9:46pm Jul 22 2009
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((Okay, Ill add them back there. Warmheart is female, and Boarfur male, right? Both from LoveClan, i suppose.)) Thunder and Blizzard followed, "Crystal? Phion?" Thunder called. ((She is very old, she was already an elder when she was found by the tree on SunClan's journey. But she somehow didn't manage to go exactly away peacefuly.You made me LOL there by the way.)) MoonWhisper relaxed for a moment, her heart slowing. She looking up at Darkenedstar, and her eyes closed. Soon did her heart stopped beating. Fallenpaw looked down at his paws, the one with the thorn was still bleeding. ((Remember what ThunderClan did when BlueStar was leader and SpottedLeaf died.))
I'm Feline♥
9:46pm Jul 22 2009
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I'm Feline♥
9:46pm Jul 22 2009
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I'm Feline♥
9:54pm Jul 22 2009
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Darkenedstar stared down at the cat who had saved her from destroying eeven more cats. The cat who had tought the to control her powers. The cat who had allowed her to around these cats without fearing her power would get out of control. Darkendestar felt the first tears she had felt in quite a long time come to her face. Moonwhisper....dead... Her mind didn't want to accept this. It tryed to give excuses. But deep inside, Darkenedstar knew the truth. Moonwhisper would not be getting back up. She would not breath again. Crystal peered out from a bush, Phione behind her. " Smokey! Blizzard! Thunder! " She yowled before pouncing(glomping)on Smokey. Phione pounced upon Thunder. Sadly, there was no third cat to pounce on Blizzard. ((Er...what did they do? Should I look it up or something?))
10:05pm Jul 22 2009
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((They asked help from ShadowClan. And their medicine cat, which was Yellowfang, wen't to be the medicine cat of ThunderClan. Then Cinderpaw, later Cinderpelt, wanted to be medicine cat. So Yellowfang was her mentor until she turned into a full grown Medicine Cat. Yellowfang later died. ShadowClan had a medicine cat apprentice, but he was full grown already to take care of the clan himself. I forgot his name now though.)) Sunset left her kits under the tree and ran off into the den. "MoonWhisper... Noo..." She mewed in her soft sad voice. She padded next to her, repeating all the journey to find her again and again. "Oh no..."
I'm Feline♥
10:08pm Jul 22 2009
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((Wasn't Yellowfang forced out of Shadowclan?))
10:10pm Jul 22 2009
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Here is BIO. Ill be making new cats once this sad scene starts to end. Name: .................. Picture goes here~ Gender: Female or Male Rank: .............. Age: .................... Clan: LoveClan or SunClan Mate: ............... If apprentice, who is your mentor: ......... Personality: ........... Other: Anything else?
I'm Feline♥
10:12pm Jul 22 2009
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((Yes, but later when all the drama ended they decided to hand over Yellowfang to ThunderClan because they didnt need her back but ThunderClan did. You didn't read the first series?))
I'm Feline♥
10:13pm Jul 22 2009
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((I forgot most of the non battling scenes.Not to mention I havn't read the books for over a year...and my memory is horid...))
10:17pm Jul 22 2009
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((Oh. Anyway, lets keep on with the roleplay.))
I'm Feline♥
10:18pm Jul 22 2009
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((So should Darkenedstar ask Loveclan for a bit of help?))
10:21pm Jul 22 2009
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((Yeah. ;D))
I'm Feline♥
10:25pm Jul 22 2009
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((Ah.Why didn't you just say so XD)) DArkenedstar lay down there. Tears streamed down her face. She let herself take in the scent of Moonwhisper. It was begining to mix with the stench of death. Darkenedstar had no plans of doing anything else today. She was going to stay here until tommorrow moring and watch over Moonwhisper. she suddenly got a new idea. She hoped Moonwhisper had made it safely to Starclan.
10:30pm Jul 22 2009 (last edited on 10:31pm Jul 22 2009)
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((Will repost this BIO later))
I'm Feline♥
10:38pm Jul 22 2009
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((Heh. Heh.)) MoonWhisper looked down at her paws, already walking up the stars to meet StarClan. She hesitated for a moment. She would miss everyone. Young Darkenedstar, her young brother Starsong, Sunset, Sunpelt.... Every single SunClan cat. In exception of SunPelt. Stars flew around her, taking her body lightly with her paws on the way to StarClan. Sunset sighed in sadness. "I wan't to stay here.." She mewed. "No." Starsong mewed beside her, "You have to take care of your kits." Sunset shut her eyes tightly. "I can't. MoonWhisper is important to me." And Starsong shook his head. "No, Sunset." He mewed. "Fine.." She mewed, and her she licked MoonWhisper's pelt to then walk off towards her kits.
I'm Feline♥
10:40pm Jul 22 2009 (last edited on 10:40pm Jul 22 2009)
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Name: Honeypaw 
Gender: Female Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice Age: 6 Moons Clan: LoveClan Mate: Nah If apprentice, who is your mentor: Starwalker Personality: .Respective, always following every order from her mentor. Other: I didn't make a medicine cat apprentice for SunClan because that would be cheating.
I'm Feline♥
10:44pm Jul 22 2009
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Jacklefur padded awway silently. He decided that he should continue working on the dens... After all, not every cat could be busy moarning... He was worried though. Sunclan would be weak without a medicine cat. What would they do? ((I'm wondering. Should we actually make it to where they ask for help from Loveclan or give Nutpaw healing powers?))
10:52pm Jul 22 2009 (last edited on 10:52pm Jul 22 2009)
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((It would be wrong. Nutpaw was chosen to be a strong, fierce, warrior. Its best if we just ask LoveClan for help. Then the medicine cat apprentice will get healing powers. We should get started on the BIOs now.)) Name: MoonFall 
Gender: Male Rank: .Warrior Age: .1 Year Clan: SunClan Mate: .Lookin' If apprentice, who is your mentor: .Erm Personality: .Calm, friendly, not very social though. Other: Isn't a beautiful picture?
I'm Feline♥
10:58pm Jul 22 2009
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((Can I just do my little describer sentences like normal? I like to use those more for warrior cats.))
11:00pm Jul 22 2009
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((Okay, but promise to post a picture for each. X3))
I'm Feline♥