5:21pm Apr 5 2009
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Te male who was named Brte lived true to his name.He used brute force and wasnt to bright.Her climbed the tree and headed towards thebranch.If her put his weight on it,it would snap and both rogue and kit would fll to tthe ground either dying of being seriously injured.Either way crowfood for other predators.
5:24pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade followe the yowl and ran over. His blood boiled at the rouge who was trying to climb the tree that Lakekit was in. "Leave her alone!" He snarled and jumped into the rouges back throwing him off the tree and onto the ground.
5:26pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
((bump, page lag))
5:26pm Apr 5 2009
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5:27pm Apr 5 2009
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Lake took no chances, she used her back legs to jump to the next tree.
5:30pm Apr 5 2009
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Brute swung around to face his opponent.His ead was held low as was his body in abattle stance used by only tthe most experianced fighters.This kept his neck safe as well as his stomach.HE started to back away thinking about finding an easier meal.
5:31pm Apr 5 2009 (last edited on 5:32pm Apr 5 2009)
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Posts: 443
Bristling Shade faced the riouge. "What do you want with the kit. If its to hurt her, you'll have to go through me." He hissed. "Run, Lakekit, get to the barn." He took a pace towords the retreating rouge.
5:34pm Apr 5 2009
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"Look.Im a desperate cat in desperate need of food.After all,whats one cat more or less?There are plenty enough that are going to die of hunger here and I certanly dont plan to be one of them.If you can find me some other foo then I will leave the kit be.If not then I will continue until I get them.They are fat and would make for a great meal."The fact that he was in o way related to the cat made it all the easier to eat the kit.In his mind the world revolved around one thing.Eat or be eaten.Who knows.If he didnt eat that kit they might come and eat him when he was old and weak.
5:37pm Apr 5 2009
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insted of running, lakekit jumped from tree to tree in the opisot way of the barn ((i have to go, i will try to come back later))
5:40pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade snalred in rage. "You would eat a helpless kit!" He sneered. "You dont plan on dying soon? Then I sugjest you stay away from the kits, or I will kill you myself." He flashed his claws at the rouges face. "Now beat it."
5:45pm Apr 5 2009
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Brute snarled before heading off to find an easier meal.Getting a kit wasnt worth that trouble.He could get a rabbit with much more ease.He didnt want a little lemur kit to eat anyways.
5:46pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 443
((bump, page lag))
7:33pm Apr 5 2009
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7:57pm Apr 5 2009
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Shade smirked in delight as the rouge ran off. Padding back to the barn he looked inside and walked over to Lakekit. "Now do you see how dangerous it is a rouge."
8:11pm Apr 5 2009
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((lakekit went in the opisit way of the barn))
8:39pm Apr 5 2009
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9:02pm Apr 5 2009 (last edited on 9:05pm Apr 5 2009)
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Posts: 7
Name: FallenLeaves
Gender: Male
Personality: Fierce, won't resist to kill. He is emotional, and he is hurt when betrayed. He always stands up for what is right but sometimes will pick fights..
Rank: Warrior
Mate/Crush: Noppers!! OPEN!!
"We may not be created equally, but we are still connected in some way remember that. And also, remember that your friends need you and well, i need you," ~ quote from Kitsune my charrie on the RPG The Fight is not over yet! (Team Rocket Pokemon RPG)
9:03pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((you have to have a warrior name.))
9:06pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 7
(( i changed it! ))
"We may not be created equally, but we are still connected in some way remember that. And also, remember that your friends need you and well, i need you," ~ quote from Kitsune my charrie on the RPG The Fight is not over yet! (Team Rocket Pokemon RPG)
9:07pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((now you can join ^^))