2:48pm Jul 28 2009
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"Oh no, you look like a prisoner to me." Starsong snarled, showing his glittering white fangs. He knew this tomcat wouldn't get away with this, atleast if Darkenedstar didn't go soft on him. Starsong thought it would be right to keep him prisoner.
I'm Feline♥
2:48pm Jul 28 2009
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I'm Feline♥
2:49pm Jul 28 2009
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I'm Feline♥
3:02pm Jul 28 2009
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Darkenedstar glared at this cat. He was obviously a rogue of some sort. He would have known better then to have come here. " I think it's time you paid a little visit to our camp, prisoner. " A smile spread across her lips, showing gleaming white teeth. Stripe looked up at Darkenedstar. Something told him inside that there was something wrong with these cats. They were....different.
4:13pm Jul 28 2009
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Starsong let go of the tomcat, and walked closely beside his flank just in case it tried to escape. He once or twice looked at the rogue, looking at his face that might show fear. He stood infront of the camp entrance, waiting for an order from Darkenedstar.
I'm Feline♥
4:17pm Jul 28 2009
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Darkenedstar was tired. She told Starsong " Take him to any place where cats in the clan aren't sleeping and can be seen from my den as well as the warriors. I want two cats to be keeping an eye on him. I'll take a quick nap and then, I think we can go ahead and have the ceremony. " She was of course, refering to the warrior ceremony for Nutpaw and Fallenpaw.
4:36pm Jul 28 2009
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A huge loving smile spread on Starsong's face. His apprentice, going to be a warrior! It would be very exciting. He nodded and padded below a thorn bush, that was infront of Darkenedstar's den and right next to the Warriors' and Elders' den. They had no elders, so why worry about that? He lead the rogue below it, and called for two warriors. "MoonFall and Jacklefur!" He called inside the Warriors' den. "We have a prisoner here, i wan't you to stop doing anything else and guard him." He mewed, narrowing his eyes at the rouge. Obviously his smile had faded away already. MoonFall nodded, and padded around Starsong, to stand infront of their prisoner. "Who are you?" He asked, a glow in his eyes showed unfriendlyness.
I'm Feline♥
4:42pm Jul 28 2009
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" Stripe. I'm guessing you're Moonfall and that one over there is Jacklefur? Stripe asked. Their pelts sort of told the names to him. Jacklefur nodded to Starsong and walked over, glaring angrily at the prisoner. A sudden wind rustled the leaves which had yet to be cleared away. He tail lashed back and forth. If this cat dared to try somthing... Well he wasn't quite sure what he would do but he would be sure to make it painful. Darkenedstar padded into her den and curled up. She fell asleep swiftly. She had been up all night after all. She really did need this sleep. ((Time skip to when she wakes up?))
6:30pm Jul 28 2009
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MoonFall rolled his eyes, irritated. Who wouldn't know their names if Starsong hadn't shouted them like that? He sat down in one corner, looking straight ahead, once or twice lookin back at Stripe. Starsong yawned, he hadn't had a good night sleep ether. He padded inside the Warriors' Den and soon fell asleep. Snores included. ((Okay.)) The sun was staring to set over the mountains, leaving the sky pink and violet instead of a clear blue. Starsong opened his eyes one by one, noticing it was the moment- The moment where his apprentice would finally be a warrior. Fallenpaw stared at his soar paw, where the thorn had pinched in at the exact moment when MoonWhisper was leaving to join StarClan. His paw looked better now, though. And he licked it once or twice, to then pad out of the Apprentices' Den. He sat down and took a long look at the sunset.
I'm Feline♥
6:38pm Jul 28 2009
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((Are you online?))
I'm Feline♥
6:44pm Jul 28 2009
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((Now I am.)) Darkenedstar opened her eyes. She noticed what time it was and jumped out of her den. She went to Starsong and said " It's time. " Before heading back to where her den was, and jumping ontop of the log that covered it. " All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather around the Fallentree for a clan meeting. " She then sat there waiting for the cats to come. Lunarsight yawned and got up. She had been napping in the last warm rays of light coming from the star. She shook herself and padded over. Jacklefur decided it would be best for him to stay where he was. He looked at Darkenedstar where he stood. He wasn't leaving this cat ungaurded. Stripe smiled and said " Ah. At last something of interest happens. How wonderful. " He stared at the group of cats with his head laying on his paws. This had to be the most interesting thing to happen since his becoming a prisoner. Nutpaw dashed over. She had just finished giving the days collection of moss to the cats whho needed it. She wondered what the meeting was about.

