2:39pm Apr 10 2009
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"Im not a afraid." Lake hissed and took a step tourds Shade.
2:39pm Apr 10 2009
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lost post, nuuuuu
2:39pm Apr 10 2009
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lost post, nuuuuu
2:59pm Apr 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade glared at the kit then turned back to the rouge. "I said get out of here."
2:59pm Apr 10 2009
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Brute tore his first attacker from his back and bred his teeth."Look.All Im trying to do is prevent myself from starving to death.No doubt that little kit your protecting will die of hunger.This place is turning into a wastland with no life in it.I even know why and none of you can stop it.Until hen I plan on eating watever I can get my claws on."His hunger had driven him to continuee after the cat.He might be a canibilistic cat with a large amount of inteligencce but intelligence was easily overpowered by hunger.He would eat what he could get.Even if it meant risking large injurys.He snarled and dropped into a fightng stance with his head held low as well as body to protect his neck and stomach.He braced himself for a fight that meant life or death.And not only for the kit.For the cat fighting to eaat it.He hadnt eaten in quite a long time.It was either get this meal or not make it to his next moon.
3:04pm Apr 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade stood closer to the kit but looked curiously at the rouge. "Why is it getting bad. Last time I was here it was abundant with prey." It hit him that if the rouge was right, then things would not be good for Amber. "Why dont you head for a forest somtwhere? Its better out there than staying here and killing helpless kits." He said, trying to act somewhat friendly.
3:04pm Apr 10 2009
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Lake climbed up anouther tree. and mocked "haha, your too big to jump from tree to tree, you will brake everything, haha!"
3:42pm Apr 10 2009
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"Because....I dont have the energy to find a new home.I havnt eaten in o long that I have lost most of my energy.In fact,I only look well fed do to my long coat.Ill bet you under all this fur is just skin and bones."Brute was starting to feel a little sad but he forced away the feeling.Now wasnt the time for him to be emotional.Now was the time to get something to eat.
5:01pm Apr 10 2009
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Peanut, formaly a Kittypet, stalked up to Brute. "Don't try to eat that kit!" Peanut scolded him."Get your own food! This is mine!!" Peanut pushed the rogue away (Brute) and gotready to leap onto Lake. She snarled and leaped. Shecould feel the energy in her veins pulsing through her body.
5:44pm Apr 10 2009
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Lake jumped to the next tree. Then to the next one to be safe.
6:02pm Apr 10 2009
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Brute snarled and said"I found her first!I have more right to eat her than you do!"He saw her getting away and said"Forget it.We all know Im going to starve before I chase down that hideos little kit.Im going awy to go starve in peace!"He then leaped away scenting the whole time for more food.He knew he was to weak toleap up and get that kit now."I hope she falls out of thoe trees!"He yowled back to the other cats.He suddenly did manage to find a moue.He might not starve!Within several swift movements he had a dead mouse with him.Not as plump as that little kit but it would do for now.Some food was better than none.Once done he decided to go and once more be a spectater.He ran to the thing scaring prey away wwishing to watch it some more and study it a bit.He went to something that scared almost any creature.He was at the edge of a large baren clearing on the edge of a two leg colony.The skeleton of the large nests they lived in were in several places in the clearing with two legs loudly working on them with huge creatures and smaller objects.Brute watched in curiousity still wondering why they used those tiny tools when they could get those beasts to work for them.He crouched down and swiftly stalked closer.He hid behind a part of the skeleton nest.He watched from there trying to find out more about how they made these things.

6:04pm Apr 10 2009
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6:04pm Apr 10 2009
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bump (again -_-)
2:47pm Apr 11 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade snarled at the kittypet, or rouge, he could not tell. Leaping in the tree behind her he grabbed holt of her tail bitting it almost in half. He spit out the blood. "Lake, get your butt back to the barn." Somthing hit hhim then. "Its like protecting the nursrey, there are queens and kits that need to be protected. Go watch overt them like a warrior.
2:50pm Apr 11 2009
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"really?" she asked. Then without anouther word she leaped from tree to tree there.
3:37pm Apr 11 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade nodded, knowing he had cond the kit into do that. He turned back to the rouge, trying to get he to run.
3:40pm Apr 11 2009
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Lake garded the barn from a tree, she could now easily jump on top of a cats back, and if she used anouth fource snap there spine.
3:47pm Apr 11 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt for the first time in days padded around the camp, greeting cats who were around. She made sure every few minutes to go check on Silverkit and Nightkit. She had formed a good friendship with Littleleaf with the time in the nursery.
3:48pm Apr 11 2009
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Dasyflower was misrable "Where is Lakekit?!?" she wailed.
3:51pm Apr 11 2009 (last edited on 3:52pm Apr 11 2009)
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Posts: 4,848
((gtg, the elicttric guy is hear and he has to turn off the electricity))