7:31pm Apr 8 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade jumped up from his nest and bolted outside, surprised to see what looked like two rouges fighting. And a very frightened kit in the trees. He ran up under it. "Lake! Lake get down here and run in the opposite direction, they'll come after Amber and Soar before you!" He snapped at thew kit.
7:36pm Apr 8 2009
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7:36pm Apr 8 2009
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bump (again)
7:37pm Apr 8 2009
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Lake growled and jumped from tree to tree.
8:50pm Apr 8 2009
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Brute attacked ths other cat yowling and hissing a spitting loudly wondering what the crao just hapened.He for now took it as an accident and was just yelling at the cat for running ino him and scaring away his prey.He didnt attack though still thinking it was a mere accident.
8:52pm Apr 8 2009
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Lake jumped from tree to tree.
9:57am Apr 9 2009
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The tattered rogue snarled again, and leaped onto Brute's back. He sank his teeth into the back of it's neck. "If you value your life, come no further." the rogue threatened.
3:10pm Apr 9 2009
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Dodo and Dark are welcome to the roleplay. Thank you, Ribunny, for taking care of the roleplay while i was gone, but i would preffer if you didnt because it would be harder to say 'no' to a person that already made a full BIO and all that. ;) PS. New people are always welcome. Just not wanting the roleplay with too much characters! XD *Evil parents are taking computer away from me!! Sorry for all of that! I read most of the pages. Characters added to teh amazing list! Now let me finish reading so i can start writing my post. Lovestar shooed the two apprentices. ~
I'm Feline♥
3:14pm Apr 9 2009
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((kk ^^))
3:26pm Apr 9 2009
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Lovestar poked her head out. "Echopaw, Willowpaw. Come back here, will you? And you too, Ashwing. I need to talk to all of you. Especially for the apprentices. Oh, and, before you come here Ashwing, please give Fawnfoot a piece of frechkill, then you can come." She meowed. Once the apprentices entered sge began. "Ok. First of all, why isnt your mother with you? Second, your names are Echopaw and Willowpaw, i dont care if your kin is, blah, blah, blah,"-Lovestar rolled her eyes,-"Look, im happy your back, actually-Im really happy your both back. But Willopaw, your future medicine cat and you have to have a full name. And you too, Echopaw, even if your going to be a warrior, your going to be a good one with a great name. I want you both to start training tomorrow, for now you can rest. And go fetch Fernleaf. There is good news for Ashwing and her."
I'm Feline♥
3:35pm Apr 9 2009
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I'm Feline♥
3:36pm Apr 9 2009
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Page lag! Ugh!
I'm Feline♥
3:47pm Apr 9 2009
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Snowstorm padded back to the camp, a vole swinging from her jaws. She placed it in the fresh-kill and walked to the warriors den. ((Hrm.. Anyone want to be Snowstorm'smate? :3))
3:48pm Apr 9 2009
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Fernleaf woke up a little bit earlier.She was currently grooming herself.She still felt a little sore from her wolfish encounter but she was feeling better yet. Brute rolled onto her back ignoring that he exposed his stomach in order to crush this cat.He did have rather long fur anyways so the stomach was actually almost perfectly safe from aall the fur.
5:39pm Apr 9 2009
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Name: Ravenwing Gender: Male Age:19 moons (1 year, 7 months) Personality: Loyal, reserved, quiet Clan: Loveclan Rank: Warrior Mate: None, looking Looks: 
8:30am Apr 10 2009
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"Ha!" Willowpaw yelled. "I'm gonna be a medicine cat! I'm gonna be a medicine cat!" Echopaw instead nodded solemnly. "Oh, we abandoned our mother because we wanted to be true clan cats." "FERNLEAF!" Willowpaw yelled. "LOVESTAR WANTS YOU!!" ~ Ashwing fed Fawnfoot a piece of freshkill. He slowly walked upto Lovestar's den.
8:40am Apr 10 2009
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The rogue grabbed Lake in his mouth. The rogue threw Lake at Shadeheart's feet.
8:44am Apr 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Rvenwing chuckled at the newly returned apprentices. Getting up we padded over to the warirors den and looked in, surprised to see so little use of it. With a sigh he walked back out tosee if there was anyone around trhat would like to go hunting.
8:45am Apr 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade snarled at the rouge and stood over the wounded kit. "Get out of here, or fight." He hissed, worried for Amber as well as Lake. He took a threatening step forward his fur fluffed so he looked twice as big.
8:46am Apr 10 2009 (last edited on 8:47am Apr 10 2009)
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Posts: 443
((*Scowl* Double post))