5:07pm Jul 29 2009
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Fallenrain smiled, he loved his new name! And thought Nutstrike was a really good name too! He shut his mouth tight, as if an explosion of happiness would free out at any moment. Starsong smiled and padded next to Fallenrain. "Congratulations!" He purred, and so did Sunset. She had taken care of Fallenrain, too. She remembered the day she got lost and defeted by Lizardstar, she had been brought from the river all the way down to a a female loner, Crystal, which gave Sunset Fallenrain as Fallenkit. "Fallenrain, Fallenrain, Fallenrain!" Sunset, MoonFall, and all background cats shouted.
I'm Feline♥
5:14pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((True, i always need to think for a long time before getting something very creative X3))
I'm Feline♥
5:15pm Jul 29 2009
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((Ah, i always get third place on contests T.T' Stupid lag.))
I'm Feline♥
5:17pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((i'm drawing pics off our clan cats :3 It means I will still reply it will just take longer than normal since I'm multi tasking. I have fallenrain and nutstrike done. wworking on starsong.))
5:21pm Jul 29 2009
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" Oh joy! More yelling! Fallenrain! Fallenrain! " Stripe said loudly. It felt good to actually get to talk. All day, his gaurds hadn't spoken a word to him and hadn't repllied when eh asked them something. In other words, most of his day had been spent in awkward silence. Darkenedstar then leaped back onto the log. " Tonight, both of you will sit vigil and gaurd the camp and the prisoner. Congratulation your first warrior task has come right along with your vigil. Make sure the prisoner doesn't get away. " Darkenedstar felt very happy. The entire clan's happines seemed to radiate off of each cat and collect itself within Darkenedstar. It made her happier with each moment. Lunarsight and Jacklefur started yelling out Fallenrain's name. Jacklefur hoped this was over soon, so her could get to sleep. An entire day spent without a single nap! He was exausted!
5:29pm Jul 29 2009
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((Stripe is so funny XD And good luck on your drawing ;D Are you making all SunClan cats?)) MoonFall rolled his eyes, this time with a teasing look at Stripe. He had a pretty good sense of humor. MoonFall got up and padded around Fallenrain, touching flanks as they p*censored*ed. He smiled at the new warrior, and then dropped inside the Warriors' Den to have a good night sleep. Fallenrain padded at the middle of the camp, looking around at the cats who were waiting for the meeting to finish to run off inside their dens.
I'm Feline♥
5:39pm Jul 29 2009
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((Ima try to. I'm on Darkenedstar now. Starsong ish done. I wish I had some musicO_o Ima make it a video on youtube and it will end up boring since htere will be no sound.)) Nutstrike padded over to where Stripe was. She smiled slightly at him not wanting to end up hating anyone. She then sat down to gaurd. Her fur glowed brightly in the night, keeping the entire camp lit in the normally dim lighting. If anything tryed to get in or out, she and Fallenrain would know of it. Stripe smiled and said " I'll have you know you don't need to worry about me running away sweety. I'm exausted and on't plan on staying awake much longer. " At that note, he rolled over and fell asleep, snoring. Darkenedstar leaped off the log and into her den. She then curled up to go to sleep. She liked how the clan was coming along. She hadn't been leader for an entire moon and already the clan had a new camp, new dens, new nests, and new warriors. Plenty of good things. Lunarsight padded to her small nest of moss and curled up for sleep. She felt all was good in the territory at this moment. Jacklefur darted to his sleeping place as soon as Nutstrike came over. He then practicly fell onto his nest before falling asleep.

5:49pm Jul 29 2009
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((I can help if you wan't ;D I didn't know you were drawing them on the computer. I don't know how to put music on a video though D: But you can download music on limewire.)) Fallenrain smiled at the light Nutstrike shone through the camp. It was so comforting, and beautiful. He ignored Stripe's meow and kept his smile up all night. Nothing could be better than this day. Atleast not nothing he could easily imagine.
I'm Feline♥
6:03pm Jul 29 2009
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((naw.I don't want creepy guys in suits to come charging into my house and arresting me for taking music illegallyO_o)) Nutstrike sighed as Stripe started snoring even louder. She wondered if he was actually snoring or just pretending. She was still excited from getting her new name. That was probobly what would keep her up the entire night. ((Should we time skip?))
6:10pm Jul 29 2009
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((*Imagines the creepy guys*)) Fallenrain was tired now, and he was staring at his paws until a glow shone on them. It was twilight by now. This would end at any second, just having to wait for a warrior to tell them they could go now. He shuffled his paws and looked around. The sun kept slowly rising, iluminating the whole camp with an extreme patience.
I'm Feline♥
6:29pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Nutstrike blinked her eyes sleepily. She hoped this would end soon. She was about to collapse from exaustion. Darkenedstar yawned and blinked herself into being awak. she stood up and stretched, before exiting her den. She walked over to Nutstrike and Fallenrain. " You two are free to go. " Sleep weighed down her voice. She had yet to shake it out of her. She would gaurd Stripe now.
6:42pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((You need to edit the front page ;) ))
6:44pm Jul 29 2009
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Fallenrain smiled. "Thanks, Darkenedstar!" He mewed with delight, and looked back at Nutstrike. "What do you wan't to do first as a warrior?" He told her, he wanted to be with her on whatever next they had to do.
I'm Feline♥
6:49pm Jul 29 2009
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" Sleep... "' Nutstrike said heading to the warriors den with exaustion written on her features. She didn't have a nest there yet, but she could easily get some new moss later. Darkenedstar watched Stripe for a little bit wondering when he would wake up. Most of the other clan cats would be awake soon and this cat showed no signed of being near waking point. Lunarsight opened her eyes. Her paws were hurting for some reason. She got up and streching with a few snaps from her joints as they loosened up some. she felt oddly stiff from sleeping last night. She padded out of the warrior's den. Her stomach told her she had best get some food so she padded over to Darkenedstar and asked " Is it okay if I lead a hunting partol this morning? " Darkenedstar nodded so she groomed herself while she waited for some other cats to wwake up.
6:55pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Oh, yes, i forgot XD thanks!))
I'm Feline♥
7:17pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Cats left moonfall sunset twilightkit bonekit cinnamonkit I'm getting closer to done :3 btw, I got a quick video of my cat squeaky. Ya know, the cat who darkenedstar was based off of. I think you'll like her :3))
7:41pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Ooo, can i see the video? :D I'm really excited to meet Darkenedstar ;D))
I'm Feline♥
7:42pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((You can once I finsh the last few pics. I have four more left. Then once I putem all together, you can see her:3))
7:47pm Jul 29 2009
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Fallenrain chuckled. "Ok, well, you do that." He mewed, and dropped some new moss next to her so she could sleep in there. His excitment had flushed off all his sleepy mood. And he padded next to Lunarsight, "Hey Lunarsight, can i join the hunting patrol?" He asked, and paw steps were heard of an approaching cat. "Id like to join it too, if you don't mind." MoonFall mewed, wondering if Lunarsight was actually paying attencion while she cleaned herself.
I'm Feline♥
7:52pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,895
" M-kay. " Lunarsight said between her licks. She got up and shook herself. She then began padding towards the entrance of the camp. The hunting patrol was large enough now. Darkenedstar took her own time to clean herself. As she did, she noticed she was getting bigger. So two things came into her mind. She either ate to much, or she was going to have kits. Kits seemed more likely but overeating was still a possibilty. Jacklefur woke up and padded out of the warrior's den. He then wondered what he would do today. Mabye he could work on the camps defenses... Yeah... That sounded good. He decided then to go off in search of brambles.