1:00pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
2:56pm Apr 13 2009
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((bump, and remember the proficey? im changing it to this "If you do not return, your kits will be cursed with there, sight, hearing, paw, and mew." kk?))
2:57pm Apr 13 2009
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5:48pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
((Okay.)) Shade decided that the rouge was not worth his time, so he padded back to the barn and walked in. Soar looked up at him, while Amber jumped out, her little tail quivering. "Di you win?" She asked. Shade smiled at her and nodded. For once he relized how uch this place had changed, and howmuch was still to come. The humans had destroyed so much and little prey was left. He looked worried at Amber, maybe the clan was a better place for him. Littleleafs face suddenly popped into his mind. He had foegetten how much he had liked her, maybe more, until now. But would Lovestar let them come back, or would she drive him, probably not Amber, back into the solitude life of a rouge.
5:50pm Apr 13 2009
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((mabe he could stay untill after littleleaf gives birth cuse i have somthing planed for her kits XD))
5:54pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
((Kay, he wont leave.))
5:54pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
((Kay, he wont leave.))
5:57pm Apr 13 2009
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((thanks...time for littleleaf to give birth! X3)) "There coming!" Littleleaf yowled.
6:02pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt jerked her head up and rushed over to Littleleafs side, "Someone get Starwalker." She yowled. Ravenwing rushed off to the medicines cat den. He came back a few seconds later. "Shes not there." He repoted. Sagepelt tried to remember some of her training. "Okay Littleleaf, calm down." She mumured. "Ravenwing, go see if you can find Starwalker." He bolted.
6:04pm Apr 13 2009
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Littleleaf's first kit started to come out. Littleleaf wailed.
6:08pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt watched and waited see what was goign to happen, hopfully nothing bad, considering she had no idea what to do. "Good Littleleaf." She murmured. "First one is her." She pulled the kit away and began to lick it dry.
6:09pm Apr 13 2009 (last edited on 6:12pm Apr 13 2009)
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6:11pm Apr 13 2009
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6:14pm Apr 13 2009
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The little kit was breathing, but it did not mew, or wail like most kits did.
6:16pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt kept nuzzling the kit, trying to get it to start moving andmewing. She diddnt say anythingto Littleleaf incase it disru[ted the proccess. "Good job, keep going."
6:16pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((brb, homework, and its hard so i wont be back for a while D';))
6:45pm Apr 13 2009
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Starwalker had been gathering herbs since the latest events had started to drain her den of herbs.She heard the wailing and swiftly ather all the herbs she could.She dashed to her den and put u the herbs and rushed over to Litleleaf.She saw the kit was acting on."I think something might be wrong with this kit.Has it spoken?Mewled at all?Moved?"She saw it was breathing but there was none of the normal squealing or squirming.Fernleaf watched.She sighed.She didnt know if those kits were messed u somehow but seeing al these kits being born made her long for a mate of her own."Im going hunting."She said to no onn in particular before leaving the camp to find food.At least she could think out her sadness away from others and at the same time help the clan. ((I think Fernleaf has become jelous of the cats with mates in the clan...))
6:53pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Ravenwing felt a little queasy from the scent of Littleleafs blood and quickly padded over to Fernleaf. "Hey, mind if I join you?" He asked cautiously. He hadent been here very long and he diddnt know Fernleaf well, but he had sene her with the wounds so Ravenwing knew she was formitable.
6:57pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 1,895
"Sure."She continued on.She did smell prey.It was all stale scents though.She was actually considering trying to the two leg place for food.She heard from a few kitty pets that behind those tough round things they normally feed cats,was frash meat.Sometimes it was coked.Whatever'cooked' meant.It sounded good though.She did happen to see a mouse.It wasnt one that was unaware of her.Aas soon as she took after it the thing tryied to get away.She had trained herself to run fast though.It had become a neccesity lately.Soon she had chased down the mouse aand killed it.She padded back to where Ravenwing was and hid the mouse.
7:07pm Apr 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Ravenwing nodded congradulations on the kill and scented for his own prey, none. With a sigh he padded on further hoping to find somthing for the others, particurally since there were so many new mouths to feed. "I would have thought that with the wolves gone the prey woud return. But I wonder if it even was the wolves that was scaring the prey in the first palce." He comented quietly as to not frighten off prey. A twitch in the undergrouth larted h to a mouse he snuck upon it and killed it with a swift bite. He buried it.