3:08pm Mar 30 2009
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((Yes. Thats good. You can someway make Tigerpaw go away a little from Oakcloud and find a female badger with 4 kits. He can try to save the clan by killing them, but he fails.))
I'm Feline♥
3:12pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt eyes flew open. "You think so, Thay would be wonderful!" She di a little hop skip until he stomach twinged. "Note to self, dont move to much." She laughed and lay down. "Thank you for the wonderful news Lovestar." She purred. "Ill do that."
3:15pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((Can you be the badger Feline?)) Tigerpaw chased a mouse that ran away, she then saw a badger, it had four kits! i have to save the clan! she thought and grabbed one of the kits that was the farthest away and killed it quickly.
3:19pm Mar 30 2009
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((gtg for a stupid dinner that i dont even want to go to D:))
3:56pm Mar 30 2009 (last edited on 3:58pm Mar 30 2009)
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bmp. Double post. sorreh.
I'm Feline♥
3:56pm Mar 30 2009
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You dont want to eat? You silly! Eating is fun! *Only if its not fast food* Ugh. *Glares at Stupid Mcdonalds* Ill hate you forever Mcdonalds! *kicks Mcdonalds.* Before the baby badger got killed, the mother badger jumped on Tigerpaw, not enough to kill it though. She bit his ear and growled fiercely. The baby cub ran away, one of his sister following it. Only 3 badgers left. Lovestar licked her ear. "No problem!" She purred. "Now go get some sleep... Itll do well for you-i mean, all of you." She looked at Sagepelt's belly.
I'm Feline♥
4:02pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt looked selfconciously at her belly. "Would you do me a favor when you get the chance." She looked once again at Lovestar. "Cna you tell Foxfoot about this. I dont want to look him in the eyes if he dosent want them." She let her head fall to the earth in despair, not wanting her kits to grow up without a father like her and her siblings did.
4:10pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Lovestar nodded and pressed her muzzle to Sagepelt's. "Dont worry, ill take care of that. Now go to sleep. Its your first time in the nursery, dont forget that!" She teased the last words. ((Can you do me a favor and Rmail Foxfoot's owner to come? I have to go now...))
I'm Feline♥
4:31pm Mar 30 2009
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Posts: 443
(yeah, ill rmail her) Sagepelt purred at Lovestar and curled around to sleep.
7:23am Mar 31 2009
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Lovestar padded over to the warrior's den. "Foxfoot? Are you in there? Im sure you are, i havent sent you on a patrol. Come out please."
I'm Feline♥
10:33am Mar 31 2009
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Posts: 443
((I rmailed her and she said shw ould try to be on today, but she wasent for sure.)) Shade lifted his head and looked around, everyt hing seemed to be okay, but their was a sense of dread about the camp. He shuffled in aggitation.
4:50pm Mar 31 2009
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Foxfoot yawned. He shook his head, clearing away the sleep. "Leafstar?" he blinked. Foxfoot sat up, licked a paw, and drew it over his ear. He stumbled out of the warriors den. "Is it Sagepelt? Is she okay?"
5:29pm Mar 31 2009
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5:47pm Mar 31 2009
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Tigerpaw growled and bit the badjer's leg.
6:22pm Mar 31 2009 (last edited on 7:39pm Mar 31 2009)
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"Lovestar?" Oakcloud called. "Thank StarClan! I've lost Tigerpaw! I'm a terrible mentor." she cried. "I don't deserve an apprentice." she mewed.
6:37pm Mar 31 2009
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Rockpelt walked over "dont talk like that." he purred "she is probily just exploring."
7:39pm Mar 31 2009
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"No, Rockpelt, she couldn't be out exploring." Oakcloud accused him. "We had sented a strong scent of badger while we were out hunting. I told her to wait 'till we could tell Lovestar what we had scented." Oakcloud hesitated. "We scented a badger and her kits, a whole family."
7:40pm Mar 31 2009
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Rockpelt was silwnt, he did not know what to say.
7:48pm Mar 31 2009
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(Feline Lover- Do you want Echopaw (the alive one) to be the reincarnation of the Echopaw (the dead one?))
7:51pm Mar 31 2009
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