Lillyflower, Poisonkit, and Jadeye were in the forest smelling for the clan. Suddenly, Poisonkit's paw got stuck in a fox trap.
Lillyflower gasped "I'll help you!" she said, but when she tried to help Poisonkit her neck was caught in anouther snare.
Jadeye stood still, afraid that she would get stuck in a trap, she took a step forword, tripped, and got her neck stuck in a trap.
The dogs looked at eachother.
((Translated from dog:))
"We have to help them!" Rundi said.
"But we are too big and papi and Bounce might get stuck in a trap!" Bella said.
"Mabe I could find the ermm clans of the cats?" Bounce said. "And you could carry me to a safe spot to run?"
"No, Bounce onmy have tress legs! Must be me!" Papi said.
"Fine." Rundi said "But be careful." Then he carried Papi so a spot that there was no traps, "Go quick! The cats may die!"
"Se' Se'!" Papi said and ran off. Then he stopped, he smelled two groups off cats. witch uno!? Witch uno!!? he thought, then he decided on the trail that went to Loveclan. "Ayudame! Ayudame!" He wimperd when to got to camp. ((Now papi is talking in his best cat and english)) "Gotos help! Lilly, Poison, and Jade need Help!"