11:48am Jun 21 2009 (last edited on 12:00pm Jun 21 2009)
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((Sorreh, watching lolcats, hmmm im not sure if i can me sage's chara D:))
11:57am Jun 21 2009
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11:58am Jun 21 2009
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12:54pm Jun 21 2009
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Posts: 597
OoC: Do you mind if I join? Or is it to late?

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
1:49pm Jun 21 2009
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Ribunny: Ok. Golden: Sure, you may join. ^_^ Here, you may use this BIO. Name: Your cat's name, has to be warrior cat name. Kits: If he/she does have kits, write each kits' gender and name. Cat Picture: Not to big please. Clan: If not a rogue, kittypet or loner... Then its LoveClan or in SunClan. Mate: He/she has a mate? Or is it looking for one? Gender: Tom(male) or She-cat(female) Rank: Warrior, queen, apprentice, medicine cat apprentice, or kit. Crush: If it doesnt have a mate, does it have a crush? Age: 0--6 Moons is a kit. 6 Moons--1/2 year is an Apprentice. 1/2 year--7 years is a Warrior. 7 years + more is an Elder. Personality: Kind? Patient? Fierce? Deion: Does it have a broken leg or a scar or something? Other: Anything else? At the first page you can view all of the warriors and stuff. SunClan was a clan that we used to roleplay on another topic but then they moved and found LoveClan so they are both here in this topic and the other has gotten deleted. SunClan is now living in a borrowed camp inside LoveClan territory but soon are going to have their own territory next to LoveClan. In LoveClan an apprentice has recently died. And in SunClan, a queen has just had her kits. ^_^
I'm Feline♥
2:01pm Jun 21 2009
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The twolegs left the metal-cage-place. "Wake up Poisonkit, they left." Lillyflower said. "Huh- oh, I thought they would never leave!" Poisonkit replied. "Attention everyone! We are braking all of you out!" Lillyflower said while she and Poisonkit came out of there hiding places. Cries of joy came from the cages. ((I would add more but I gtg, be back later.))
7:42pm Jun 21 2009 (last edited on 7:42pm Jun 21 2009)
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Scar became started to become visible next to Sunset. He started out as mist in the shape of a cat that could be seen through and was now a solid, completely visable cat. He stared directly into Sunset's eyes. "He doesn't care." he said quietly, blinking his crimson eyes sadly, but anxiously. He wanted to see what Sunset's reaction would be. "Sunpelt doesn't care. Doesn't care about you, or the kits. He made it clear of that, just now. He just proved to Lovestar that his loyalty didn't rest in SunClan, but in LoveClan."
7:43pm Jun 21 2009
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Posts: 597
OoC: Mind if I make an apprentice? If not then I could make a Warrior.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
7:47pm Jun 21 2009
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(It doesn't really matter. You just choose. As long as it's not the leader or deputy.) Foxfoot snarled, a low growl forming in his chest. "What about Nightpaw and Silverpaw? Don't they matter to you, too? Not just Amberpaw!"
7:54pm Jun 21 2009
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Posts: 597
OoC: Oh, okay. Name: Stormclaw/Snowpaw/Icepaw. Kits: None/None/None. Cat Picture: Stormclaw -
 Snowpaw -
 Icepaw -
 Clan: LoveClan for all? Mate: None/None/None. Gender: Tom/She-cat/Tom. Rank: Warrior/Apprentice/Apprentice. Crush: None/None/None. Age: 7 years/6 moons/7 moons. Personality: Patient, Strong, Gentle, Kind/ Young, Sweet, Caring/ Brave, tough, Fast. Deion: Nothing/ Snowpaw and Icepaw are brother and sister. Other: Um, nope.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
8:01pm Jun 21 2009
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(If it's okay with Feline, my character Ashwing could mentor Icepaw.)
8:03pm Jun 21 2009
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Posts: 597

