6:38pm May 14 2009
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Posts: 443
((Nothing much as happened really, Foxfoot is angry at Sagepelt for her decision of letting Shadeheart take Amberpaw away from the clan. Sagepelt is out in the forest, furious. Shadeheart is calling Crownedpaw for training, and Lovestar has had another dream about a cat that is not happy with his mate. Thats about it as far as I can remember.))
6:39pm May 14 2009
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Posts: 443
((Page lag))
11:35am May 15 2009
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Posts: 443
3:34pm May 15 2009
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Dasyflower walked into lovestar's den. "Lovestar? I think Scratchkit and Brightkit are old anouth to be apperentices." she said.
5:12pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Crownedpaw suddenly jolted into total awakness after finally hearing Shadeheart.She had been daydreaming at the time and very deep into what she had been daydreaming about although she had no memory of what she had even daydreamed about.She bounded over to Shadeheart acting as though there had never been any delay at all.
5:49pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart sighed as his aprentice finally came out of the den. "About time." He growled. "Come on, we're working with your hunting today." He told her before padding over to the camp entrance. "If your hungray, get somthing to eat now, we wont stop on the way." He told her severly.
6:13pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Lovestar woke up with a deep sigh. "I know, Dasyflower. I will do that later, probably after talking with Sunpelt. Then ill go hunting." She meowed. She lifted a paw and slowly stood up. Nightpaw pounced behind Ravenwing around the forest. Sunpelt woke up and padded into Loveclan camp and then into Lovestar's den. He still was a leader and saw no reason why he should ask first, though Lovestar did see that a little rude but she ignored the thought. "Greetings, Lovestar." Sunpelt meowed. "Hello," She said, "So i guess you are planning on settling in your own territory next to us." She sat down. "Well.... Yes, i am. We will have to set on stronger borders." Sunpelt answered back. Lovestar dipped her head. "Ok." She agreed. "We shall go tomorrow." Sunpelt declared and walked out with a wave of his tail. Sunpelt walked into his own borrowed camp and saw Sunset standing infront of their den looking straight at him with her golden eyes. Sunpelt dipped his head and walked towards her. As he came closer, she started to smile and purr. "Tomorrow we willl set permanent territory next to Loveclan," he purred. Sunset pressed her muzzle on his and said, "Sunpelt, Im expecting your kits!" She purred loudly. Sunpelt just stared at her. This was just so.... unexpected to him. He just stared at her in horror. "Your not happy." She meowed. Sunpelt blinked his eyes and made a fake loud purr. "Im not just happy, im super happy! Sunset, thats great news!" Sunpelt purred. Sunset's eyes glittered and she licked his ears. "Ill change into the Queens' den when we have our new camp ready." She finished and trotted happily into her den. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around for a clan meeting!" Lovestar shouted from the highrock. "Dasyflower has told me that her kits are ready to be apprenticed." She meowed, "And so im giving Ashwing his new apprentice, Scratchpaw." Lovestar meowed, "You shall touch noses." And then she faced Brightkit. "I would have liked to mentor you, Brightpaw. But ive decided that Willowpelt, our new warrior, is now ready enough to have you as his apprentice. Willowpelt, your new apprentice is Brightpaw- You may touch noses." Sunpelt sighed and he padded out into the forest. The truth was... He, Sunpelt, was deeply truly madly in love with Lovestar. When their eyes met.... He couldnt do anything than show himself strong without letting any purrs out. But how could he feel this in the worst moment, when his own mate was expecting his kits?
I'm Feline♥
7:05pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Crownedpaw rolled her eyes before meowing"I'm fine.I don't need anything to eat."Her voice sounded almost like a sigh even though there were words being said.With a flick of her tail she padded over to where he had gone and asked"Where are we going to hunt.I thought prey was getting really hard to find."It wasn't as though she hadn't noticed the small amount of prey here.When she had been traveling she had been getting better meals than her.She had also noticed the meeting but it was so short that she hadn't gotten time to get over there.It was only apprenticing anyways.In other words not very important to her.
7:22pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Hey feline,do you mind pokeing around one of my other characters to give me something for them to do.I forgot where all meh cats went off to.In fact,anyone who can poke around one of my cats please do so so I can remember what they were doing and what they should be doing at this tiem.))
7:30pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Sure, panda ^_^ Warmheart has an apprentice, and should be training him first thing in the morning.))
I'm Feline♥
7:36pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 2,220
By the way, the preyless moments on the forest have passed. It says at the bottom of the main page in LoveClan's Prophecies. Silverpaw is Warmheart's apprentice. Fernleaf should be training her apprentice, Echopaw. Boarfur and Brackenfur can.... Errr..... I dont know, you hardly ever use them. If you dont want them anymore they can die in a mysterious way, and later bring LoveClan prophecies from StarClan.
I'm Feline♥
7:36pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((...is it morning?We need to label what time it is on the bottom of our posts in the rp so things arnt so confuzling when I loose the ability to find a comp to use.*Still has no computer of own*))
7:55pm May 16 2009
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8:06pm May 16 2009
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((When did your post get there?O_o btw,What is darkenedsoul supposed to be doing right now?)) Fernleaf yanwed and got up.She thought it strange that she had slept so long but she blamed it on recent events and streched.She suddenly remembered that she should be training her new apprentice,Echopaw.She yawned and padded over to the apprentices den to see if Echopaw was in there.The tirness was still there also for some reason.It could be seen in her eyes even though the rest of her seemed fine.She actuallu knew something had troubled her sleep last night she just couldn't really recall what exactly it was that lead to her being so tired this morning.Soon though,her mind wandered from that topic to others and finally settling upon her apprentice and what they would do today. Warmheart was siting awake in the camp looking around thinking of what to do today why she trained her apprentice.Most likely working on fighting or hunting.She decided she would ask her apprentice which of the two they would end up doing. ((They shall not die.They have just been lazy lately and sleeping in the camp out of bordem.))

