1:51pm Jul 2 2009
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Posts: 7
(( I can make another character a warrior, but Song is the second part of Starsong's name, so can't Song be the first part of Songpaw's name? )) Name: Wildheart
Rank: Warrior
Clan: SunClan
Gender: Female
Age: 28 Moons
Looks/Deion: http://www.sobi.org/photos/Cat/Malta/MalteseCat_148.jpg Other: Is very bright and happy, always in a good mood. Loves kits and longs for an apprentice of her own to teach the ways of the Warrior Code.
1:54pm Jul 2 2009
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Posts: 7
(( That's odd, I posted something, but it didn't show up. o_o ))
2:04pm Jul 2 2009
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I'm Feline♥
2:19pm Jul 2 2009
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((Wolfyn: Its because this is a really big roleplay, and it has this lag... That when someone posts something and it goes to the next page, it has to post 'bump' twice so it can show up. And Starsong is deputy so that when he ever gets to be a leader his name will be Songstar, not Starstar ;3. I will add your characters as soon as you change Songpaw's name ^_^ Thanks~))
I'm Feline♥
2:49pm Jul 2 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Crownedpaw heard the yowl and had stopped talking with the elders who instisted they didn't have ticks today. She let out a yowl of fury before lunging at the fox and digging in her claws. A fox was not going to harm her mentor!
2:57pm Jul 2 2009
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The fox pushed with its claws at Crownedpaw to the floor. Shadeheart hissed at it and bit its leg hard, making the fox fall. He was padding to the other side to claw at its belly, but the fox had already stood up and pinned Shadeheart to the ground. He screeched and wriggled. The fox reached for Shadeheart's throwt and bit hard, letting blood ooze out of its neck. Fortunetly, the bite wasnt too deep. But it could, maybe, kill him. Though he was still alive, but maybe not with the strengh to fight.
I'm Feline♥
3:04pm Jul 2 2009
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Crownedlion took the chance of the fox getting at Shadeheart to go for it's own neck. She bit down with no mercy on it though she only managed to grab the side of it's neck. The fox yiped loudly in pain. Crownedpaw used all the energy she had now to force herself and the fox away from Shadeheart. Both were airborn for a moment before hitting the ground again. Crownedpaw landed ontop of the fox.
3:05pm Jul 2 2009
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Posts: 7
(( Aw, okay. Her name's...Featherpaw? ))
6:33pm Jul 2 2009
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((Kk ^_^ You may start roleplaying X3)) Shadeheart lay unmoving on the floor, unable to help Crownenedpaw. His heart still beated, but maybe not for long. Sagepelt, Shadeheart's sister, had padded out of the camp for fresh air, until she heard Crownenedpaw. "Crownenedpaw? What are you doing? Is everything ok?" She padded hard on her paws towards the noise, "Where are you?!"
I'm Feline♥
6:45pm Jul 2 2009 (last edited on 6:46pm Jul 2 2009)
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Posts: 7
Wildheart bounded after Sagepelt, leaping through the brush. "Hey, wait, it could be dangerous!" she called, hearing the snarling and yipping of the fox. She caught up eventually. "StarClan, slow down." she panted, gasping for breath. (( Featherpaw will need a mentor. =3 ))
7:01pm Jul 2 2009
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((Wildheart is in Sunclan...Sagepelt, Crownedpaw, and Shaadeheart are all in loveclan. )) Crownedpaw beared the marks of the battle in many places. Her forehead had slashing marks from the foxes claws and bite marks were everywhere. She still clung angrily to the now dead fox. She finally let go of it since she was finally sure it was dead. She let out yowl for help. Shadeheart was in worse condition that Crownedpaw, but they were both still pretty bad. Crownedpaw held one eyes shut with red blood oozing out of it and onto her face. The fox had possibly blinded that eye.
7:10pm Jul 2 2009 (last edited on 7:10pm Jul 2 2009)
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Posts: 7
(( Oh, xD. *fail* ))
7:44pm Jul 2 2009
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7:47pm Jul 2 2009
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Posts: 7
(( I think I'll just watch for now, I don't like huuuuge roleplays. >o< ))
1:50pm Jul 3 2009
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((Watch for now? What do you mean?)) Sagepelt saw the dead fox and the two cats. "Oh my...." She gasped, "Shadeheart, please stand up." And Shadeheart did, once he was about to fall Sagepelt let him lean on her shoulder. "Bring our medicine cat, now, Crownenedpaw!" She gasped through her tears of hope for Shadeheart.
I'm Feline♥
3:00pm Jul 3 2009
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Crownedpaw nodded her head and shook it before stumbling away towards camp. She wasn't used to seeing with one eye... Nothing on that side came into view so she kept have to swing her head from side to side to see everything as she went as fast as an injured cat could towards the camp and the medicine cat. When she finally got to camp, she went to the medicine cat's den and said " Shadeheart is bleeding really bad...Sagepelt sent me to get you... " Crownedpaw felt slightly dizzy from bleeding so much and using so much energy. The pain from her eye seemed to overcome all her other pains which she didn't even notice. The biggest thing to bother her at this time, was the throbbing lump on her face that was once used for seeing.
1:47pm Jul 8 2009
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((You rolplay the medicine cat, remember? ;3))
I'm Feline♥
4:09pm Jul 8 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((yeh...I will get to that soon*falls asleep event hough is 4:00pm here*))
5:38pm Jul 10 2009
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I'm Feline♥
7:44pm Jul 10 2009
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Starwalker looked up with obvious surprise at Crownedpaw and asked " What happened? " Crownedpaw didn't answer but just stood there staring far away at nothing but air. Starwalker was worried about her but decided Shadeheart should come first. She grabbed a large amount of cobwebs and several herbs. She flicked her tail to show Crownedpaw she wanted to know where the injured cat was. Crownedpaw turned away and began to walk back out of camp with Starwalker right behind her.