10:00pm Jul 1 2009
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Crownedpaw shrugged as though it did not bother her at all. She then sat down and licked her paws some. She rather liked the elders. This was hardly a punnisshment to her for some reason. She had expected much worse than this so you could tell she was actually kind of excited about how easy this would be! Darkenedstar looked at Sunset and when she was back in her den she asked " I would recomend getting rid of those dogs. I'm actualy wondering if I should drive you out of the territory. You notonly brought dogs into the camp, you also brought a strange cat and you left on that important journey! " Darkenedstar didn't want to have to punish these cats. They seemed to have gone hrough a lot to get here but surely they couldn't have faced worse than Sunclan. Darkenedstar suddenly seemed to remember something. " Before I go deeper into this conversation, Sunclan has yet to find it's permanent camp. I think I know just the place though. Starsong, alert the other cats that we are moving to our new camp. I don't feel safe living dirrectly beside Loveclan and I think the same goes for them.

10:03pm Jul 1 2009
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Starsong chuckled on his mind. This dogs were so, well, yeah dumb. It was pretty obvious they were twoleg pets some time. "What do you think, DarkenedStar?" He meowed. "I think the dogs should leave!" Sunset growled from her den. The kits whimpered. "Hush, little ones. Its ok, im protecting you." She purred and licked Bonekit's head.
I'm Feline♥
10:41pm Jul 1 2009 (last edited on 10:41pm Jul 1 2009)
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doble post, sorry.
I'm Feline♥
10:44pm Jul 1 2009
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((Why do i keep posting so late T.T'))
I'm Feline♥
10:46pm Jul 1 2009
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((I blame gravity:P))
10:54pm Jul 1 2009
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Starsong nodded and padded around the camp. "SunClan is moving!" He meowed above all noise. He entered the queens den, and warned Sunset. Then he entered the elders den, it was empty. Oh well. He then entered the apprenticed den, and the warriors den. "Fallenpaw, come over here and help me warn the camp." He meowed when he called for the apprentices. Fallenpaw nodded and picked up Cinnamonkit. Sunset picked up Twilightkit, and when Starsong had finished calling the camp he picked up Bonekit. Sunset nodded her thanks. "We are ready, Darkenedstar." Starsong mewed with his tail held high. Lovestar growled once again and stalked towards the camp entrance. She smiled and her mood changed to pride as she saw SunClan starting to move out. "Finally moving." She meowed. She then smiled and padded back to her camp. "SunClan is moving!" She announced. Shadeheart padded hard on his paws towards Crowenedpaw. "What are you waiting for?!" He growled, "The punishment wasnt gossiping around! You get your tail to that elders den right now and get started with the ticks!" He narrowed his eyes.
I'm Feline♥
11:03pm Jul 1 2009
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Crownedpaw smiled at him and said " Kay! " Before bounding off happily into the medicine cat's den to get some mouse bile. She might be getting punished, but moping around about it wasn't going to help her now was it? She might as well go happily!
11:06pm Jul 1 2009
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Shadeheart nodded pridly. ((Rolelpay Darkenedstar on moving SunClan? O.O))
I'm Feline♥
11:09pm Jul 1 2009
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Darkenedstar nodded and took the lead of the group of cats. She walked not to far but far enough that Loveclan borders couldn't be scented much and then said " Here! " It was obvious she had beeen planning on using this spot for a bit of time, since the dens seemed to have been given places already and the center of the area had been cleared of leaves and such. It was a smaller place than the one they lived in before, but it was safer. It was a clearing with gr*censored* in it. It was surrounded by some brambles and such and in the back of it, was a plant with many thorns and a few dead flowers under it. Darkenedstar went to a den that was near this plant and said " Queens and kits can stay here. " Under a clump of brambles, was what appeared to be an old badger set. The entrance was just big enough for a queen to move in and out through it but only one at a time. Darkenedstar thought this would be the perfect place for the clan's kits to stay safe and warm.
