10:41am May 5 2009
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Foxfoot sat up when he saw Shaepelt. He licked his paw and drew it up over his right ear, then his left."Sagepelt, over here!" he called. He pointed with his nose to the fresh kill. He poked it with one of his claws. "I took Willowpaw hunting since you were busy with your kits. He caught this rabbit, a squirrel, and two mice. I have to say that I am impressed. You must've taught him well before he and Echopaw left with Oak." Although her fur was already glowing and shining, Echopaw was grooming herself at the edge of the camp. She was starting to be really bored. No one had let her out hunting ever since the Mysterious Clan had settled in next to LoveClan. It wasn't fair! Why did Willowpaw get to hunt, and she couldn't!
10:42am May 5 2009 (last edited on 10:43am May 5 2009)
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*Eats double post* Yumm...
10:42am May 5 2009 (last edited on 10:43am May 5 2009)
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Bump >D
11:53am May 5 2009
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Posts: 443
((It says Willowpaw is Sagepelts apprentice, but I dont remeber her geting one.)) Sagepelt purred and padded up to him. "Yes, hes a excellent hunter, will do well in the future." She sighed and sat down. "Somthing really must be done about Amberkit, Shadeheart did not teach her the warrior code and now she's trying to go out of camp." She loked at her mate. "Thats worries me with the new clan about."
11:57am May 5 2009 (last edited on 11:57am May 5 2009)
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Name: Scar Gender: tom Age: 16 seasons Rogue Looks:  He has a scar running down from his eye to his upper lip, and one on his muzzle. His right ear is also torn. Personality: Cranky Other: unkown History: Scar was born into the coven of cats (all with strange colored eyes). When Scar was born, their was a famine that came to the coven, andall the cats dyed. Most were preyed on by the Black Panthers, a tribe of Rain Forest cats. One Black Panther came across Scar, and they took him to their camp. They raised him, and taught him how to hunt, and soon he became about half the size of the biggest black panther in the tribe (larger than any cat). A twoleg cameto the camp, and the otherblack panthers hid. Scar, not knowing what the problem was, stayed where he was in the middle of the camp. The twoleg grabbed him, and put him to sleep using a nasty tasting cloth. When Scar woke up, he was in a forest, and saw a cat (Oak) poking his limp body with an unsheathed claw. When Oak was traveling with Foxfoot as a loner, Oak was out hunting, and meet Scar. About a moon after Oak met Scar, Scar dissapeared, and Oak was expecting kits. That is why Echopaw and Willowpaw have strange colored eyes. Because their father was from the weird eyed coven. (Oak was about apprentice age when she had her kits). Mate: Oak (in StarClan) Kits: Willowpaw and Echopaw. To find out more about Oak, Willowpaw, and Echopaw, visit page 20.
12:02pm May 5 2009
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"When will the other kits become apprentices?" Foxfoot asked. "They seem old enough." "Mousebrain!" Willowpaaw squeeled. "Don't you know that kits have to be SIX moons old to be apprentices!"
12:09pm May 5 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt nodded. "Thats up to Lovestar, but hopefully soon." She looked ove at the nursery. "I hope I get to mentor Brightkit, she's devistated Lovestar choose Blossompaw." She flinched as Amberkit ran into her paws, eyes shining. "When do we get to be apprentices?!" She squeaked.
12:29pm May 5 2009
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In the temporary Sunclan camp Darkenedsoul was watching her green and glowing apprentice bound about examining the place.Her name was Nutpaw named so because as a kit when Darkenedsoul had found her she could only say 'Nut'.Nutpaw had been one of the first apprentices to get into this new camp.In fact,she had been the very first since she had secretly been trailing behind Darkenedsoul to the bear somehow managing to stay unoticed.Darkenedsoul suddenly got a thirst about her."Hey Nutpaw,want to go find some sort of stream or something to get water from?"Nutpaw eagerly nodded her head and was bounding away towards the soubnd of water before Darkenedsoul had even started to go.Darkenedsoul could easily catch up to her apprentice though.They soon came upon a small creek.It happened to be the same one that had gotten Fernleaf sick.The two cats didn't know this but they were discovering something.Just as Nutpaw bent down I find out a litle bit more."Nutpaw meowed"Kay mentor."and backed away from the tainted water.Darkenedsoul leaned down and took a deep breath.A hiss came out of her mouth."Don't let any cat drink this.This isn't fit for any cat to drink unless they desrerved to die.Let's go back to the new camp and tell the leaders about this. ((Lucky me.Good amount of extra time today.))

