7:12am May 22 2009
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((Can panda help amber?))
8:43am May 22 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt flet a cold wind ruffle her fur, and a soft pleading voice rose with it. It was young and scared, and it sounded just like her daughter. Jumping to her feet, she bolted into the forest and nearly ran into Foxfoot. Her anger at him, flared to life, but she pushed it down. "Where is Ambepaw?" She hissed, worried for her youngest kit. Looking around she noticed that the apprentice was not their. "You left her out their alone!" With that she whipped around and headed back into the forest. She quickly sound Amberpaws scent and followed itm the sudden tang of blood made her go faster. She came upon a small clearing at the edge of the forest and looked on in horror, her paws gave out and she feel to her belly, a wail built in her throat. Amberpaw lay out their, ripped open like a peice of prey.
8:44am May 22 2009
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Posts: 443
((Page lag))
7:03pm May 23 2009
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7:05pm May 23 2009
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((I have to wait for feline to rp...))
9:28am May 24 2009
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8:50am May 25 2009
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((...Somthing needs to happen...)) Darkenedsoul took her apprentice Nutpaw out to train in hunting.Nutpaw hadn't learned bird or rabbit catching.Darkenedsoul planned on showing her how and testing her huting skills already learned.They came to a clearing to train and darkenedsoul sat down.Nutpaw did as well.In liight her glowing fur wasn't as bright.During day it had started to just look bright green and not glow butat night it definatly glowed."Now Nutpaw,show me the technique for catching mice and rats."Nutpaw nodded and crouched down keeping her weight all on her haunches.She stepped forward shifting her weight from one side to the other occasionally then got up smiling at her mentor."Well done Nutpaw!Now showw the teechnique for squirrel catching."Nutpaw nodded.She crept up mostly the same then put on a flash of speed leaping up a tree a pretend squirrel was climbing and snagged the pretend squirrel with unsheathed claws falling back to the ground smiling at her happy mentor."Now I will show how to catch a bird."Darkenedsoul dropped to the ground swiftly sliding forward and leaping powerfully into the air with outstreched claws."Now you try."She said as she lightly landed.Nutpaw nodded and crouched down and snuck forward.She hsitated then made a big jump.Darkenedsoul then said"Good try but don't hesitate.If there had been a real bird you never would have caught it.Now try again."Nutpaw repeated this bird catching practice several times before Darkenedsoul was satisfied."For rabbits you are mostly the same as mice.You need to be fast though.You have to sneak up on it tail down and prepare to chase."She then started working on Nutpaw with her rabbit technique.Soon she would have her hunting test to see how much she could catch before sunhigh.In fact,tommorow she would have this test.Darkenedsoul was sure she would do wonderfully on it.

9:13am May 25 2009
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Posts: 443
((Wonder where Feline is?)) Sagepelt paced around her daughter once or twice, making small wailing sounds. Not knowing what else to do, she grabbed Amberpaw by the scruff, or what was left of it, and started dragging her back to camp. She flinched everytime they hit a bump, the apprentice would jerk violently, but it never seemed like she did it herself. After what seemed like moons, she made it back to camp and drug her daughter in then sat her gently on the ground. "Starwalker!" She yoweld. "Please help her!"
9:33am May 25 2009
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Starwalker shot out of her den with many herbs and a huge pile of cobwebs.She shoved dock leaves over to Sagepelt and said"chew these up and put the pulp on the minor cuts."She put marigold pupl onto the bigger wounds followed by large globs of cobwebs to stop bleeding.On the swelling wounds she placed stinging nettle leaves.Once she had to switch out some of the cobwebs she put comfrey under the new ones.Soon bleeding was stopped for the most part."I need to get more goldenrod..."Starwalker mumbled to herself.Later she planned on putting goldenrod on the wounds but she had a very small amount of it.
9:52am May 25 2009
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Posts: 443
Amberpaw was walking around a large, but beautiful plateu. This is where Shadeheart took me. Why am I here? A sudden glow to her left made her look around, and she was looking at another cat, it looked just like a older version of Silverpaw. "Who are you?" She asked curiously. The silver cat chuckled and bent down to lick Amberpaws head. "You must come with me now, daughter." Amberpaw jerked back. "I dont want to come with you, I want to go back to Loveclan." She growled. "You cannot Amberpaw, you are now part of both Speakers of the Stars, and Starclan now." Amberpaw whimpered and took a step back. "Im dead?" Silver looked at her painfully. "Killed twice by rouges. "She murmured. "Mu poor, poor Amber." The silver queen turned around and started walking away. "You will be able to watch your mother and littermates from the stars. Now come." Amberpaw whimpered once more before following her grandmother. Sagepelt wailed as Amberpaws breathing stopped, and she twitched once before falling still. "Amberpaw, wake up! Please wake up!" She whispered. After a second she looked to the sky. "Watch over my daughter Speakers of the Stars, and Starclan. She was to young to die."