8:44pm May 16 2009
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Posts: 443
Ravenwing sighed as he lead is apprentice throught to forest. He showed Nightpaw around the forest, showing him the dangerous places and where prey always seemed to be best caught at. "Alright, you've seen everyhing in our territory, lets head back." He got up and started to pad back. Shadeheart glared at his apprentice. "There is no need to act like a spoiled kit Crownedpaw. I only asked if you were hungry. I will not ask again and you will go hungry for the rest of your trianing time." He spat before heading out into the forest. He was not in the best of moods and did not want to put up with his apprentice today Brightkit walked foreward and touched noses with her new menotr. Ill show Lovestar what I can be!
7:20am May 17 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Crownedpaw snarled under her breath and followed though glaring.Why she had gotten this angry this quick was a mystery to her but she was furious now.Strangly enough it wasn't entirerly from Shadeheart.She knew that somehow.wSomewhere nearby she sensed some sort of threat which put her on her gaurd and in a bad mood.She stayed silent enough to walk past a mouse without it knowingShe was also paying less attention to Shadeheart and more to what was around her.She didn't know why exactly she took these precautions seeingas she hadn't been taught them before.She guessed instinct might account for it then she stopped thinking so much and focusing instead on what was around her making sure whatever was giving her that bad feeling never got close enough to her to attack first.If there would be any attacking she planned on getting the first strike and the upper hand.Now Shadeheart had completel,y faded from her mind.All was being focused on other things that she found could hide this mysterious threat that was putting her so much on edge.

10:15am May 17 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart called his apprentices name, but she did not answer. Sighing he called it twice more before he weas fed up with it. With a quick swat of his paw, he smacked Crownedpaw across her ears, claws shealthed. "Listen already!" He snapped. "This is where you will start your taining for the day, but since you dont seem to keen on listening to me, lets see how well you do with a solo hunt. I will be watching to see how you do." Getting up, he padded into the forest, and got downwind of his apprentice. You could not have given her to someone else Lovestar! I dont want an apprentice, when I dont even have that much loyaty to Loveclan as it is!
4:11pm May 17 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Crownedpaw snarled and rubbed the clawed spot with her paw before trotting off to go get something to kill to make Shadeheart satisfied.She easily caught two mice.Still being on edge it wasnt all that hard to find and kill them.She found a pile of mud and looked in it for some reason.She saw the tracks of some small animall.It was no kits tracks or apprentices.She could easily tell that by shape.She started to follow them wondering what it was that made the tracks.After a few good minutes of slightly hasty travel she heard something close.She heard ragged breathing from some obviously injured or dying animal.She then noticed how all along the trail she had followed there were signs of blood that the mud had mostly soaked up and hidden.She hid behind a tree and carfully edged towards whatever was making the noise.She saw a young badger baby pitifully trying to get away from this cat territory.Crownedpaw felt an instinctive urge to help it for some reason.She dashed over seeing it as no threat.There were bite marks in its side which were slightly bleeding though had mostly stopped.She then asked it"Are you ok?"Then for the first time the poor little badger noticed her.It was squeeling and trying to hide and get away from her now.She licked it some to try and calm it down.She didnt know right at that moment that badgers were bad even as babys in the mind of almost all clan cats.To her no creature was ever born evil.She wanted to help it,not kill it.She picked them up and set them on a bit of moss covered ground.She started licking the wound to clean it some.If she had been aware thjat Shadeheart was supposed to be following her while she hunted she would have asked him about this first but at that time she decided to do what was right.She would not kill a creature that is a kit or of a kits age.Once they were clean she asked it again"Are you ok?"It didnt answer.Crownedpaw wondered if it even understood her. ((Just so you know,Crownedpaw likes little baby creatures.Especcially if she is able to help them.Its just something about her.))

4:29pm May 17 2009 (last edited on 1:48pm May 19 2009)
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Posts: 1,966
Foxfoot sighed. He slowly walked over to where Amberpaw was waiting by the camp entrence. "Let's start by hunting." he blinked, still tired.
6:13pm May 19 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart watched Crownedpaw take care of the little bagders. His first instincts was to kill them, or at least drive them off. But he shook that thought off and padded, forward, muslces stiff incase its mother returned. Once close enought he bent down and sniffed the badger cub. "Dont tell any of the others in the clan. They'll have him killed." He growled, wondering why he was defending a enemy. "We'll figure out what to do with him later. For now, hunting. There is still Loveclan that needs to be fed." Amberpaw jumped up, delighted to be doing somthing. Hey Foxfoot, can I go out bymyself and see how I do? Please?" She asked hopfully. Looking over, she spotted her mother walkinginto camp, looking annoyded. Sagepelt looked up, notcing Amberpawlooking at her. The deputy never once looked at her mate, but turned away. Thats weird.