8:04pm Jul 29 2009
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((I just have three left to go*just finished a more complitcated one*))
8:05pm Jul 29 2009
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8:05pm Jul 29 2009
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9:02pm Jul 29 2009
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((My cat's following her own tail T_T)) MoonFall padded along, looking around. His feline body moved carefuly under the gr*censored*, ready stalk the first thing. Which seemed to be a squirrel, and he immedietly lowered down, looking steadily at the fluffed orange tail that poked out of the gr*censored*. And with a pounce, he grabbed the squirrel and killed it with a swift bite on it's neck. Minutes later he brought it to the whole patrols' fresh-kill pile. He later brought a pigeon, and met with Fallenrain that had brought two mice and another squirrel. The silence was feeling akward by now as they both waited for Lunarsight.
I'm Feline♥
9:17pm Jul 29 2009
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((My cat occasionally lick my keyboard..and feet...and hair...in fact, she's licked almost edvery part of me-.-)) Lunarsight was busy chasing after many different preys. Her extrra pair of ears let her hear better where prey was. She had cought a very large amount of prey by now like she always did. She finally walked back to the place where her patrol was hiding prey. She had to drag her kill though. Three mice, a vole, two finches, and a crow.
9:43pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Nice XD My cat likes to get tangled in my hair while im sleeping, and then claw at my neck as if making a really painful m*censored*age.)) "Nice," MoonFall mewed, then grabbed as much fresh-kill as he could and dragged it to camp. Fallenrain followed, his mouth full of dangling prey. Soon they arrived back and dropped their prey on the pile, and Moonfall grabbed a mouse for himself to eat. Then Fallenrain picked up the pigeon he had cought, and the crow Lunarsight had cought. He took them to the Warriors' Den. "Nutstrike? Are you awake now?" He said. His belly rumbled.
I'm Feline♥
9:50pm Jul 29 2009
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((At least I know I'm cleanO_o)) Nutstrike yawned and pushed herself up. " Yep. I'm up. " She shook herself and walked over to Fallenrain and saw the crow. " Did you catch that? " It was a simple question but she felt like asking it anyways. ((I'm almost done with the vid.))
9:55pm Jul 29 2009
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Fallenrain purred when he knew she was up. "Nope, i catched the pigeon." He said, dropping the prey and pushing the pigeon towards her. "It's for you." ((You made me LOL there XD Good to know you're clean ;D I can't wait to see the video. I think im going to take a picture of my two cats, so you can meet mine when i meet yours. I don't know how to load a video though.))
I'm Feline♥
9:59pm Jul 29 2009
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Nutstrike smiled and purred " Thanks Fallenrain. " She then bent down and started to pull away a few of the feather. They weren't exactly the tastiest things in the world. Same went for vole fur. Horibble stuff in her mind really. Just another part of life though. ((Now I'm just making it a little prettier and giving it a little more flare. The pics are all done. Since I couldn't get any songs into it, I just put me saying stuff:3))
10:09pm Jul 29 2009
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((The video is processing. I will post the link as soon as possible.))
10:11pm Jul 29 2009
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((Hahaha XD Can't wait to see it~!)) Fallenrain smiled back and bent down to eat the crow. First pulling off the feathers of course, as like Nutstrike did. "Tasty," He mumbled, as he nom nommed in the last pieces of it.
I'm Feline♥
10:15pm Jul 29 2009
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Nutstrike was still icking her lips even after the crow was gone. she then looked down at the feather. They could make for some decent beding. She nudged them into a pile with her paw. " Yeup. " Nutstrike said. She then wondered something. What was her power? She was a warrior now so of course she had to have gotten a power of some sort.
10:17pm Jul 29 2009
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10:18pm Jul 29 2009
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"Nice," Fallenrain murmured as he helped her collect all of the feathers. "Maybe we should give Sunset some of them too for her kits."
I'm Feline♥
10:22pm Jul 29 2009
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" Aand by the looks of it we should save some for Darkenedstar. Did you notice how big she's getting? I'm glad I became a warrior before she got stuck in the nursery. Everyone knows it's only a matter of time after all. " She then smiled. She liked talking of things like this. The kind of things you never told the person you said them about to their face.
10:27pm Jul 29 2009
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((Aww, Squeaky is so cute! And the video is awsome! ;D Now ill show you my two kitties. Tsuru tle="Click for a larger view" />
And~ Tigris tle="Click for a larger view" />
Tsuru is a 1 year old female and Tigris is a 4 year old male ;D
I'm Feline♥
10:32pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 10:32pm Jul 29 2009)
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The picture of Tigris was actually taken like years ago. This one i just took about 10 minutes ago. tle="Click for a larger view" width="588" height="412" />
He looks so ember*censored*ingly funny.
I'm Feline♥
10:32pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Sunset's pic looks like my other cat tiger. We have another cat but I don't know how you spell his nameDX He lookes like tiger but he's longer, skinnier, and heavier. He also chews his fur off-.- that's why he shall never be filmed if I have a say in it. His butt is bald after all. I'm not going to embarres him like that. Squeaky is liek...11 or 12. I'm not exactly sure.))
10:36pm Jul 29 2009
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"Yeah, and Starsong will have tons of work to do." Fallenrain mewed, then picked up some of the feathers and padded into the nursery.
I'm Feline♥
10:40pm Jul 29 2009
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Stripe finally woke up and saw Darkenedstar was gaurding him now. " Hey there pretty kitty. Whatcha doin? " He smiled innocently and pushed himself into a sitting position. Darkenedstar glanced him and replied " Watchin you. " She then continued with her grooming. She fliclked her tail about wishing that Stripe had just remained asleep. For some reason, she didn't feel like watching him at this moment. Suddenly, she saw Jacklefur with some brambles and said " Hey Jacklefur! When you're done doing that, can you gaurd this cat for me? " " This cat? " Stripe said offendedly. " I scoff at you! I have a name! I am Stripe for your informantion. " Darkenedstar rolled her eyes and said " I have an idea. How about you shut up a little bit? Kay? "