9:13pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 7
(( kk ^_^ can i get an idea of what is going on?? ^_^ ))
"We may not be created equally, but we are still connected in some way remember that. And also, remember that your friends need you and well, i need you," ~ quote from Kitsune my charrie on the RPG The Fight is not over yet! (Team Rocket Pokemon RPG)
9:20pm Apr 5 2009
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9:20pm Apr 5 2009
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(( kk ))
"We may not be created equally, but we are still connected in some way remember that. And also, remember that your friends need you and well, i need you," ~ quote from Kitsune my charrie on the RPG The Fight is not over yet! (Team Rocket Pokemon RPG)
9:20pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((bump (again)))
9:37pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 3,137
((Harloo, any room for another?))
9:38pm Apr 5 2009
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9:38pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 7
(( ummm i said can i have an idea of what is going on? ))
"We may not be created equally, but we are still connected in some way remember that. And also, remember that your friends need you and well, i need you," ~ quote from Kitsune my charrie on the RPG The Fight is not over yet! (Team Rocket Pokemon RPG)
9:42pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((ummmm, Dasyflower is sleeping in the nuresery, and rockpelt in the warrior den and scratchkit is in the nursery, littleleaf is also in the nursey, lakekit is with Shadeheart out of camp because she ran away to be a rough.))
9:46pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Hey ri.How come our're basicly acting like the leader of this roleplay even though you arent?Im just kind of curious.))
9:49pm Apr 5 2009
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9:51pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Just kind of curious really.Thats all.Im not saying thats bad or anything because thatskind of felines decision but i didnt know people did that in rps.It can be ignored nows.))
9:51pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 3,137
Name: Snowstorm Personality: Clever, friendly, dislikes smart alecks.
Gender: female. Desc: White with a black snowflake on her chest
9:51pm Apr 5 2009
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Posts: 3,137
((GASP! Page lag! *dives into bunker*))
9:55pm Apr 5 2009
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((panda: its just that i thought i could....))
4:15pm Apr 6 2009
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((im hear now!))
7:09pm Apr 6 2009
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Posts: 443
((In case you needed to know, FelineLover, Amberkit is with Shadeheart who is back at their old den, and Lakekit followed them. A old queen who knew Silver is nursing Amberkit. Sagepelt is saying that a fox had come into the den and stolen Amberkit, and hat Shadeheart went to go look for her but never returned. I will have Shadeheart and Amberkit return at a later date.))
7:16pm Apr 6 2009
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Posts: 7
(( kk ))
"We may not be created equally, but we are still connected in some way remember that. And also, remember that your friends need you and well, i need you," ~ quote from Kitsune my charrie on the RPG The Fight is not over yet! (Team Rocket Pokemon RPG)
7:35pm Apr 6 2009
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Foxfoot poked his head into the nursery. "Hi Sagepelt." he purred. "Did you know, Littleleaf is having kits? Shadeheart's kits? I'm gonna go tell him. I'll be back by dawn!" he ran out of the nursery. Once Foxfoot had explored the whole territory, he decided to look at the old abandoned twoleg barn. Foxfoot had a fealing that Shadeheart liked that place. "Shadeheart!" Foxfoot panted when he had found him. "I've been. looking. all over for. you! I have. a. message. From Little. Leaf." he panted. "She's having. Kits! Yours!" ~ Willow and Echo prodded LoveStar with there paws. Echo unsheathed one of her claws and poked Lovestar with it. "Lovestar! Lovestar we're ba-ack!" ~ Fawnfoot yawned. "Hey! Can't you cats give me some respect!" she snarled at the warriors. "I'm HUNGRY! I want fresh kill!!!!" (Fawnfoot is the only elder) ~ Ashwing walked up to the den after hearing the yowls of the two excited apprentices. "Come Willowpaw, Echopaw. Lovestar wants to be alone." he looked at Lovestar sadly. "Our names are Willow and Echo." explained Willow. "Yea, our mother gave us those names, so we'll stick to those names. It'll be the only things to tie us to out kin. Ashwing muttered. "Great" under his breath. He lead the two apprentices out of Lovestars den and to the apprentice den. ~ Oakcloud was in a fight with a badger. She racked her claws accoss its flank. The badger bit down on her leg. She yowled in agony. The badger gave a yowl of trumth, and bit the back of her neck. Oakcloud scratched the badger's nose feebly,and clawed out one of its eyes. She could feel blackness slowly engulfing her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw another cat. "Gow to the forest. Go to LoveClan, and tell everyone that I have died." she croaked.She died before she couldfind out the rogue's responce.
7:46pm Apr 6 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt tried to yowl at Foxfoot, tell him not to go look for her brother. Shade is going to be mad. She cuddled with ehr new born kits, who were becoming more active by the hour. Shadeheart looked up quickly at Foxfoot, "Thats impossible, they cant be mine." He glared at the ground. "Littleleaf diddnt even like me that much." He growled. Stalking over to his neice and the queen he sniffed Amber. "Tell the clan you found my body with a badger. Im dead to the clan, as is Amber." He looked at Foxfoot in grief. "Tell Littleleaf that I love her, as the last words I spoke." Amberkit sqirmed at little, a fimiliar smell ingulfing her. She knew that new cat as the one that was there when she woke up, that her mother spoke affectionitly to. Soar looked between Foxfoot and Shade, "Who is this young cat?" She asked, he tail curling pssessivly around Amber, in case he meant trouble.
8:00pm Apr 6 2009 (last edited on 8:06pm Apr 6 2009)
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Silverkit squermed around. Lake cocked her head "I thought she did love you." she said "She told me." Foxfoot had woken up Dasyflower, as she fell back asleep she relised Lakekit was gone, she looked around "lakekit? Lakekit?!" she called "sagepelt! Lakekit is gone!" "Oh no!" littleleaf exclamed. Scratchkit woke up and grunted.