4:21pm Jun 25 2009
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((Kk!)) "Where are you heading to?" Blizzard asked Daisyflower and Poisonkit. "We are lost, since we have forgot our trail when the twolegs dragged us ALL the way over here..." Mewed Thunder.
I'm Feline♥
4:24pm Jun 25 2009
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4:24pm Jun 25 2009
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4:29pm Jun 25 2009
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((^^)) "We are trying to find our clan." Lillyflower replied. Poisonkit explaned about clan life while Lillyflower let the dogs out. Poisonkit explored a bit, "What is this Lillyflower?" She asked and pointed to a weird twoleg thing. Lillyflower looked at the markings on it "Dan...ger...ex..plos..ives.." Poisonkit and Lillyflower gave eachother sly smiles. "Ok everyone." she said "When we press this button, everyone run out as fast as possible so we dont get hurt, we are gonna get rid of this place, once and for all." The dogs and Jadeye nodded.
5:54pm Jun 25 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Why are explosives in the pound?O_oThat must be one creepy pound....))
6:26pm Jun 25 2009
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7:46pm Jun 25 2009
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((This must be some kind of pound in the scary movies)) Blizzard fluffed up his fur. Thunder arched his back. "Your putting us all in danger!" Thunder hissed. "We should all get out now, and one cat would have to stay and press the roundy red thing. We wont make it , if so many animals just bump into the door. And i cant promise the cat that would stay here would live...." Blizzard mewed with a serious look.
I'm Feline♥
7:46pm Jun 25 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((More drama. Its getting too easy =3))
I'm Feline♥
7:56pm Jun 25 2009
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((I'll be one of the escaping pound cats.)) A grey tom with a white stomach padded over after hearing this and said " I don't think anything should be blown up. Knowing those stupid upwalkers, they'll just build another pound right in the same place! " Around his neck jingled a black color with the name smokey on it but nothing else. That was the reason he was here. The upwalkers here didn't know where he lived. He turned around and hissed unsheathing his claws and angrily whacking a dog that foolishly stepped on his tail. The dog was rather large so it didn't even notice him and kept on walking along. He scowled at the stupidity of that one dog before turning back to the other cats.
8:25pm Jun 25 2009
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"Fine." Lillyflower said. "Now lets leave before they come back." "Follow us." The german sheperd said "We show way to forest home, forest is close to here, come quick, notails come soon." Then he and the other dogs led the way.
8:37pm Jun 25 2009
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Smokey watced them go andd said " I dunno about you cats, but I'm going to trust my nose to take me to the forest. " He then padded out of the pund with his tail held high. His whiskers twitched as he recognized the upwalkers scent. He hissed and darted away as fast as he could.
8:38pm Jun 25 2009
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"Wait." Blizzard meowed above all noise. "I dont trust these dogs. If you ask me, all they want is to try our flesh or trap us in some place. They might be stupid, but yet really strong and could kill any of us just with a swipe of its paw on our sensitive belly."
I'm Feline♥
8:39pm Jun 25 2009
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((Er. We had leik, the same idea.))
I'm Feline♥
8:45pm Jun 25 2009
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"Senorita, Tu eres mas grande!" The chahuahua barked, cocking his head. "That means, your bigger then me miss." The Pitbull said. "Stupid, thats nice." the german sheperd said "Real nice." "Only have one leg! How eat cat?" The Jack russle said.
8:46pm Jun 25 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((yep.Really epic minds do think alke after allXD))
9:03pm Jun 25 2009
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((brb b back in a hour or so))
10:53pm Jun 25 2009
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Blizzard fluffed his fur. The barks scared the kit horribly. Thunder arched his back and hissed. "And this is where you takes us, Dasyflower, huh?" Thunder growled. Blizzard ran away and climbed a small tree as fast as possible, with Thunder following him. "Cats are not a dog's friend!" He hiss faded as he ran. ((Panda: Yup! =D))
I'm Feline♥
4:46am Jun 26 2009
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"Fine!" Lillyflower growled at the kits, "Live by yourselfs then, lets go." The german shepperd shook his head. "No leave behind, eaispeshily young." "But they wont come." "Must find way." ((and the dogs were speaking in cat, wich they know a bit of.))
7:26am Jun 26 2009
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Smokey saw the kits go up a tree and veered in his path to see what they went up there for. " Come down from there...Going up there doesn't really accomplish anything right now. I can protect you from the dogs if you do come down. " He meowed. It wasn't that hard to figure that out seeing as he had heard the 'not a dog's friend' part. He was now glancing around as though a dog would suddenly leap out of no where and chomp down on his leg or tail or something.
1:07pm Jun 26 2009
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Thunder wriggled his way down the tree with his fur fluffed. The poor kits were terrified. Blizzard jumped down after Thunder. "Im scared..." Squeaked Blizzard. "I dont want to go with those dogs! Not even protected." Thunder mewed. "Shouldn't we make our own way out of this twolegplace?" Blizzard suggested, "Maybe we find clan, maybe not. But atleast we are out o' here!"
I'm Feline♥