4:36pm Jul 20 2009
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But before she could completely ran off, he grabbed her neck with his paw and he rolled to then kick at he stomach lightly, but enough to throw her a bit far. Starsong sat camly next to Darkenedstar, looking at them fight.
I'm Feline♥
4:37pm Jul 20 2009
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I'm Feline♥
4:37pm Jul 20 2009
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I'm Feline♥
7:23pm Jul 20 2009
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Nutpaw got up, shook herself, then sat down. " Well I personally think you won Fallenpaw. I'm tired now. " She then scratched behind her ear with a hind foot. Darkenedstar felt proud of her apprentice. She needed to not give up so quickly though. That was the only thing Darkenedstar found fault in. " Well I think it was a good fight. Either of you could have won the battle had it gone on longer. " Darkenedstar said.
7:33pm Jul 20 2009
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Starsong nodded in agreement. "Well done, both of you." He said. Fallenpaw smiled at Nutpaw, his eyes glittering. He still felt the same weird feeling he felt everytime he looked at her glossy bright pelt and beautiful eyes.
I'm Feline♥
7:53pm Jul 20 2009
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Darkenedstar then said " Well, while we're out here, we all might as well get some moss collected. I'm sure we are all going to want a comfortable place to sleep tonight. " Darkenedstar said. She didn't care if it was an apprentice task or not. If the cats here wanted to sleep comfortably, this was what they would do. She then got up and went over to an old looking tree and began to pull some of the moss off. This was pretty easy since it grew in large, thick clumps here. Nutpaw went over to the same tree and started grabbing moss from it. With this stuff being as thick as it was, there was probobly more than enough moss for all four cats here.
8:33pm Jul 20 2009
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((Cleaning a cat is a pure process of pain. T_T)) Starsong nodded and did the same thing with another tree, with Fallenpaw helping. "Pile it up over here," He directed his apprentice, scraping pieces of the moss.
I'm Feline♥
8:39pm Jul 20 2009
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((That's why I let them clean themselves even if they're bad at it)) Darkenedstar created her own little pile as did Nutpaw. Darkenedstar suddenly got an idea. You could gather more moss quicker if you were bigger. So she went into her powered form and began to pull off much more moss with each grab. Soon she was satisfied with the size of her pile and oowered down to wait for Nutpaw to fnish gathering moss.
9:58pm Jul 20 2009
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Starsong thought it was great idea to use powers for this, even though it was easy. He used some of his speed power to get even more moss, as like Darkenedstar did. Soon enough he finished, and Fallenpaw too. Fallenpaw pushed his pile to Starsong's, and then he sat down waiting to be ordered to take it to the camp.
I'm Feline♥
10:00pm Jul 20 2009
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((I just use a special kitty towel and some brushes. But they get so impatient. No nasty bleeding parts though, fortunetly. But yet its very hard T.T Especially when they go out to the garden after the rain.))
I'm Feline♥
10:01pm Jul 20 2009
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Darkenedstar grabbed as much moss as she could in her powered form once Nutpaw was satisfied with her pile and turned towards the camp. Before she began to walk on, she flicked her tail for Nutpaw to follow. Nutpaw quickly picked up all her moss and followed Darkenedstar. They had gathered enough moss to make the bedding for at least three cats event hough only two cats had collected it. In fact, mabye even four or five cats could share this much moss if they were apprentices.
10:03pm Jul 20 2009
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((My cats just stay in the house. They don't need much as far as cleaning goes other than the litter box except for the fact that the two boy cats in the house have to have some sort of stomach issue. They HAVE to cough up everything they eat-.- Glad my girl cat doesn't do that. I actually based Darkenedsoul after my cat Squeaky :3))
10:46pm Jul 20 2009
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((My cats stay in too, its just the garden they go to sometimes to get some fresh air. And its nice to know about Squaky :D She is a great cat on this roleplay X3 Do you have any pictures of her?)) Starsong followed with Fallenpaw behind, both dragging huge balls of moss. "Do you think all of the dens are finished already?" Fallenpaw asked Darkenedstar.
I'm Feline♥
10:53pm Jul 20 2009
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((Sadly, no.But she is almost a pure breed of Chartreux.If you want a pretty good view of her you can look up on of them. The thing keeping her from having papers if her blood line and her eyes are green instead or orange.)) Darkenedstar shook her head. It would take longer than one day to fill up all the dens. Some dens weren't even fully established. As Darkenedstar wlaked ino the camp, she headed to her den to see how much of this moss she needed. The rest could be given to whoever needed. She was pretty sure she wouldn't need ALL of this moss. Nutpaw went to what was going to be the apprentices den and set down her moss. She then strarted to clear an area of leaves and twigs and stuff. She planned on sleeping there tongiht.
8:01pm Jul 21 2009
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Fallenpaw padded beside Nutpaw, kindly helping her with the moss. Starsong padded beside Darkenedstar with a ball of moss on his teeth. "Need any help?" He asked, his tone had an edge of a gasp when he suddenly noticed the roundness of her belly. But he tried to ignore the thought away, and smiled kindly at her. "I brought you more moss just in case."
I'm Feline♥
8:11pm Jul 21 2009
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Darkenedstar shook her head. She beleived she could make a next that was perfectly good for herself. She looked at the moss she had gotten a second time then headed to the place her den would be. It was going to be under a huge log. She then powered up and began to work on digging out a small spot under the log to be bigger. In her normal cat form, she couldn't have gotten a good den made nearly so fast but when she was powered up she had bigger paws and bigger paws meant bigger claws. When she was satisfied she powered down and shook some of the dirt off her paws. She would deal with the extra dirt later. She took the moss she thought she would need and went into the new den. She began to spread it around on the dusty ground in there with a few sneezes. She finally decided it was good and exited the den again. Nutpaw purred softly to Fallenpaw as a thanks. It was soon spread out to her liking and she asked " Are you going to need any help setting up your nest? "
8:50pm Jul 21 2009
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Starsong nodded, his head down. And padded out, entering the warriors' den. And stretched the moss around until it felt good enough. He sat there, looking straight out of the den, his gaze resting on Darkenedstar. "Sure, thanks!" Fallenpaw purred and headed out, looking back if Nutpaw was following.
I'm Feline♥
9:59pm Jul 21 2009
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Nutpaw picked up the extra moss she had gotten and followed Fallenpaw. She felt that friends should help each other. That was the main reason she wanted to help him. Not to mention she enjoyed being around him.
11:51pm Jul 21 2009
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Fallenpaw grabbed a ball of moss and carried it to the apprentices' den, and right next to Nutpaw's nest he put his own. He started to drag it around. Sunset padded out of a shade of a tree where she had been feeding her kits. She looked around the camp, and when he gaze stopped on Darkenestar she padded on to her. "I think i can help with the dens... My kits are safe sleeping under the tree, i can keep an eye on them while keeping my paws on the sticks to construct dens." She mewed, her gaze were akwardly looking at Darkenedstar's belly. "Are you alright?" She wondered out loud, she hadnt expected her thoughts to go away like this though.
I'm Feline♥
8:50am Jul 22 2009
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" Er, Yah. Why do you ask? " Darkenedstar questioned. She felt perfectly fine. She could only guess at why everyone else was starting to see something different about her. She wished she could look at herself but there wasn't any still water nearby to see her reflection. Nutpaw helped by scraping away any little seeds or bugs things like that. She wanted Fllenpaw to have a clean place to sleep. She then started putting down some of her own collection of moss.