5:14pm Jun 26 2009
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" Well I don't want to go with those dogs either. Befriendiing them jusst ain't natural! I plan on going my own way. Do you two wanna come with me? " Smokey asked. His eyes rested uneaasilly on the closest dog. The only sign of his fear was the faintest fluffing of his tail.
8:05pm Jun 26 2009
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I'm Feline♥
8:05pm Jun 26 2009
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I'm Feline♥
8:06pm Jun 26 2009
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Both kits nodded, "Good idea! ....Where should we head first?"
I'm Feline♥
9:00pm Jun 26 2009
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Lillyflower snorted. "Natural!? Was it natural to ascape?!? Was it natural for the clans to come togeather?!" she mutterd. "Fine." she spat, rasing her voice "We dont want soft, twoleg pamperd, kittypet food eating, unable to hunt, lazy kitty pets anyway!" "Yah!" Poisonkit spat. "We no want name callers eaither!" The Jack russle said in cat "Think you only have feallings, dont, you?" "Se'! se'! No Like! No like!" "Mabe you no should talk Chahuahua." the pitbull sighed "Me think you make worse." The german sheperd sat in silance.
12:43pm Jun 27 2009
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"Of course it was natural to escape!" Spat Blizzard back, "We want freedom, its natural!" "And we know you dont need us, we are just kits!" Hissed Thunder, "You dont /Need/ us, you were just helping us and we did not agree with dogs on the plan to, that is all!" Blizzard nodded in agreement. "Plus we have no idea of what a clan is so we dont care if it was not natural. Its called destiny, not natural."
I'm Feline♥
12:44pm Jun 27 2009
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((I dun like where tis is goin')
I'm Feline♥
1:25pm Jun 27 2009
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"That just shows how mouse brained you are." Lillyflower hissed. "Come on guys." Poisonkit stuck out her toung at them and turned to leave with Lillyflower. The jackrussle limped along with them. The chihuahua helped the jackrussle walk. The pitbull followed too. The germansheperd shook his head sadly and followed.
6:29pm Jun 27 2009
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"Just because we are small doesnt mean we are mouse brained, duh." Blizzard rolled his eyes and padded beside Smokey. "So, um, lets get going."
I'm Feline♥
6:34pm Jun 27 2009
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"Your not mousebrained because you are small, you are mouse brained, because you are soooo stupid, a mouse could hunt you!" Poisonkit spat "Ugly, mousebrained, foxdung eating, lazy, stupid, Buttheaded.." Then she said some every inapropeat words that made Jadeye, Lillyflower, and the dog's jaws drop. ((XD)) Then she stuck her nose up in the air, and trotted off with Jadeye, Lillyflower, and the dogs following.
7:53pm Jun 27 2009
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Posts: 2
Name: Ambertail Rank: Warrior Gender: female Look: Mate: looking Age: Adult
If it ain't good, beat it with a stick!
1:33pm Jun 28 2009
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Just when Poisonkit started mewing, the kits and Smokey were already gone. They hadnt heard anything. ((Sorry desti... This roleplay is already full.... And ribunny, lets be a little more creative. Cats dont argue this way....))
I'm Feline♥
3:32pm Jun 28 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Smokey trotted along wit his head held high. " I don't think we need those other cats anyways if they throw such a temper tantrum when we don't agree to do what they want. They just proved we shouldn't go with them. " Smokey was currently walking right beside a human nest so close that his pelt practicly touched the wall. He might be a proud cat, but he wasn't going to risk getting stuck in another cage.
4:42pm Jun 28 2009
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((kk feline)) "Where is the forest... ermm, what is your name?" Lillyflower asked the german sheperd. "My name is Rundi." he said. ((*Thinks of wolflover*)) "I am Bounce!" The Jack russle said "I know bad name, but i no chose it, stupid twolegs give me!" "My name is Bella, I hate me name too." The pitbull said. "Me namo' es Poppie." the Chihuahua said. "We keep go strait to get to forest." Rundi said. "Ok." Lillyflower said. "Come ONNN lets GOOO!!!" Poisonkit said.
10:39pm Jun 28 2009
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The two kits nodded and headed off behind Smokey.
I'm Feline♥
10:57pm Jun 28 2009
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Smokey leaped up a fence waving his tail nervously to keep his balance. He hand't expeccted the thing to move when he did this. It had shaken much. He leaped off quickly. the fence was filled with holes that the kits could probobly fit through but not him. He gave it a curious sniff before waiting for the kits to get through.
11:12pm Jun 28 2009
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Blizzard pushed his way through the hole, and made it to the other side. Thunder did too.
I'm Feline♥
12:36pm Jun 29 2009
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((Can one of you be Bounce? ^^ and I found out how to spell popi right XD))
3:12pm Jun 29 2009
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((Bounce is just a background character, he isnt part of the clan and will never be. A BIO wasnt put to add him, and this roleplay is just for cats-- Except for the background characters. Your going to be roleplaying him just in a few posts till they get to the clans' territory, so it wont be necessary....))
I'm Feline♥
3:14pm Jun 29 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Smokey hissed as a chained up dog lunged and started barking loudly. He saw the chain and smirked continuing on proudly holding his tail high. This dog would bother him. A human yelled for the dog to silence but it continued until the human yelled for a tenth time when it finally silenced.