10:05am May 25 2009
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Starwalker's ears were flat against her head in disapointment.She had worked so hard to save her!She sighed and said"I tryed my best to save her."She knew she wasn't thje leader but she jumped onto the clans meeting place."Attention everyone.I am sad to bring you the news that Amberpaw is dead.She was killed by rogues and no doubt fought bravely.She was a warrior at heart and ended fighting like a warrior."She held her head down as she prayed that she made it to Starclan then got off.She went to Sagepelt and licked her head to try and cheer her up.She shared tongues with Amberpaw one last time before collecting the unused herbs and cobwebs and returning to her den.
10:05am May 25 2009
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((O noes!Post be gone!))
10:06am May 25 2009
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10:12am May 25 2009
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Sagepelt had heard nothing of what Starwalker had said, she mnust stared at the lifeless body of her daughter. She flinched when another body pressed up beside her and she looked over at Silverpaw, who was looked at her sister with greif filled eyes. "Amberpaw?" Silverpaw mewed quietly, please wake up, you cant die." She wailed. Sagepelt, leaned over and licked Silverpaws head, wishing Nightpaw was here as well, needing to see her other two kits were alive. Shadeheart padded up and sat beside his sister, "Maybe I should send out a patrol to see if those rouges are still there." He murmured. Sagepelt just nodded and the black warrior got up to see what warriors would be best to choose.
10:23am May 25 2009
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Fernleaf sat in the Sun looking around.She was thinking of training her apprentice but she hadnt seen them in a while and had no idea where they were.She heard Starwalker and padded over to Sagepelt."I'm sorry.She died to young didn't she."She shared tongues with Amberpaw for the last time and gave Sagepelt a comforting lick between the ears before leaving her to her mourning.
11:20am May 25 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt nodded. "Yes, she should not have died. May speakers of the Stars light her path." Then she remembered. "And Starclan aslo." But Starclan is not real, at least not in my eyes. There will only be Speakers of the Stars watching me, and my kits. She leaned forward and shared tounges with her daughter once more, then settled down to mourn the rest of the night. Shadeheart peeked into the apprentices den and called his apprentices name. "Crownedpaw? Where the heck is she?" He growled, then saw Fernleaf walking away. He padded up to her, seeing no one else around. "Sagepelt left it up to me to lead a patrol to make sure the roughes are gone. Would you mind to come along?" He asked and loked aorund for at least a few more cats.
12:04pm May 25 2009
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"Eh sure.If your looking for Crownedpaw I thought I saw her by the freshkill pile a few minutes ago."She wondered who else was going on the patrol.She actually enjoyed patrols since they gave her time to talk to other cats and such without being yelled at to train and apprentice or go hunting or something.Crownedpaw actually had been their earlier.Now she was at the camp entrance staring out.She didn't know why exactly but she felt that she shoould stand at the camp entrance.
12:18pm May 25 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart padded u to his apprentice and flicked her with his tail. "Come on, we're going on a patrol with Fernleaf, and.." He looked around and spotted Ravenwing pad in. "Ravenwing." He got up and told the warrior his orders. The grey warrior shrugged and joined them. Shadeheart sighed and padded out of camp, folowing Amberpaws blood trail back to the place where the attack happened. He looked around, but found no sign of any rouges. "Crap! Look s like they ran." He was cut off by Ravenwings snarl. The grey warriro was glaring at a reateating tail.
12:23pm May 25 2009
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Fernleaf immediatly dropped into a fighting pose.She sniffed the air and under Amberpaw's fear scent was the scent of the rogues.It was still fresh.She let out a growl and stealthily chased after the cat who's tail she had seen.Crownedpaw looked at Shadeheart to see if she could follow as well.
8:11pm May 28 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart hissed in anger and took off afterfernleaf, anger and the need of revenge burning at his paws. He turned back to nod at crownedpaw to hurry up. Once he was half way to fwenleaf, he flinched as the lone rouge stopped and faced his persuers, eyes fashing in fear. "please, it was blaze that told us to kil the kit!" he wailed.