7:35pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Shade rolled ne last time and reached his paws out to try and pin the apprentice, but she had already jumped and evaded his attack. He purred at her work. "Wll done Crownedpaw. Now we'll work on one more move before we head back. Its called the front paw blow. You need to catch me off guard and bring your paw ,claws unshealthed down on my head. Got it. Now give ity a try."
7:36pm Apr 22 2009
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Littleleaf liked the kits.
7:37pm Apr 22 2009
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Lakekit yawned, she then padded out of camp, not caring who saw her.
7:50pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Ravenwing paded up to Lakekit to stand in her way. "And where do you think your going?" He asked in a friendly tone.
7:51pm Apr 22 2009
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"O-What in the world is THAT?!"She yelled looking with a perfect fake look of surprise up into the tree tops.It would takre a true master to tell she hadnt seen something amazing or amazingly sacry.
7:53pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart flicked his ears up towrds the sky to determine weather she had been faking or not, there was nothing up there, so he kept his eyes on her.
7:57pm Apr 22 2009
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"Anywhere i want." Lakekit snapped and walked past him.
7:59pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Ravenwing sighed and followed the kit. "For someone so young you sure can cause a lot of trouble" He murmured.
8:01pm Apr 22 2009
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'dangit...'Crownedpaw thought to herself before proceding to continue in the act."Ima go try and get it!"She then leaped onto the tree and began to climb.She didnt actually know that she was on the verge of finding something quite amazing to an apprentice.She climbed up and looked through the branches letting out a cry of surprise.About twenty bats had taken roost in the tree for the day and it turned out no one had noticed because how many cats can honestly say they know the scent of a bat?Its always just ind of there.The bats started screaching and started to fly away.She saw an older looking one and captured it in her jaws holding it tighly.She didnt know what would happen if she killed it so it remained alive and complaining in her jaws with its wings flapping wildly.She was lucky it was a peaacful insect eating bat.She climbed back down the tree and showed t to Shadeheart asking"Fut if it?"When translated into cat tongue this full mouth speach reads'What is it?'
8:03pm Apr 22 2009
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Lakekit hissed and ran away, dissapearing into the forest.
8:19pm Apr 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Ravenwing rolled his eyes then paded after the kit. Shadeheart walked forwrds and sniffed it. "Me and Fernleaf saw some of the ses a long time ago, I trhink their called bats. We should get back to the camp and the Lovestar or Sagepelt about this. "He nodded to her. "Good job Crownedpaw." He got up, a bit stiff yet from the injuries from the rouge, and padded of the the camp.
8:21pm Apr 22 2009
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8:21pm Apr 22 2009
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8:23pm Apr 22 2009
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Lake was no where to be seen, she was hiding in a tree, but she was in a part that was impossible to see her from the bottom, and the wind was not blowing tords Ravenwing, that was good for Lake too.
8:26pm Apr 22 2009
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Crownedpaw smiled proudly and started back to the camp making her way in huge leaps and bounds.She felt extremely proud for catching some sort o new creature.
8:27pm Apr 22 2009 (last edited on 8:28pm Apr 22 2009)
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Posts: 443
Ravenwing sighed and sat on the bottom of the tree Lake was in. Sighed he looked around. "Why cant I do anything right? "He askerd himslef bitterly. "I could not take care of Fernleaf and she almost died, and now I lost a kit. For Starclan sake im usless." He glared at the tree where he had come from. "And iv only been here a couple of moons." Shadeheart chuckled at her antics, but could not blame her.
8:34pm Apr 22 2009
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Lake Sneered and had a hard time keeping back a laugh. ((Oh-oh Lake is becoming evil...))
9:08pm Apr 22 2009
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((Ribunny: What a bad mother would Dasyflower be if she ignored completly about her son and left him dissappear like that?)) Lovestar yawned and a heart beat later she came back to reality. "Fernleaf!" She tried to bit back the reply but it was to late. "I ment Sagepelt.. Sorry. I got some horrible images of Fernleaf. I think she is in trouble! Could you send a patrol please? I have to take Blossompaw with me to start training. Ive heard that Lakekit is gone, too, with the spooky dreams. I want you and Ravenwing, Boarfur, and Brackenfur to go and bring Lakekit here. I dont care how you bring him here! He is a little skill-less brat that is just wasting my warrior's time of hunting and feeding bellies! Once you bring him here take him far away from the territory for him to be impossible to come back. Dasyflower seems careless of her young child i just want him to leave forever! And as for Fernleaf, please bring her back. She is a great warrior the clan will do anything to have her back." She sighed. "Oh, Thank you, Sagepelt. I would have died if i didnt have you to take some trouble out of my paws. Now i hope Blossompaw is waited for me by the fresh-kill pile as i ordered her."
I'm Feline♥
9:09pm Apr 22 2009 (last edited on 9:12pm Apr 22 2009)
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((oops, i forgot about Dasyflower DX lets just say she got hit by a tree branch and is in a coma, ok? and sadly i hav to go D';))
9:20pm Apr 22 2009
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That would be too dramatic.... Why dont she just forgot and is now sleeping? Its more possible. XD
I'm Feline♥