10:12pm Jun 10 2009
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Darkenedsoul prepared herself for pain expecting this life to have pain like most of the other did but instead she felt a wonderful feeling like she had just done something amazing that helped many cats and saved lives. It was wonderful! She watched them step away and watched as her sister stepped forward. The light gray she-cat said " With this life I give you the power of mentoring. " She had to get onto her hind paws to reach Darkenedsoul's nose but when she did Darkenedosul almost tore herself away from the agony! She heard yowls of fear. She felt horrible pain in her side as though giant teeth had torn into it and her face stung as her vision became blood red. She almost p*censored*ed out by the time her sister stepped back. She experianced what her sister had experianced when she killed her. She watched the cat who's life had been cut terribly short trot back to her mother and sit under her paws like a kit would if they were living.
10:13pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Post be gone!*takes out hammer and bashes the lag monster*))
10:16pm Jun 10 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Lag monteer will be burned if it doesnt leave>( ))
10:43pm Jun 10 2009
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(Ugly lag monster makes all kids' dreams to nightmares.) A brown tom with amber eyes stepped forward. "I am BrownFeather." He meowed, "I had died soon after i met Sunset." He said in a sad voice. He touched noses with DarkenedStar. "With this life, DarkenedStar, i give you love. To love all those special to you, such as Starsong, and all your family." He meowed. 1.Corage, 2.Patience, 3.Knowledge, 4.Loyalty, 5.*****the power to mentor is same thing as patience, to apprentice,******** 6.Love. Three More Lives.
I'm Feline♥
8:35am Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((We go with nobility certainty and faith then to fill that space.I was just at that point sstealing the things from the actual book.))
8:47am Jun 11 2009
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Darkenedstar had prepared herself for another bit with some sort of strange pain or mix of feelings but she was wrong about what she would get here. It felt warm and wonderful like...like when she had gotten that close to Starsong. She hungrily drank in this life as it seemed to was away all the pain from the lives before. When he stepped back Darkenedstar saw a farmiliar face coming up. It was a cclose friend of hers in the past....who she had killed on accident. It was a she-cat with a brown coat that seemed to shine as though it were silver. Darkenedstar smiled at her hoping that she wasn't angry at her for the inccident but she showed no signs of anger. " With this life I give you tirless energy to carry out the all the dutys of a leader. " Darkenedstar and the she-cat touched noses and the life was given to Darkenedstar. Darkenedstar especcialy enjoyed this one. It felt like she was running fast as though chasing down a deer or rabbit and as if she could continue going forever! When the she-cat stepped back Darkenedstar was actually slightly sad that the experiance had ended. ((You do the next two. I don't know what to put now.))

3:54pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Then a sleek ginger she-cat with green eyes and black paws approached Darkenedstar. "I am RootFur. Previous SunClan warrior.." She leaned and pressed her nose against Darkenedstar's. "With this life i give you Comp*censored*ion, use it towards others who are weaker than you." She meowed. Then another ginger she-cat with amber eyes smaller than Rootfur padded infont. "I am EagleFeather, Rootfur's only daughter." She meowed and pressed her nose on Darkenedstar's. "With this life i give you nobility certainty and faith, use it to lead your clan in the ways on StarClan." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Corage, 2.Patience, 3.Knowledge, 4.Loyalty, 5.The Gift To Mentor, 6.Love, 7.Comp*censored*ion, 8.Certainty, 9.Nobility, And Faith. Congratz ^_^
I'm Feline♥
6:34pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Yays!*Eyes sparle* I keep on wanting to put DarkenedsoulXP I really liked that name.Darkenedstar is cool also.))
7:06pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Hee hee ^_^ me too X3))
I'm Feline♥
7:15pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((My mouth if num from the denthist-.-)) Darkenedstar smiled with pride at becoming a leader then the hunting grounds of Starclan vanished and she was slowly put back at moonpool. She opened her eyes and looked up at the still shining stars happily thanking Starclan silently for letter her become leader. She padded back to the medicine cat and back towards camp.
7:53pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
(lolz) Moonwhisper followed. "Darkenedstar, how was your meeting with StarClan?" She meowed. "Do not say to much to any cat, it is private... Dont even tell me any details."
I'm Feline♥
8:01pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
" Nice at some parts and not so nice at other parts. " Darkenedsoul said happily. As they walked she began thinking over who would be deputy when she got back. Her mind instantly went to Starsong. He would get to be ddeputy.
8:15pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Moonwhisper smiled. "Thats normal." She purred, "Make sure you get some sleep, tomorrow plenty decisions have to be made."
I'm Feline♥
8:23pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Darkenedstar nodded and the cats padded back to camp. She suddenly felt exausted. Mabye she could make Starsong deputy later. She was in need of sleep right now. She padded into her den and immediatly curled up and fell asleep.
