8:16pm Jul 18 2009
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((I say we completely ignore it>:D who said all the normal rules apply to a clan of powered cats?)) Darkenedstar sat by Nutpaw, hoping the answer would be yes. Nutpaw knew all her moves by now and neither seemed to be able to evven bat the other with a paw! Both cats were simply to used to the others strategies! Darkenedstar thought a little bit of change in the target might help Nutpaw learn a bit more aabout battling than just fighting the same cat over and over again.
8:16pm Jul 18 2009
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((oh joy..))
8:16pm Jul 18 2009
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((the page is lagging...))
8:24pm Jul 18 2009
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((Not me! But maybe Erin Hunter XD...)) Starsong shared Darkenedstar's thoughts. "We should train them a bit before putting them together to fight." He said, hoping Darkenedstar really was sharing his thoughts.
I'm Feline♥
8:28pm Jul 18 2009
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" Okay. I'll let Nutpaw brush up on her fighting skills before the fight. " Darkenedstar then set off out of the new camp. If you looked a little closely, you could see she was just a little bit rounder than normal... Nutpaw seemed to not notice this at all and followed her mentor happily. The glowing cat always seemed so full of excitment!
8:32pm Jul 18 2009
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Starsong didnt notice it ether, and he calmly led Fallenpaw to the next side of the battling grounds. "Okay, Fallenpaw. How would you expect Nutpaw to attack you?... And what would be your defense?" He mewed.
I'm Feline♥
8:40pm Jul 18 2009
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Darkedstar twisted around on Nutpaw the instant her paws touched that training area. Nutpaw darted to the side and lunged for Darkenedstar's side. Darkenedstar used a paw to knock Nutpaw off course before dived under the jump. Nutpaw fell the the ground and then leaped back up. Darkenedstar lunged at her but Nutpaw easily dart to the side. After several more minutes of this, they stopped. " That was pretty good Nutpaw. Good reflexes, dodging, and those attacks weren't so bad either. I have to say I was imppresed by the fact that you dodged my first attack. I thought I would get you that time. " Darkenedstar smiled. She was proud of her apprentice. " Annd so once again neither of us could lay a paw on the other eh? " Nupaw said smiling as well.
9:06pm Jul 18 2009
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Fallenpaw thought for a moment. "Im not sure..." He mewed. Starsong hesitated about this. "Nevermind, just attack me." And so Fallenpaw slipped under Starsong's belly and pulled his paws over to knock him down. Starsong had tripped but not exactly fell, he whirled over and jumped on Fallenpaw's back, tumbling him over as he tried to get and attack back. ((Im braindead right now... Couldnt be very creative. Ill keep roleplaying tomorrow.))
I'm Feline♥
11:54am Jul 19 2009
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I'm Feline♥
12:01pm Jul 19 2009
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((I don't really know what to post...my cats have finished training for the most part...I guess...)) Darkenedstar then said " Well go ahead and show me you know all of your fighting moves even when not in a fight. " She watched as Nutpaw sighed and displayed all the moves Darkenedstar had tought her. Both found this boring though Darkenedstar knew it was neccesary. " Good. Let's go wait for Fallenpaw and Starsong. " Darkenedstar then walked to the place where she was pretty sure the two apprentices would fight. Nutpaw followed.
12:10pm Jul 19 2009
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Starsong nodded, very pleased by Fallenpaw's fighting. "Okay, lets go." He mewed, padding on the opposite side into the small place where the fight would be. "Ready?" He asked Darkenedstar.
I'm Feline♥
12:17pm Jul 19 2009
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" I'm sure that Nutpaw is. " Darkenedstar looked down at the glowing apprentice who seemed ready to pounce at any second. " Fallenpaw? " She asked. She wondered who would make the first move. Most likely the energetic Nutpaw...
12:24pm Jul 19 2009
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Fallenpaw nodded in challenge, putting his head close to the ground. Starsong backed away a bit, letting them some space.
I'm Feline♥
12:27pm Jul 19 2009
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Nutpaw darted forward but didn't strike. It was a fake start. She leaped back just before she was close enough to hit him. Darkenedstar then said " And remember! This is only a practice fight. No claws. " Nutpaw of course already knew that as she darted around, refusing to stay in one spot for two long.
12:36pm Jul 19 2009
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Fallenpaw would never hurt her. Not even in a real fight. But he did take it seriously to win, and so he jumped on her back trying to loose Nutpaw's balance.
I'm Feline♥
12:41pm Jul 19 2009
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Nutpaw did loose her balance but only stumbled for a second before leaping back and batting at Fallenpaw's face with her paws before jumping away once more. Darkenedstar was pretty sure her power would have something to do with speed.... If she already ran this fast then imagine what a power of running even fater could do! You would hardly be able to see her if it weren't for that glowing.
1:50pm Jul 19 2009
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Fallenpaw let a small hiss of annoyment, and tumbled Nutpaw over to expose her belly and attack her there with a few kicks, then to back away and put his tail up and his head down, ready for an attack from anywhere.
I'm Feline♥
3:01pm Jul 19 2009
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Nutpaw stood still for a split second after getting up, as though recovering from he attack. she then shot around behind Fallenpaw and whacked hard at his hind legs before darting away again. She hoped to knock him over by doing that.
2:20pm Jul 20 2009
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Fallenpaw fell, but at an insant he rolled over on his back to be straight again on his paws. His gaze never left Nutpaw's. He thought quickly of another move, and immedietly he put his body flat to the ground, with his belly exposed to the open.
I'm Feline♥
2:27pm Jul 20 2009
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Nutpaw was about to dart forward and swat at his stomach but then relized he had done that on purpose. He was going to attack her if she went for his stomach! So instead she jumped around a little bit more and leaped at his head. She batted it with a paw before jumping back as quickly as she possibly could.