7:27pm Jul 28 2009
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The meeting cought Fallenpaw's suprise. He padded next to Nutpaw, he had also helped with the dens today before taking a look at his paw that never got treated by MoonWhiser. Starsong padded infront of the group of cats, sitting straight up next to Darkenedstar but below the Fallentree. Sunset struggled to get her kits out of her den, atleast by now they could mew correctly. "Come on kits, we don't have all day," She mewed, hoping SunPelt could have been here. Cinnamonkit and Bonekit were bouncing next to the group, staring widly around the huge cats."Twilightkit!" She hissed and grabbed the kit by it's sruff, pulling it over to his littermates. "What's happening, mommy?" Cinnamonkit squeaked, rising her head from Sunset's curled tail around them in protection. "I don't know, Cinnamonkit. I hope it doesn't have to do with anything wrong about the prisoner." MoonFall crouched low, resting his paws, but still guarding fiercly the prisoner. His head was straightly directed to Darkenedstar, yet looking back at Stripe once in a while.
I'm Feline♥
7:38pm Jul 28 2009
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Darkenedstar made sure all te cats were there and said " As you all know we have a visiter in the camp. I think the best thing we can do is make him stay here and do the worst of the apprentice's tasks as punishment. At all times he will be gaurded by at least two warriors. Speaking of warriors, today, we are going to get some new ones. Nutpaw. You first. I, Darkenedstar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code. Nutpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life? " Nutpaw looked up with surprise and said " I-I do. " She already knew who the other warrior was going to be. Fallenpaw. It wasn't to hard to figure out since he was the only other apprentice anyways. " Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Nutpaw, from this moment you will be known as Nutstrike. StarClan honors your endless energy and your will to learn, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Sunclan. "Darkenedstar then jumped off the log and walked over to Nutstike. She rested her muzzled on the top of the apprentice's head. Nutstrike licked Darkenedstar's shoulder as she knew she was supposed to. She loved her new name! ((Do you love Nutstrike's name? There really wasn't any better name she could have had in my eyes.))

7:40pm Jul 28 2009
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Lunarsight and Jacklefur then both started meowing " Nutstrike! Nutstrike! Nutstrike! " As was custom. They were proud to see the first new warrior in the new territory. Stripe decided he should join in once he heard what Lunarsight and Jacklefur were saying. " Yes! Nutstrike! Yay! I have absolutely no idea who you are but still! Yay! " He didn't like to miss out on a moment like this after all. It was just like him to put himself into it.
7:51pm Jul 28 2009
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MoonFall laughed under his breath at what Stripe had said. ((I like it ;D Nutnose could have also been a good name, but NutStrike sounds much better!)) Fallenpaw smiled big at NutStrike. "Congratulations, Nutstrike!" He mewed, then the thought crept into his mind. He would be warrior next, and he was going to be one in just a few minutes! He was fidgitting with his tail by now, looking around at the clan. His nervous gaze stared at Darkenedstar. ((May Fallenpaw turn into FallenHope?)) Starsong smiled also. And Sunset, who had taken care of NutStrike since she had been a kit, rubbed her nose on NutStrike. "Im so happy for you!" She purred loudly.
I'm Feline♥
7:56pm Jul 28 2009
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Darkenedstar smiled and leaped back onto the log. " I expect you all know who is next. He is the only apprentice left after all. Fallenpaw. I, Darkenedstar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code. Fallenpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life? " Darkenedstar asked. She had a feeling all the cats here were glad that there were new warriors around the camp. Sunclan was rather small so it was a very important event when a cat became a warrior. Stripe smiled. He waited for the next cat's name to be called out so her could join in again. It was pretty fun after all. Getting to talk very loudly for some pointless reason. Suiting for him.
7:57pm Jul 28 2009
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((Sure. He is your cat after all.))
8:00pm Jul 28 2009
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Nutstrike smiled and purred back. She knew better than to talk, since new warriors were suppose to stay quiet until the next day.
3:16pm Jul 29 2009
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Fallenpaw widened his eyes. "Yes," He said in a steady voice, he felt like this was a dream coming true. He wondered what his name would be. ((Actually, that sounds a bit sad. FallenRain sounds better. Don't you think?))
I'm Feline♥
3:27pm Jul 29 2009
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((Yep. I'm just going with whatever you want really.)) Darkenedstar nodded her head and said " Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Fallenpaw, from this moment you will be known as Fallenrain. StarClan honors your intelligence and your quick thinking, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Sunclan. " She then leaped off the log like before and rested her muzzle on top of Fallenrain's head. Nutstrike smiled even wider. She felt so immensly happy! She wanted to yowl with joy and leap around! She knew better than to do so of course. Who ever heard of a warrior doing such a thing? It was nice to think about though. ((I think you and me have a knack for coming up with really good names:3))