4:28pm Apr 22 2009
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Crownedpaw was extremely hppy nd practicly flew to the apprentices den.Warmheart had told her how apprenticing was supposed to be and what it was probobly like.She hadnt been told what it was definatly like as Warmheart never made it past apprenticing and gave herself her name.Crownedpaw didnt really care though.No doubt this was going to be awesome! Blossompaw was happy but not as overreactive as Crownedpaw and didnt seem like she was about to explode with joy.She attempted calmly walking to her new den but found herself running about halfway there.She pounced on Crouwnpaw and said"We're finally apprentices!"She meowed."Yah!I know!I bet it gonna be awesome!"The two then talked a bit more over todays events then curled up beside each other and fell asleep as they had always done in the nursery and while they traveled.The two did share a rather close bond even though from time to time their personalitys seemed to change.Dont question this personality problem though.It is confusing and will not be put here to save oyu from some serious thinking. Warmheart padded to the warriors den smiling since her kits had finally been apprenticed.She hoped they wouldnt end up with the kind of pprenticing she had.A bit of clan stuff then out into the real living and dangerous world!She curled up to sleep still thinking about her traveling days when she had nearly gotten her paws torn off by misplaced steps and such.Even though it sounds bad in her memory only the best parts of her journeying survived.

4:32pm Apr 22 2009
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Fernleaf began to hit more unstable ground full of loose stones and sch.She carefully leaped form one safe looking spot to the next only tripping once.She was getting tired though no and knew her journey had started to late and her ordeal earlier to bad for her to go to far.She padded around to find a place to sleep and finally settled under a think bush and slept with the eyes of Starclan staring down upon her.
4:33pm Apr 22 2009
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Starwalker had breifly watched the apprenticing and questioning happen.When all was over she went to her den.Then she decided to go check on Fernleaf really quick to see if she had gotten better yet.She paded to the den and found her not there!"Ravenwing.Where did Fernleaf go?"She asked with her voice not hiding her surprise.A recently almost dead cat had gone missing!
4:44pm Apr 22 2009
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Lovestar slept on her dreamless night. Some twitchings did she make when images of Fernleaf sleeping on stones appeared all of a sudden in he rmind.
I'm Feline♥
4:55pm Apr 22 2009
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Her eyes flew open as, after an image of Fernleaf, came an image of blood. Lovestar closed her eyes again and thought of it of just a simple dream. Well, not exactly, but she wanted to worry about it in daylight with some energy atleast.
I'm Feline♥
5:02pm Apr 22 2009
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Fernleaf woke usddenly as a sense of dread came over her.She silently got up and carried on in her traveling against the will of her legss.The rest of her screamed for a hasty fleeing but she knew silence was key.Whatever could cause her to feel like this definatly wasnt something she wanted to know where she was.
5:09pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Panda: Can you give me a small idea of the plan with Fernleaf, so i can pick the right reaction of my characters?
I'm Feline♥
5:16pm Apr 22 2009
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((I will in Sunclan.I dont wnt other peoples to be spying on mah top secret plans:3))
5:48pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadehart licked Littleleafs ear and told her to go back to the kits before he headed over to the warriors den, glad to be sleeping in the company of friends. He was trying to think of what he was going to teach Crownedpaw in the morning. He slept without dreaming and woke up refreshed. Getting up with a sigh Shadehaert walked over to the apprentices den to wake Crownedpaw. Sagepelt was up early and left her kits with Littleleaf for a few minutes while she went to talk to Lovestar. Once aty her den she called the original greeting of a deputy to her leader, then looked inside. Lovestar looked a little troubled so she padded up to her. "Is there anything I can help with Lovestar?"
6:00pm Apr 22 2009
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Crownedpaw was already awake and waiting.She got up early from the excitment of her first day of training.She had actually but up before sunrise with anticipation.She bounded over to greet her new mentor."Hi Shadeheart!"She said happily.She then said"You know I dont think Ive seen Fernleaf for while.Its wierd!It just noticed that!Shes normaly up at this time and while everyone else was sleeping I loked in the warriors den and she wasnt there.I found that very odd but I forgot about it.Now the thought came back over where she went and now its troubling me.You know,as though something bad is going to happen to her."She tended to extend any short conversation greatly and although sometimes when she did this things were made up and such but not this!She actually told the truth mostly this time that she rambled on! Fernleaf had gone through the night.The sense of a bad thing following her grewless but she stil felt the things presence whatever it was.She didnt care so much now and needed rest.She curled up under a thinner bush to make up for her missed sleep.

6:19pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadehaert could not help but smile at her. "Fernleaf is a warrior and can take care of herself, but if she needed help Starclan would send a warning to Lovestar, Starwalker of Sagepelt. Now, you need to focus on your training so when trouble does come you can be ready to fight it." He smirked at little, "Come on, where going to do some battle trainig." Since hunting is not my best spot. Hem walked out of the den and into the forest, looking behind only to make sure Crownedpaw was coming.
6:26pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
((Bump, darn page lag))
6:30pm Apr 22 2009 (last edited on 6:31pm Apr 22 2009)
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Posts: 443
((There they are!))
6:40pm Apr 22 2009
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Crownedpaw shrugged away her worries and ran after Shadeheart.She was eager to train so forgetting about Fernleaf was actually pretty easy.
6:48pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadehaert padded into the training grounds and turned to face Crowned paw. "I will show you the first move you need to know. Its called the Leap-and-hold. Attack me." He braced him self.
6:55pm Apr 22 2009
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"Ok!"Crownedpaw said.She dashed around behind him swiftly like she did when play fighting with Blossomkit and pounced on him from behind.
6:58pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart used the counter technic called the Drop-and-roll to throw her off then pinned her to the ground. "Good, but there are counter technics to all most every move. Try again, only this time, when I start to roll, you jump off as quick as you can. Now attack me."
7:07pm Apr 22 2009
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Crownedpaw nodded and tryed the move again watching carfully for any sign of him rolling.She was prepared to leap off the moment her made another movement.
7:24pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadheart rolled once agin pinning her, but just barly. "Good, if you would have jumped a second earlier I could not have gotten to you. Try on more time. He breaced himself. "After this I will show you one other thing."
7:30pm Apr 22 2009
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Cwonderpaw nodded.She then got an idea that sounded fun.She ran around behind him as before but darted to the side and whaked him in his side with her paw before leaping to his other paw and doing the same before jumping onto his back.She found it more fun than training.She was ready for just about anything now and her blood rushing made her prepared to jump within a split second.