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:51pm Jun 21 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Thanks, Golden ^_^ Do you think you can put atleast one of them in SunClan? They barely have warriors...)) Sunset was too hurt of just having the kits to answer. She just closed her eyes as tears fell over her cheaks and then licked her kits as if someone would suddenly snatch them away from her. Sagepelt stared in horror. "I NEVER said only Amberpaw was important to me!" She growled. "How could you say such thing after caring for them all my life? You arent a mother, you wont understand- So dont even try to!" She then hissed, and fluffed her fur. ((Tomorrow im going on an airplane somewhere so i wont be here in the morning. Maybe in the night though, but im not sure...))
I'm Feline♥
3:05pm Jun 22 2009
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((Can Daisyflower mentore Snowpaw? :D))
4:01pm Jun 22 2009
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((Lovestar shall decide on that ^_^ It also depends in which clan Golden decides to put them on. Ill tell Lovestar Dasyflower wants an apprentice X3))
I'm Feline♥
4:26pm Jun 22 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((Yay :D oh gwash, i have to go.. im gonna try to write a bit first.)) "Poisonkit, you let out the cats, I will open the nest." Lillyflower said. Poisonkit nodded and started prying open cages. Lillyflower gunted as she tried to push the door open. Then she repliesed there was a hook-like thing on the door. I wounder... then she jumped up, she tried to sink her claws into the cold surface. But it was too hard, then, it fell downword. She fell too, the door had opened! She pushed it open more. Poisonkit had let all the cats out. Most of the cats bolted. 2 kit, and an adult cat staid. "Who are you?" Lillyflower asked. The first kit, a grey tabby tom, sniffed "Me and my sister's moma died, and we dont know what to do, so we staid." The secound kit, a tortishell she-cat nodded and said, "My name is Blizzard, and my bother's name is Thunder." The adult cat, a Black cat with jade-colored eyes said "I wanted to thank my savors, my name, is Jadeeye." Lillyflower's eyes widend. "Jadeye!?" she exclamed "Your my mother!" Then she pounced on her and pinned her down "Why did you leave me?" she asked. Jadeeye sighed "I had to, I did not want you to die." Lillyflower got off "Somehow, I understand." "HELLO!?" Poisonkit yelled "if you have not noticed, we have to decide what to do with the dogs." She pointed with her tail to the wining dogs. ((Mom is pissed, have to go! XD))

8:44pm Jun 22 2009
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Posts: 597
OoC: Could I put Stormclaw in SunClan?

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:24pm Jun 22 2009
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((Kk. Ill put them in the first page now. Lovestar shall put them mentors now.)) After what happened in the scene, Lovestar was decided of what would happen with dear Sunpelt. "Im very impressed, Sunpelt. That you have given up your clan like that. It looks like you are a strong worthy warrior that will donate his heart to LoveClan." She mewed with her chest fur puffed. Sunpelt didnt hear a single word. He just melted into her proud gaze and smiled at every word, as if in a dream. He nodded and closed his eyes as if he had answered a question which never was questioned. Lovestar purred and said, as if in a clan meeting, "Sunpelt is now a loyal LoveClan warrior!" She meowed above all noise. "Accept him, now. He is NOT a prisioner, but a true LoveClan warrior." She meowed again, as her gaze fell over the whole clan. "I would also like to get Snowkit, and Icekit, mentors." She then meowed. It was always good to add even more cats to LoveClan. "Snowpaw, i have decided give you Dasyflower As your new mentor. You may touch noses." She tilted her head down in pride. "And Sunpelt, here i give you a new goal, your new apprentice is now Icepaw. May you touch noses." Lovestar finished.
I'm Feline♥
11:52am Jun 23 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Fernleaf, Boarfur, and Warmheart all cheered the apprentices new names. Crownedpaw and Blossompaw waited for the two new apprentices to get their welcome into their new den from them.
11:59am Jun 23 2009
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Posts: 597
Snowpaw looked at Dasyflower and walked up and touched noises with her, smiling. Icepaw did the same but walked to Sunpelt and touched noises.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.