11:19pm Jul 1 2009
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Sunset smiled happily and shoved her kits into the den. "Fallenpaw, go bring Sunset some moss for her kits please." Starsong meowed. Then he sat down. "I guess we should start marking the new borders, and then we can start with the exploring and den making?"
I'm Feline♥
6:19am Jul 2 2009
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"Bye dogs, I hope we meet again." Lillyflower said. "Me too!" Poisonkit said. "Me three." Jadeye said. "Goodbye." rundi said. "Byebye!" Bounce said. "Adeose Goto!" Papi said. "Bye." Bella said. The dogs walked out of camp, and resumed the life of strays on the street, never again did they forget Lillyflower, Poisonkit, and Jadeye, and they always helped cats and never chased them again.
8:51am Jul 2 2009
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" Sure. I think the apprentices should already be working on dens though. You can go choose a few warriors to come with us. After that, I'll tell the rest they have to work on den making. " Darkenedstar meowed. She was rather happy with her decision of a camp. The other cats seemed to like it as much as she did...well mabye she liked it just a bit more but at least they all liked it!
12:54pm Jul 2 2009
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"Okay. Boarfur, come over here please." Starsong meowed for the cat, "Lillyflower, you may come too." Then he sat down while the cats came. "Those are the only warriors we have. And i think its time to make Poisonkit an apprentice, dont you think?"
I'm Feline♥
12:58pm Jul 2 2009
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((First page has been uptaded.))
I'm Feline♥
1:01pm Jul 2 2009
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" I guess so...but she is going to need some sort of punishment for wandering off like that. I think Jacklefur should come. " Darkenedstar said. " I also have a question for you, do you think our apprentices are ready to become warriors? " Darkenedstar looked over at nutpaw who was busy hurrying into the camp with a mouthful of moss. Darkenedstar watched as she carried it into the nursery. Darkenedstar was glad that her apprentice was doing this without having to be told. ((Boarfur is in Loveclan. Not sunclan.))
1:01pm Jul 2 2009 (last edited on 1:01pm Jul 2 2009)
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Posts: 7
Can I join? If not, okay, but here's my bio: Name: Songpaw
Rank: Apprentice
Clan: SunClan
Gender: Female
Age: 28 Moons
Looks/Deion: A pale brown tabby with slightly darker markings. Pale blue, almond-shaped eyes.
Other: Is very gentle, but is a good fighter. Her voice is very beautiful; when she talks, it sounds like she is singing. Her mentor, Sandfoot, was just killed in a battle, and she has been grieving.
1:34pm Jul 2 2009
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((Meg: Oh, sorry. I must have mixed up the names =x Do you think you have time to Rmail alice111 please? She always forgets to come T.T')) Starsong looked for Fallenpaw, right now he was helping Moonwhisper to collect herbs. "Yes, actually. I really do think its time. But maybe later when the clan has established? I also agree with Poisonkit being punished." ((Wolfyn: Ok, since SunClan will do well with more cats. ^_^ But could you make a warrior please? And the name Song is taken, from the deputy of SunClan. ;3 Right now SunClan is establishing on a new territory, next to LoveClan.))
I'm Feline♥
1:39pm Jul 2 2009
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Darkenedstar nodded and said " Let's go. " and then yowled to the rest of the clan " This is our new home! Warriors not coming on border setting should help make a place to sleep in. Apprentices are to do whatever the older cats direct them to do. " She then padded out of the new camp and towards something she thought would make a good landmark.
1:42pm Jul 2 2009
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Shadeheart padded out of the camp, and he started to take out all of the dens, by ripping them and destroying them so it didnt look like there lived another clan once. Then it looked all well. He smiled at his work done and started to pad towards the camp, until suddenlt something grabbed his tail and pulled. Amber eyes glowed as a fox growled and pulled on the tail. Shadeheart sreeched and yowled for help. "Help! Fox!" He growled, he managed to take the tail off of the Fox's jaws and claw at its leg. The fox whipped around and grabbed Shadeheart's sruff, pulling and throwing the poor cat on the ground.
I'm Feline♥
1:43pm Jul 2 2009
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Starsong followed, "This should be easy."
I'm Feline♥