11:00am Apr 22 2009 (last edited on 4:45pm Apr 22 2009)
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*Throws herself out of window* I lost all my post!! Now i have to start it all over again! "Yes, Starwalker, thats true. Thank you, Ill think about it for a day or two." Lovestar meowed and padded out of her den. Without looking at Shadeheart, she said, "Follow me." And padded over to the highrock. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around for a clan meeting!" She called. "I want Shadeheart, Amberkit, Lakekit, Blossomkit, and Crownedkit to sit beside me." Nightkit purred and rolled around, bitting Amberkit's ear. "Yay another sister!" He squeaked and moved away to let her out of the den to sit beside Lovestar. "G'luck!"
I'm Feline♥
11:01am Apr 22 2009
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Ugh. Page lag!
I'm Feline♥
11:01am Apr 22 2009
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Page lag again! Where are my posts going?
I'm Feline♥
11:01am Apr 22 2009
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I'm Feline♥
11:57am Apr 22 2009
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((The page lags really suck)) Shadeheart felt his heart drop, since Lovestar diddnt even look at him. Sighing he padded over to the nursery to get Amberkit and walked up to the highrock. He caught Soars terririfed eyes and flicked his tail to tell her to come over. The old queen ran over and pushed up beside him. "I hope they wont try to eat me like the rouge." She wailed softly. Shadeheart tried to purr in comfort. Amberkit looked around worridly, excpecially since Shadehaert, who she thought was fearless, looked like he was veing sent into a foxes den, or certain death. Her fur started to puff out in fear.
12:22pm Apr 22 2009
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Once they all gathered, she began. "Shadeheart, Why did you leave the clan and took two kits with you when the clans had trouble and then came back with an elder? Then tell me all the reasons why i should let you back in the clan. If i think it is enough good reasons, i will let you back in the clan and give you Crownedpaw as your first apprentice." Lovestar demanded. Nightkit watched the gathering from the nursery. "Whats happening, mother?" He squeaked in terror. "Amberkit isnt living again, is she?"
I'm Feline♥
12:31pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart dipped his head to Lovestar. "I did what I thought was right at the moment. I took Amberkit with me bacuse Sagepelt told me to. I was not going to take my neice with me at first. Lakekit followed, but I tried mutliple times to send her back, which she never would listen." He told her evenly. "I left because I missed being free, I missed doing what I wanted, not what another told me." His eyes turned dark. "But it was not the same, my old den on the pleatu is no longer there, it has been overrun by twolegs, so I came back, and not because it is the only plae left to go. And I brought Soar, back to the clan to be an elder, because she is old and like my mother. She feed Amberkit while she was there, she belongs here. The reason I came back was becasue I left my sister and her newborn kits behind, and also my clan with plenty of good friends. But if thats not enough, I left behind my love, my mate. And that was the hardest thing I ever had to do." He meet Lovestars eyes. "Do what you must, but I do not regret any thing I did." Sagepelt shushed her kit. "Amberkit wont, but im not sure about Shadeheart." She knew in her mind that if Lovestar exciled her brother, she would never look at her the same again. She listened to his speech and once he was finished she bolted up to the bottom of highrock. "Please Lovestar! He did nothing wrong, he did what he thoiught was right!" She wailed pleadingly.

2:34pm Apr 22 2009
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OMG i just lost my whole -Insert durty word here- post!!!! D< Im so mad! i had done it so perfectly and it is gone! ALL GONE!! Now i have to start all over again..... Lovestar thought for a moment. A long minute past as she thought about every word. "Ok, Shadeheart may stay. I someway feel it is the right thing to do and Crownedpaw.... Congratulations, Shadeheart's your new mentor. You shall touch noses now and start training tomorrow. Blossompaw will be my apprentice, i am so happy to know that someone is excited to be my apprentice and take my sadness off of my face. As for Lakekit, you have trouble now. Your about 4 moons now, and you need 2 moons to be an apprentice. Well, im changing those 2 moons into 4 moons. You must understand that what you did was very wrong and if you keep acting the same way i will add even more moons for you to be apprenticed much later than your littermates." She meowed. "Soar, you shall now be known as Soarfur, Loveclan's second elder. We shall treat you well and feed you everday." Nightkit jumped to his paws and cheered. "Blossompaw! Soarfur! Crownedpaw! Shadeheart! Amberkit!"-Nightkit breathed in the middle of his sentence. "And Lakekit!-i think..." He murmured the last two words.
I'm Feline♥
2:44pm Apr 22 2009
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Lakekit cocked her head "Who said i wanted to stay in the clan?" she asked. Littleleaf padded over to Shadeheart and purred, "Im so happy you can stay."
3:00pm Apr 22 2009
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Ribunny: Pwees dun make Lakekit so rebel, or else Lovestar will explode... *And me too.* D>!
I'm Feline♥
3:02pm Apr 22 2009 (last edited on 3:03pm Apr 22 2009)
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((Sorry, Lakekit has a bad attitude and stubbernus XD erase that post then..)) Lakekit yawned. She did not care at all.
3:02pm Apr 22 2009
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((bump, so annioin DX))
3:02pm Apr 22 2009
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((bump, so annioin DX))
3:02pm Apr 22 2009
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((bump, so annioin DX))
3:13pm Apr 22 2009
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(LOL) Anyway, there is not much i can do so lets wait for Panda and SAge to come. PS. Im doing math*homework* XD So ugly....
I'm Feline♥
3:19pm Apr 22 2009
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((I hate homework to DX))
3:23pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
((Please call me Shade, thanks!)) Shadeheart sighed in delight and releif. He turned and licked Littleleafs ear. "Im glad I dont ghave to leave you again." He murmured before padding up to Crownedpaw. "You'll do well." He murmured before touching his nose to his new apprentice. Turning bac karound he dipped his head to Locestar. "Im sorry for any trouble iv caused, and I wish to thank you for being gernerous enought to let me back in the clan." Sagepelt was sitting beside Foxfoot, purring in happiness. Soarfur was nodding, delighted in the way this was going.
3:26pm Apr 22 2009
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Littleleaf purred.
3:36pm Apr 22 2009
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((gtg be back in a couple hours))
3:52pm Apr 22 2009
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Kk, Shade ^_^ Ribunny: I know! Its so frusterating! I mean i spend almost all day on school and now i have to do even more at home! "No problem, Shadeheart." She purred. Lovestar touched noses with Blossompaw. "Meet me at the fresh-kill pile tomorrow at dawn, and dont forget to bring all your energy and luck with you." She purred. "This meeting is over! I can listen at the moon telling us to rest now." She yowled and padded over to her den.
I'm Feline♥