8:48pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
The next morning, the sun once again rose upon the sky and iluminated the whole camp. Moonwhsiper blinked her eyes open and stretched. She sighed. One of these days she would have to go to StarClan.... She hoped a kit of Sunset's would like to be medicine cat apprentice or the clan would be in a serious problem. Starsong opened his eyes and got up from his den. He looked around for Darkenedstar. He heard about the news from Nutpaw that morning.
I'm Feline♥
9:02pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Darkenedstar woke up drowzily suddenly wondering where all the other warriors were. Then she remembered she was leader now and had her own den. She actually kind of missed sleeping next to Starsong all of the time but she guessed this was just how things would have to be. She got up and streched and yawned. She then padded out of her den wondering if she should say who the deputy was now of if she should work on other things first like patrols and such. She smiled in amusment as she watched Nutpaw dashing about camp yowling to every cat that her mentor was now clan leader. She was guessing every single cat must know by now. They would most likely wonder what happened to their old leader. Darkenedstar did to.((where does darkenedstar go to call a clan meeting?I dont remember if there is a high rock here or a stump or something for her to call a clan meetting on.))
10:15pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((They dont have anything there since it is a barrowoed camp and doesnt have proper dens or anything. If you wish you may take the clan to a new territory exactly next to LoveClan. Then there can be a highrock there since LoveClan has a hightree.)) Sunset padded beside Darkenedstar. "Congratulations," She purred, "I would like to talk in the clan meeting you call. I better tell the clan what has happened with.... ...Sunpelt...." She chocked off the last word and then dramatically sighed. Starsong bounded off crashing into Sunset and Darkenedstar inturropting them. "Darkenedstar!" He purred with delight, "I am so fantastically happy for you!" With a bored face, Fallenpaw lazily put one paw infront of another as he padded out of his den. He sat down in a big bump and sighed. He rolled his eyes as he saw Nutpaw jumping around with happiness. "Mouse dung!" He spat as he felt Nutpaw step accidentaly on his tail.
I'm Feline♥
10:57pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Darkenedstar nodded and said to Starsong " I'm *censored*uming Nutpaw has told you already? Well I'm about to call a clan meeting. We can talk about this some more later. " She then padded to the center of the camp which seemed to best place for giving a meeting and said " All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around....er...me...for a clan meeting! " Of course the first to be sitting excitedly in front of Darkenedsoul was Nutpaw since she was so hyer and already awake. Nutpaw was actually so hyper she hadn't even noticed stepping on Fallenpaw's tail!
9:50am Jun 12 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Ima make a kitty pet just acus I feel like it XP))
10:06am Jun 12 2009
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Posts: 1,895
A brown kitten around the age of five months padded around her house folk's backyard. She stared from the branch of a tree at the forest in front of her. Beside her sat a grayish kitten the same age with white speckles here and there. " So there are actually wild cats living out there? " The brown kitten asked. " Yah Phion. I heard about them from Lily. She says that in the forest live a whole bunch of cats all living together and hunting and fighting and all sorts of stuff! " Phione stared at the forest wide eyed as though execting to see a bunch of rough looking wild cats to come charging out at any second. " Hey Crystal, I dare you to go in and look for the wild cats. " " Oh yah? Well I dare you! " "Fine, we both go on three. One...Two....THREE! " The two kitten leaped over the fench that seperated their house folk's home from the woods. Phion seemed to shrink down in fear from the huge forest while Crystal stood stong and gazing in with wonder. They both heard something rustling in the leaves and bounded over. When they saw a mouse darting away they yowled and chased after it happily. They managed to catch up with it. Phion hooked it with a claw and tossed it up into the air where Crystal jumped and caught it. Crytal had accidentaly killed the creature and now tasted its warm bllood in her mouth. " This thing thastes great compared to the food our house folk give us! " Crystal exclaimed through a mouthful of mouse. She set it down and the sisters decided to eat it. They quietly enjoyed their first bit of fresh kill ever and looked into the forest agaain. " You go in first. " Phion said to Crystal. Crystal hesitated then went into the forest with a soft crunching noise from the leaves under her paws. The two kitten cautiously made their way farther into the forest until finally Phion and Crystal both smelled strange cats. " Do you think these are the wild cats Lily talked about Phion? " " I don't know but I think we should find out! " The two adventerous kitten continued forward mostly because they didn't remember how to get back out of the woods. Eventually they came upon a place smelling of many many cats. Phion and Crystal both shrank from fear while their tails fluffed out. " You go in first. " Phion mewed. " No, you go in first. I was first last time. " The kitten were trying to agreee on who should be first to walk in this place. They could tell this must be where the wild cats lived but they didn't know how friendly they were. So, behind the camp nursery the two kitten argued over who would step in first not knowing that any forest cats could easily hear them though they thought they were being pretty quiet. ((Lost and losts of words can be told of two adventerous kittens going into the forest and Loveclan territory.))
