6:53pm Jun 7 2009
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Darkenedsoul heard the growl and walked over to Sunset. " What happened? " She asked. She didn't like the feeling she was getting from Sunset. Something bad had happened and she wanted to know what.
6:55pm Jun 7 2009
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I'm Feline♥
6:59pm Jun 7 2009
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((?What does the lag monster plague us rpers...))
7:19pm Jun 7 2009
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Sunset sighed. "We've got bad news and good news, DarkenedSoul." ..."Sunpelt has joined LoveClan forever and is now warrior. That is the bad news." ..."And now you, DarkenedSoul is the new leader of SunClan." ------------------------------------------------------------- Leading Clan Rules. Making DarkenedSoul The New Leader: When DarkenedSoul travels to the moonPool, she has two options: 1- Take Moonwhisper with her. 2- Go completely alone. When DarkenedSoul arrives at the moonPool, she has two other choices: 1- Skip all the naming and 9 life giving process to where DarkenedSoul wakes up as DarkenedStar. 2- Go through all the naming and 9 life giving process. Choosing Your Deputy: I suppose you choose Starsong. He is the strongest warrior and the cat you can most confide on. Choose him a day after being leader. Patrols: Do not worry about the hunting and border patrols, since the deputy takes care of that. But make sure to once in a while talk about that for a second with your deputy to check out if everything's fine. Decisions/Changes: Ask me before making a big change such as changing the clan territory or something like that. Dont ask me when you are making a small decision or decide to make a kit an apprentice or an apprentice a warrior. Naming Apprentices to Warriors: You can ether ask the roleplayer of the apprentice which name he/she wants or make one up yourself.
I'm Feline♥
7:25pm Jun 7 2009
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Darkenedsoul just stood there silently not moving or even blinking. Just taking in what this meant. She was surprised and shocked and uhappy and delighted all at the same time! Things would be so different...She finally nodded showing she understood. "I'll go to the medicine cats dn to get some traveling herbs. "
8:29pm Jun 7 2009
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(Did you agree with all Leading Rules?) Sunset closed her eyes shut and nodded. "Good luck." A moment later she padded into the SunClan camp. Tomorrow they would make their own territory beside LoveClan.
I'm Feline♥
8:34pm Jun 7 2009
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8:54pm Jun 7 2009
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(kk ^_^)
I'm Feline♥
6:00pm Jun 10 2009
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I'm Feline♥
6:06pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt was surprised when Lovestar let the Sunclan leader into their camp. But her surprise turned to pure fury when she wanted to see Foxfoot iin her den. Running forward, she met up with Lovestar eyes blazing. "What do you want that that peice of fox dung?" She growled, hoping he would be punished.
8:33pm Jun 10 2009
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Lovestar looked at her with sympathy. "Ill punish him, of course."
I'm Feline♥
8:44pm Jun 10 2009
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Darkenedsoul finally considered herself ready for the journey ahead of her. She gulped down the traveling herbs and went to Moonwhisper. " I don't know the way to Moonpool. Can you take me there? " She asked. She felt nervousness shivering in her stomach but she forced it to stop so she could make this journey with the comfort of a quiet and still stomach.
8:51pm Jun 10 2009
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Moonwhisper smiled. "Of course," She meowed as she gulped down her own traveling herbs. "Lets go." She padded out of the camp, out of the territory, and into the outside world. She looked around, looking for the path. It glittered with moonlight through the trees until at the end a big starry pond lay. Moonwhisper waited for DarkenedSoul to pad in it first.
I'm Feline♥
9:05pm Jun 10 2009
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Darkenedsoul's paws ached from traveling so much her normal cat form. She padded in nodding her thanks to Moonwhisper. She walked to the pool and layed down letting her nose touch the water slightly. She had learned this was what you did from cats when she stil roamed the world on her own in fear of killing any friends she got. She thought she had fallen asleep as the world around her faded away. When she thought she was just going to wake up and have nothing happened she felt horrible rejection then opened her eyes. She as shocked to see where she was. She was in a completely different place from where she had slept. She watched as Starclan came out of the clear night sky one after the other. It seemed to last forever yet only take seconds to happen. Most of the cats she didn't recognize but a few she did. Her mother, sister, and a few friends where there. all had been accidentaly killed by her thanks to a horrible curse she had been given by her brother that made her powers rampage often. Now she had fixed the problem but still felt a huge guilt from killing them when she saw them.

9:12pm Jun 10 2009
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Moonwhisper camly padded up into a tree and stared up at the night sky. She waited patiently- Since she could stay here forever. (If you want me to roleplay some StarClan cats for you just ask. Since you need 9 of them.)
I'm Feline♥
9:28pm Jun 10 2009
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I'm Feline♥
9:31pm Jun 10 2009
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((You get to play five of them.They can be made up if you want.)) Darkenedsoul saw nine cats step forward out of the group of stary cats. darkenedsoul saw her mother, Finch, step forward. She smiled and said " Hello Darkenedsoul....or should I say Darkenedstar. With this life I give you the courage you will need to keep your clan safe. " Darkenedsoul watched as her mother bent her head down and touched noses with her. Darkenedsoul thought this life thing would be pretty nice but instead it hurt immensly! She felt like her body was on fire and she felt rage and happiness and all sort of emtions and it hurt so bad! Finally her mother stepped back and Darkenedsoul was released from the vice grip of the life giving. She, a cat more powerful than most others, could barely stand getting another life! She had no clue how she would make it through the rest if they were all like this.
9:46pm Jun 10 2009
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(Kk) A cat stepped forward, it was smaller than the others. Black fur tom with orange spot on its back. "Im OrangePaw, Sunset's smallest brother." He meowed and touched noses with DarkenedSoul. "With this life i give you patience, to apprentice and help thos that need you."
I'm Feline♥
9:55pm Jun 10 2009
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Darkenedstar thought this one wasn't as bad. At first it was rather nothing besides the feeling of the life entering but it grew into a sort of aching pain unlike her last life's sharp claw-like pain. She felt it grow with the gathering impatience within her she tried to ignore and suddenly it was nothing again as though she had gotten past impatience. When he stepped back a strong and healthy looking male came over to Darkenedstar. She recognized him as a cat she wished to be mates with in the past but had accidentaly killed. " I'm so sorry abo-" She tried to explain what happened but he silenced her and purred " With this life I give you the intelligence to know what to do in the clans hardest times and when puzzles that need solving are found. " He touched her nose and she prepared herself for the pain she expected to also come with this one but she only felt as though she were becoming a better cat. It was heart warming and amazing to experiance! She was sad when the life was given and her past mate stepped away for the next cat to come. She got over it swiftly though.

10:04pm Jun 10 2009 (last edited on 10:05pm Jun 10 2009)
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A big white tom with dazzling green eyes and soft black stripes padded forward. "I am IceStar, SunClan's previous leader before Sunpelt was chosen to lead the clan." He said in his deep voice. He then touched noses with DarkenedStar. "With this life i give you loyalty, to stay loyal to your own clan and defend it with your life." 1.Corage, 2.Patience, 3.Knowledge, 4.Loyalty. Five More Lives.
I'm Feline♥