12:52pm Jun 15 2009
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"I didn't leave her!" Foxfoot cried. "She went hunting on her own! She wanted to prove to me that she could hunt on her own. I told her not to, but did she listen to me?" he yowled, his fur bristling. "She went off before I could tell she was going, and then caught a mouse. Then she came back, all in one piece. So I said, 'Why don't you take that to the elders? And then maybe get rid of the ticks in their fur, and clean out the elders den, just until she could learn to obey her mentor.' And yes, we indeed where close to the camp anyway, just a few foxlengths away from it. Amberpaw headed in the direction of the camp. I thought she was going to go back to the camp, so I went hunting." he paused. "And when I come back, I get such a warm "welcome back" from my mate!"
2:20pm Jun 15 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((*Gasps* wove this rp, its just that i was sick and i did not see this rp.. So im not sure what to do.. D;))
2:22pm Jun 15 2009
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2:22pm Jun 15 2009
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4:06pm Jun 15 2009
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(Just find your last post and read up from it. That's what I had to do. (quote) "because ALOT of things have happened that are too long to tell and to important for you not to read")
4:36pm Jun 15 2009
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7:25pm Jun 15 2009
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Darkenedstar nudged the kits forward with her paw once she was at two leg place. " You can go gome now. I'm sure your house folk miss you alot. " Phion nodded and darted away, soon scrabling over the fence into her yard. Crystal turned to Darkenedstar and asked " Do you live with all of those cats? " Darkenedstar decided this kit had every right to be curious so she decided to answer before Crystal decided to find out on her own like kits did. " Yes. I do. All the cats in the clan liv ein harmony with each other. Kits live with queens in the nursery. At six moons old, the kits become apprentices and get to work for the elders while they learn to hunt and fight. " Darkenedstar watched the kit take this in and then yell " I can hunt! Wanna see? " Not waiting for a answer, the kit dashed off blinding searching for prey without even scenting. Darkenedstar sighed and dashed after the kit. " Swift little bugger. I think she's even faster than the warriors in Sunclan! " She soon caught up to see the kit stalking uup on a mouse with her haunches bunched up in the air with her tail up like a flag. Darkenedsoul smirked and let the kit continue. Crystal yowled and dashed forward pinning down the squirrel she had been stalking it was very old and Darkenedstar wasn't actually surprised she got it. Crystal fough with the squirrel for a few minutes as though fighting another cat until she finally caught it. She trotted back to Darkenedstar with head, tail, and prey held high. Darkenedsoul smiled actually feeling a little proud of the kit. " Well you should go back to your two legs now. They must be waiting for you. ' Crystal looked put down for a moment as though she expected to be taken into the clan then padded to the fence leading to her house folk's yard. She was about to jump up but then saw a hole in the fence. She squeazed through that instead.

11:53am Jun 16 2009
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Posts: 2,220
(LOL, Alice XD)) Lovestar whipped around to see the two quarreling cats. "Sagepelt!" She spat, "You know better than that!" She growled at the deputy. -Someone please react with what Sunset has said in page 69 about Sunpelt on SunClan-
I'm Feline♥
12:17pm Jun 16 2009
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Posts: 1,966
(I can't, because I have no cat in SunClan. But could you make Scar a SunClan cat? Please? *makes puppy face*)
12:59pm Jun 16 2009
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Posts: 1
((Im sorry to intrude on your roleplay. But my cousin, Sagepelt, can no longer get on Rescreatu. She has told me to tell you to either kill her characters, or someone can take them over. Thank you for reading.))
5:12pm Jun 16 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((I will be shade's charries, if i can so i can get in the role play *cries* I miss Shade already D'; What happened Angora?))
7:31pm Jun 16 2009 (last edited on 7:35pm Jun 16 2009)
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Posts: 1,966
(Will Sagpelt be able to come back on? Someday? Please tell Sagepelt that I'll miss her. Could FelineLOVER be Sagepelt (the cat)?)
9:21pm Jun 16 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Reply to Alice's Scar Post: Of course ill let Scar in, but it is also Darkenedstar's decision ^_^. Just bring him in and see if Darkenedstar accepts him in. I think Angora is Sagepelt, she just joined a few hours ago. Is a total newbie, and writes correctly with proper grammar like Sagepelt. My decision is to wait if Angora comes back, and see if she says she is Sagepelt. If she doesnt, and nether does Sagepelt come back, then ill at that time decide who takes on with her characters.... We'll miss her alot, )= For now i just need everyone here to list me their own characters so i can make a list of who's characters are who's. For example, here are my characters: Lovestar, Sunset, Sunpelt, Moonwhisper, Fallenpaw, Nightpaw And Starsong. And that way i can know who doesnt have full hands to recieve Sagepelt's characters. Im not letting them die =x. And make sure you list all of them, and see the first page to check if you forgot one. If there was a cat who doesnt have an owner,(except for Sagepelt's) Im going to delete them.))
I'm Feline♥
9:35pm Jun 16 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((I have nutpaw and darkenedstar.I also have crownedpaw and warmheart and a few other cats I forgot the name ofXPplease list the ones no one else claims so if I recognize any I forgot I will claim them.))
2:39pm Jun 17 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((Sunclan: Lillyflower, poisonkit Loveclan: Daisyflower, Rockpelt, Littleleaf, (I forget her kits names so i will remake them XD) Shadowkit (Blind), Birdkit (Mute), and Wisperkit. Im gonna miss Shade if she cant ever come back D:))
7:05pm Jun 17 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Panda: I really need you to post all of them. I repeat, look at the first page to see the ones that you havent posted. Ribunny: You cant change the names of your characters O_o' And i repeat again, look at the first page to check on the names. But now its too late and i got the idea of what cats you were trying to name.))
I'm Feline♥
7:07pm Jun 17 2009
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Posts: 1,966
(I won't play Sagepelt no matter what, seeing as I do not like to play my characters' mates. Oak (StarClan), Willowpelt, Echopaw, Foxfoot, Scar, Fawnfoot, and ashwing.)
7:09pm Jun 17 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Ill miss Sagepelt too D=
I'm Feline♥
7:12pm Jun 17 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((But i dont want the deaf kit, and the three legged kit and i want her to have at least one kit that is normal so the clan does not make fun of her.... and i like these names better....))
7:48pm Jun 17 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Ribunny: If you dont want her to be laughed at just tell us and we wont make our characters do that. But that has already been made, i wont accept any changes... Sorry. Alice: Kk ^_^ Thanks.))
I'm Feline♥