4:37pm Jul 11 2009
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Sagepelt had her head down as tears fell from her eyes. She was staring sadly and Shadeheart, until the scent of Starwalker wriggled around her nose and she closed her eyes tightly, letting tears fall over her cheeks. "He's gone..." She sobbed silently with her paw on Shadeheart's heart. "I dont know... If its worth that i live to..."
I'm Feline♥
4:39pm Jul 11 2009
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I'm Feline♥
4:39pm Jul 11 2009
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I'm Feline♥
7:50pm Jul 12 2009
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I'm Feline♥
3:09pm Jul 13 2009
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((What has happened? Sorry, I did not get to post here, I was grounded x.x I hope I did not miss to much.))
3:39pm Jul 13 2009
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Starwalker saw Shadeheart. Blood was quite literally surrounging him. Most likely bled to death... " So he's dead? " Crownedpaw asked even though the answer was obvious.
5:07pm Jul 14 2009
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Sagepelt sadly padded to the camp, ignoring the curious stares around or Crownedpaw's ignorance of her sadness. She sat down and stared down at her feet, yet hoping someone could comfort her. ((I can see no one is putting much effort into their posts. Alice never comes and ribunny cant always come. Im going to have to end this roleplay if this keeps going on like this...))
I'm Feline♥
3:28pm Jul 17 2009
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6:16pm Jul 17 2009
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((Don't close the rp! It hold so much history in it!*wonders why im caring so much since I hate my history cl*censored**)) Crownedpaw sat there just staring hardly able to beleive her own eyes. After all the trouble she had gone through to get help, he had still died. She felt like this entire thing was her fault. She barely noticed Starwalker begin to work on her wounds. She only looked at her as she put some sort of herb on a wound making it sting a lot. " I'm fine... " She muttered before getting up and limping back towards the camp at a slower pace than she had gone to get help to Shadeheart. She felt miserably guilt. It had to be her fault... She had gone to slow... She felt as if all the blame was on her right now. Pressing down on her and making it harder to breath every step.
5:18pm Jul 18 2009
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((Then only me and panda will roleplay here, i guess. Like a private roleplay, it will be much easier like that. Than just waiting so much for others to come back.)) Sagepelt felt Crownenedpaw's waves of guilt. She sighed sadly and padded next to her. "You tried your best..." She tried to comfort her. "...I couldnt have said goodbye to him if you hadnt kept him alive for longer. He would have died sooner if he had fought alone..." She mewed with an edge of sadness.
I'm Feline♥
5:24pm Jul 18 2009
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Crownedpaw nodded though she still felt like it was her fault. Starwalker tryed to approach her again and help her wounds but Crownedpaw turned away and meowed " I'm fine. I already told you that... " Starwalker sighed. Crownedpaw wasn't wanting to get help and she wasn't going to force her. She could only hope the cat came to her senses and wwent to her for help with those nasty looking wounds. Blossompetal rushed over. She had just now seen how badly Crownedpaw was hurt. " Are you okay? What happened? " Blossompetal began to lick at her sisters wwounds with worry to try and keep them clean. Crownedpaw let her since she had her closest bond here was with her sister. " Foxes. " Was all Crownedpaw said to her.
5:51pm Jul 18 2009
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Sagepelt backed away from them and sat next to the fresh-kill, grabbing a fish for herself. Then taking a mouse, by its tail to take to Crownedpaw. "You fought hard over there, you must be hungry.." And so she pushed the fresh-kill with her nouse at her.
I'm Feline♥
6:04pm Jul 18 2009
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Crownedpaw was about to say she wasn't hungry when her stomach answered for her with a loud grumbling. She smiled and then began to eat the mouse hungrily. Suddenly it occured to her just how much she wanted to be a warrior again. She hadn't felt it until now. In her mind, she wouldn't get to be a warrior because she had helped once agaain without being told to. After all, saving cat's lives got her into this mess and attempting to save another couldn't possibly help her too much... Blossompetal continued to lick Crownedpaw's wounds. Some were still fiercly bleeding as though determined to make Crownedpaw faint from blood loss. She was now busy working on those ones. Blossompetal could tell that Crownedpaw had refused help from Starwalker since there wasn't even a sign of cobwebs on her fur and that wasn't good. What if she got an infection?
6:09pm Jul 18 2009
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"You did good out there, trying to save your mentor's life. But maybe you could have brought help from the clan, it could have been easier." Lovestar is the one who told that. Sagepelt glanced at her, thinking it might be true if Crownedpaw had time for that. She probably did though. "Dont you think Starwalker should stop that bleeding?" Sagepelt suggested softly, "You can get really weak from blood loss.."
I'm Feline♥
6:18pm Jul 18 2009
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Crownedpaw finally decided to accept help. " Fine. And as for getting more help, I doubt there was time to even do so. " Crownedpaw then twisted her head around and began to clean a wound on her shoulder. Blossompetal had dashed away to the medicine cat's den already since she heard Crownedpaw was going to accept help. Blossompetal walked up to the medicine cat and said " Crownedpaw finally came to her senses and wants you to help her. " She then left to go back to her sister. Starwalker nodded and got together some herbs and cobwebs. She trotted out of her den and towards the injured cat. Once there, she set down the herbs and cobwebs. She then grabbed a few of the herbs and applied them to the wounds then put cobwebs on them. " Eat some poppy seeds. They'll help with the pain. " Crownedpaw nodded and ate a few of the seeds. Her wounds had started hurting much more now. Her eye was the worst by far though. It was still swollen shut and blood was coming from it. She just wished the pain would go away instantly but she knew there was no way for Starwalker to do that...

7:23pm Jul 18 2009
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Lovestar nodded pleased and padded back to the entrance of her den, staring around the camp. Starsong padded next to Darkenedsoul, hoping his question would be thought about. "I think Fallenpaw is ready to be a warrior..."
I'm Feline♥
7:40pm Jul 18 2009
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" Hm...I think so too. Same goes for Nutpaw. I say that tommorow, we send them out on a big hunting patrol. We get to moniter their skills and such. Then, in the evening, they have their warrior ceremonies. Do you think it's a good idea? " She wondered if her wanted Fallenpaw to be a warrior today. She thought that tommorow would be better though for some reason.
8:02pm Jul 18 2009
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Starsong nodded. "Wiser decision," He mewed. ((Any ideas for a new plot? I still suggest Darkenedstar should have kits.))
I'm Feline♥
8:07pm Jul 18 2009
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((I was thinking about that but then though Hey! Leaders aren't supposed to have kits! But since you suggested it then I'm going with it!)) " Well...for now I think I'll just tale Nutpaw out for some quick battle move reviewing to mak sure she knows everything she needs to know for fighting. " Darkenedstar then called out Nutpaw's name. She instantly bounded over to her and shook off a few bits of moss. She had been helping make the dens. " We're going to go do some battle practice. " Darkenedstar told her. Nutpaw nodded to show she understood. Darkenedstar turned to Starsong and asked " Do you think Fallenpaw should come too? Mabye they could practice by fighting each other. "
8:12pm Jul 18 2009
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"Sounds like a great idea!" Starsong purred, and called Fallenpaw's name. But it wasnt needed, he was following Nutpaw with bits of moss too. "Oh." He mewed as he noticed him, "Ready for some battling, then?" ((I never thought about that X3))
I'm Feline♥