12:59pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 4,848
lakekit poked her nose out of the den and looked around no one hear. she thought. Then she went to the entrance again ((brb, lunch))
1:03pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart forced a smile. "Okay, I guess. Sagepelt had her kits. Their all healthy and beautiful."
1:13pm Apr 5 2009
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"i wish i was there." she purred "I bet they will grow up to be as buetifull and handsom as you and sagepelt."
1:16pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart smiled. "I hope so, but from what iv seen they are beautiful." He looked at her and noticed somthing. "Starwalker feeds you well dosent she." He flicked his tail to touch her bloated stomach.
1:20pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 4,848
Littleleaf smiled "im not sure that its food..." she said quetly.
1:25pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
He tipped his head to the side. "What do you mean its not the freshkill." He looked out of the den and noticed a small tail dissapearing out into the forest. With a hiss he got to his paws. "Ill be beck in a minute, after I take care of that kit." He walked off after Lakekit.
1:28pm Apr 5 2009 (last edited on 1:29pm Apr 5 2009)
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Posts: 4,848
Lakekit ran into the forest, she loved the smells, the sounds of prey. so this is how it fealls like... she thought, then she pounced on a mouse my first kill.... she burreid it. Then she climbed up a tree. Littleleaf watched Shadeheart go. She sighed how do i tell him.... she thought starclan help me...
1:33pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart found the freshkill that was buried and was inpressed that the kit caught it. Following the kits scent he found her up in a tree. Panick flared in his heart. "Lakekit, get down from there before you fall!" He snapped.
1:45pm Apr 5 2009
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"but i dont want to!" she wined "im having fun! Its fun to not lison to rules and be free, and do whatever you want!
2:53pm Apr 5 2009
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3:01pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart hissed at her. "If you dont follow rules, you'll end up a rouge, away from the clan." He snapped. "Now get down here before I tell Lovestar what your doing and she will not let you become a warrior until way after your siblings do."
3:02pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
((Bump, page lag))
3:08pm Apr 5 2009
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Lakekit sighedand came down. being a rouge sounds kind of fun though..." she said.
3:15pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade bared his fangs. "Theres nothing worse. And I would know, I was one for the begining of my life." Getting up he padded back into camp, looking back to make sure Lakekit was following.
3:17pm Apr 5 2009
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Lakekit sadly followed, looking behind her as she was walking, wishing that she could go......
3:22pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart agreed with the kit, wishing he could be free again. He smirked knowing that some time tonight or tommorow he would head back to the cave on the pleatu. Entering the camp he sent the kit back to the nursery and padded over Sagepelt. She looked up at him sadly. "Shade, im goin to do the hardest thing Iv ever done in my life." He looked at her worridly.
3:24pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 4,848
Lakekit smerked i will leave later..... she thought and lied down.
3:30pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt reached over and sniffed her kits, with a pained sigh she grabbed Amberkits scruff. "I want you took take Amberkit with you. Ill tell the clan that a fox got her, and you went to get revenge. You will not return so the clan will think you died." She whimpered quietly. "You've really though this out, havent you?" He licked the kit. "But who will feed her?" Sagepelt looked up at him, her eyes greif filled. "There was that queen that lived in the twoleg barn not far from the den, she was always having kits, so she will be able to take care of her." She licked her brothers cheek. "Take care of her, and yourself. And tell her that I love her, Shade." He licked her ear. "I love you Sagepelt, take care." Grabbing the kits scruff, he bolted out of the den and out of the camp, intent on heading back to the pleatu cave, only a hours walk form the clan.
3:37pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 4,848
Lakekit saw Shadeheart leave, and left the den without anyone knowing, she quickly followed him. Littleleaf could not sleep, she was thinking of how to tell Shadeheart that she was going to have kits. She then had an idea, she went to the nursery to talk to Sagepelt.
3:45pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt lifted her head when Littleleaf walked in, she looked quickly away and nosed her two remaining kits. She wailed softly in grief. "What do you want Littleleaf?" Shadeheart, no Shade now, he though, headed quickly to the the den, trying to ignore the tiny kit that was wailing in hunger. Suddenly over the ridge came a large red barn. He smiled. Quickly padded into he yowled. "Soar! Soar are you here?" A grumble was heard nearby and a tortishell head popped up out of the hay. "Well, well. If it isent Silvers kit." She walked out to greet him, but stopped when she saw the kit. "Whos is this?" She asked suspiciously.