11:35pm Aug 3 2009
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"I don't think so.. Each cat in SunClan has only one. Even Darkenedstar, i guess." Fallenrain mewed. Starsong nodded. "I don't know about marrygold. But do you wan't me to p*censored* the word on? I think you have to call a meeting to put Lunarsight as an elder though, im not sure."
I'm Feline♥
11:36pm Aug 3 2009
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I'm Feline♥
11:36pm Aug 3 2009
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Come here, posty posty, come here...
I'm Feline♥
11:40pm Aug 3 2009
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" I will once I make sure every injured cat has cleaned up their wounds decently. " Darkenedstar then padded to the cats that had been hurt in any way that drew blood. She obviously planned on making sure her clan was safe before she did something uneccisary like a ceremony. This was far more imporant after all.
12:00am Aug 4 2009
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((What Starsong ment is that Darkenedstar could open up a meeting to tell cats about when the medicine cat would come and what they should do while they wait, and also announce Lunarsight.)) Starsong stared in confusion. This isn't what he ment. But anyway, he ran up next to Fallenrain. "You two fought very well. I hope your powers were found meanwhile?"
I'm Feline♥
12:03am Aug 4 2009
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((Then Darkenedstar misinterpreted just likee me ;) )) Nutstrike smiled proudly and said " I don't know what you call it or what exactly it was, but I killed a badger with a glowing bite wound! " She flicked her tail proudly.
12:25am Aug 4 2009
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Starsong smiled big. "And i, all of a sudden, got these really big flames twisting around my legs! And i burned the badger! Can you believe that?" Fallenrain hoped with happinness. Starsong was very pleased to hear this. "Sounds great! Darkenedstar should here this, both of you can tell her once she is available. Im very happy for you two, having powers is very unique for any other cat not from SunClan." Starsong mewed.
I'm Feline♥
7:53am Aug 4 2009
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Nutstrike smiled wide, feeling very proud at the moment. The next feeling that hit her, was hunger. " Hey Fallenrain, would you like to go hunting with me? " She was getting hungrier every second. Even if he said no, she was likely to go anyways.
3:31pm Aug 4 2009
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Fallenrain wasn't very hungry, but the thought to go hunting with Nutstrike seemed fun. "Sure!" He mewed, smiling. Starsong walked away, looking back once to say, "Ok, you two go have fun. But remember to tell Darkenedstar, okay?" Fallenrain nodded and got to his paws. "Ready?"
I'm Feline♥
3:34pm Aug 4 2009
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Nutstrike nodded before saying to Starsong " We aren't apprentices anymore so stop acting like it. " She said this with a glint of playfullness in her eyes. She then bounded off to Darkenedstar hurridly saying " Me and Fallenrain and going hunting. " She then ran out of the camp with a flick of her tail to tell Fallenrain to hurry up. Darkenedstar smiled at Nutstrike's enthusiasm. She had finished telling the other cats to clean themselves up. She had also told the cats who were uninjured to drag away the badgers. They weren't neede in the camp really.
3:42pm Aug 4 2009
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"You might not be apprentices, but still both of you are young." Starsong mewed when she talked to him. He then padded off next to Darkenedstar. It looked like Nutstrike misunderstood, because he ment about the powers- Which was funny because she didn't wan't to be reminded like an apprentice. Fallenrain padded along with Nutstrike. "Where do you wan't to head first? We can fish... Or hunt on the best hunting grounds..."
I'm Feline♥
5:54pm Aug 4 2009
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((Ypur cats should be a little bit clearer with their messages. They seem to get misunderstood a lot.X3)) " I say we go for a regular hunt. I never did master tossing those slippery little creatures out of the water. " She then trotted towards the place where the most prey lived. It was so convient for a place like that to be around here!
6:10pm Aug 4 2009
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((Boys don't know how to express themselves. That's why it only happens with Fallenrain and Starsong XD)) Fallenrain nodded in agreement. "Okay," And trotted beside her towards the Best Hunting Grounds which was far North.
I'm Feline♥
6:15pm Aug 4 2009
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((You are so right X3)) Nutstrike looked around her as they went, hoping to mabye catch something on the way there. She did see a mouse and dashed after it, but unfortunatly the thing had not strayed far from home and hid in the safety of a burrow from a disapointed Nutstrike.
6:16pm Aug 4 2009
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((My cat clawed my arm and now it hurts :( And in other news, I got my hair cut and got registered for school.))
6:47pm Aug 4 2009
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((Nice ;3 My hair is about to my shoulder, by five inches longer.)) Fallenrain took his own path for a moment, as he dashed after a squirrel. He brought it back to her, "Where should we start making the pile?" He asked.
I'm Feline♥
6:52pm Aug 4 2009 (last edited on 7:17pm Aug 4 2009)
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Nutstrike looked around before scraping the leaves away from a spot and saying " Here. " She then dashed away, in prusuit of a rabbit.
7:08pm Aug 4 2009
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((O.O Fernleaf?))
I'm Feline♥
7:17pm Aug 4 2009
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((Sory. My mind was elsewhere DX I meant Nutstrike. I'm sort of multi tasking at the moment. Ill edit.))
7:46pm Aug 4 2009
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Fallenrain dropped the squirrel on the pile, then darted off to bring later two mice, one black bird, and another squirrel. He landed them on the pile, and patiently waited there for Nutstrike.
I'm Feline♥