9:20pm May 5 2009
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Of course SunClan still have powers. Im giving Echopaw another mentor since Rockpelt isnt doing anything with him. Lovestar watched the SunClan cats settle in. She nodded her thanks to Shadeheart and padded into her own camp. She padded up to the highrock and gave her call. "All cats, of LoveClan, old enough to catch their own prey, gather around for a LoveClan meeting!" She called, making sure only LoveClan cats came. "SunClan is now living next to us for a couple of days or so. They might want to settle territory next to us. I want no Sunclan cats on LoveClan camp or LoveClan cats sharing food with SunClan." She announced. Sunpelt, the male SunClan leader, heard it all. He didnt even want to think about another war. He still was exhausted from the WhirlClan attack. He poked his head in. "May the leader of SunClan come in?" He intorrupted Lovestar. She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Ok, come in. Ill talk with you later about this. Go into my den and wait there." She kept an eye on the cat as it padded in her den and focused once again in the clan meeting. "I also want to change Echopaw's mentor. Rockpelt isnt doing anything and thanks to him Echopaw will be turned into a warrior much later than Willowpaw. Fernleaf, you will be Echopaw's new mentor. You may touch noses. " Lovestar meowed. Then she nodded to Willowpaw to sit next to her. "Willowpaw, i shall turn you into a warrior tonight. Sagepelt has done a good job on training you and i think your ready to take on warrior duties."
I'm Feline♥
9:22pm May 5 2009
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Meanwhile, Sunset, the SunClan female leader, padded around the camp. She had ate so much this morning her belly was round and fat. All she did was lay on the uknown forest and watch other cats eat and sleep. Starsong broke out into the bushes behind DarkenedSoul. "Oh, there you are!" He meowed.
I'm Feline♥
9:36pm May 5 2009
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Posts: 2,220
I posted something new at the buttom of the first post where the information lies.*
I'm Feline♥
7:39am May 6 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt nodded at the new choice for Echopaws mentor. Fernleaf was a good warrior and deserved and aprentice. She yawned then padded into the nursery and curled up beside her kits to sleep. Shadeheart looked around for Crownedpaw, wanting to make sure she was up to training early in the morning. He padded into the apprentices den and called out her name. Ravenwing settled into the front of the camp, curious about what the Sunclan leader wnted.
8:29am May 6 2009
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Echopaw bounded up to Fernleaf and pressed her nose to Ferneleaf's. Then she leaped back and sat down. Willowpaw puffed out his chest and lifted his chin high in the air. SHe heard someone in the back of the meeting snicker. Foxfoot. He stuck his toungue out at his uncle.
8:40am May 6 2009
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(I just saw something. I think Sagepelt was Willowpaws mentor first, and then Willowpaw became Starwalker's apprentice. I don't want her to be a medicine cat anymore. Can we just say that Willowpaw was never a medicine cat)
8:22am May 7 2009
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8:53am May 7 2009
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Sagepelt poked her head out of the nursery and smiled a little, glad there would be a new warrior among the ranks soon. She yawned and lay back beside her kits, thinking. They need to be apprenticed soon, their getting to big for the nursery. I hope Ravenwing gets one of them, he deserves an apprentice.
12:31pm May 7 2009
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Foxfoot smiled at Sagepelt. "Are you ready to take back on your Deputy duties?" he asked her. "I'm sure Lovestar will make them apprentices soon." Foxfoot pressed his muzzle into Sagepelt's flank.
1:24pm May 7 2009
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Crownpaw had been sleeping not really caring that a strange clan had moved in next to Loveclan.It didnt boither her much.They did seem rather nice after all.She heard her name called and she bounded out of the den to her mentor trying to act as though she hadnt been sleepinbg seconds earlier. Fernleaf smiled happy to have an apprentice.She then thought of something.There were so many kits getting to be born.Would they run out of mentors?Sshe actually laughed at herself when the idea came up.It did seem rather silly to her.
2:22pm May 7 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt purred and nodded. "The kits are almost old enought to have mentors, so I think I can handle my duties now." She yawned again. "But im going to start ijn the morning." She licked her mates ear then padded back into the nursery. Shadeheart looked down at his apprentice, trying to surpass a laugh. "Are you feeling alright? You did well helping to defeat the bear earlier." Ravenwing padded up to congradulate Fernleaf on being choosen as a mentor. Maybe he would get to mentor one of Sagepelts kits, or even one of Littleleafs.
3:33pm May 7 2009
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Echopaw bounced up and down. "What are we gonna do next?! What are we gonna do1 Are we gonna go hunting? Practicing are battle skills?" (I think he's excited.)