female Look:  Mate: Always Looking For A Mate! :)
11:37am Jan 27 2009
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Boltpaw had wanted to be a medicince cat all her life, while the other kits were playfighting, she would pretend to sort herbs. now she had got on the path she wanted to follow, Boltpaw was a little nervous.
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment