7:52pm Aug 4 2009
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Nutstrike was eventually back, dragon a rabbit, two voles, a lizard, and and crow. She called this a good catch. It seemed like enough to feed the entire clan! She looked at Fallenrain, smiling to herself. When she had chased down the rabbit, she had accidentaly used her powers again. That had made an easy kill.
7:56pm Aug 4 2009
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((>X( nya.))
7:57pm Aug 4 2009
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8:09pm Aug 4 2009
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Fallenrain smiled in return, and then grabbed all the fresh-kill he could and prepared himself to head off to camp. "Ready?" He mumbled between his catch.
I'm Feline♥
8:11pm Aug 4 2009
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Nutstrike nodded, padding back towards camp. She would have run, but she had caught to much and she would trip and fall if she went to fast.
8:16pm Aug 4 2009
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Fallenrain followed, and dropped his prey on the new fresh-kill pile. The scent of prey flowed through the camp, bringing attencion to every cat. "Should we feed the prisoner?" Fallenrain suddenly wondered.
I'm Feline♥
8:18pm Aug 4 2009
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" I dunno. We should ask Darkenedstar about it. " She dragged the kill over to the fresh kill pile once in camp. She then looked around for Dsarkenedstar, but didn't see her. Where was she? Darkenedstar had aactually left to go on a walk. She just felt like doing so. She ran in powered up form all the way to the beach. She then slowed to a stoop at the sand. She stared out at the glisteneing m*censored* of blue. It looked so pretty...
8:22pm Aug 4 2009
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"I don't think she's here," A deeper voice approached them. Starsong. "I saw her leave South, probably on the beach." He mewed, hoping the two young warriors would think about going there too.
I'm Feline♥
8:24pm Aug 4 2009
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Nutstrike nodded and muttered to no one in particular " I wonder why she went there. " She also wondered why Darlenedstar went alone. What if sshe got attacked by Loveclan cat's or something? She trotted back out of the camp, headed due south to go find Darkenedstar.
8:33pm Aug 4 2009
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"Wait," Fallenrain padded after her. He felt incomplete when he didn't have Nutstrike near, and so he hoped he didn't bother her when he wanted to be with her everywhere. "Can i go with you? I wan't to help if Darkenedstar really does get attacked from another loose badger or LoveClan." He mewed.
I'm Feline♥
8:40pm Aug 4 2009
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" Sure. " Nutstrike said before continuing on. She wanted to get to Darkenedstar fast. She hoped that Darkenedstar was in her normal form and had decided to walk there. Otherwise she and Fallenrain were in for quite a bit of running.
8:48pm Aug 4 2009
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"Maybe we should run..." He suggested in a light tone. His feet were bruning with energy to run and feel the breeze hit your face.
I'm Feline♥
8:50pm Aug 4 2009
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" Sure. " Nutstrike set off as soon as the word was said. She planned on making Fallenrain have to catch her. she was rather fast after all. As she ran, she dived under brambles that were in the way and leaped over the hollow carcesses of trees.
10:06pm Aug 4 2009
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Fallenrain laughed, and he ran easily behind Nutstrike. At one moment he was beside her, feeling the breeze bump into him. He ran, and when he looked down, he noticed fire blazing around his paws, making him run faster than ever. He never felt the flames burning him, just warm coats of orange getting higher to his chest. His eyes narrowed at the wind, running and jumping over the brambles. He lost Nutstrike for a moment, but then found her when a tree paszed away and could see her running next to him. His breathing turned into rough gasps, but yet he felt like running for ever.
I'm Feline♥
8:31am Aug 5 2009
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Nutstrike had been running just as eagerly as Fallenrain had. Then she heard how he was breathing. They needed to stop. She then skidded to a stop, throwing up a few leaves into the ar along with dirt. Shhe wasn't going to let Fallenraain run with her if he made noises like that. She knew that if a noise like that EVER came out of you while you ran, you needed to stop.
2:34pm Aug 8 2009
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Fallenrain stopped and tripped to bump on a tree. "I've got to work on that," He muttered as he shook leaves off his pelt. "So we are near Darkenedstar now?" He mewed, his voice louder now.
I'm Feline♥
2:58pm Aug 8 2009
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" Hm...well I don't know. I think so. I can smell thhe the sea now so yeah...I guess we're close. " Nutstrike said. She was pretty sure after all of that running, they must be close. Darkenedstar's trail still went farther than this but she would likely go no farther than the sea. That meant they HAD to be close unless she turned back. The idea made Nutstrike unhappy, because it took a lot of running to get here in the first place.
3:40pm Aug 8 2009
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Fallenrain dipped his head through a bunch of bushes. "I can smell her near now," He mewed, and padded through the bushes. He looked both sides for Darkenedstar. "I think she's under that tree," He mewed, waving his tail to show Nutstrike where he was between the bushes.
I'm Feline♥
3:46pm Aug 8 2009
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utstrike looked and sre enough, the farmiliar gray coat could be seen. She bounded over happily meowing " Hi Darkenedstar. What are you doing out here? " She guessed that Darkenedstar hadn't noticed her because she tensed a little at the sound of Nutstrike's voice, although she quickly lost her tensess. " I felt like goig here. Not sure why but this is a pretty place. So have you figured out what your powers are yet? " Darkenedstar curled her tail some, thiking about something that was't having to do with any cat but herself and Starsong. She wasn't really paying attention as Nutstrike replied " Well I can make this cool glowing bite thing that kills whatever I bit really fast even if it was only one bite. Not sure if anything comes with it though. " She then looked to Fallenrain to tell him to say what his power was.
4:01pm Aug 8 2009
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"I can grow flames on each of my paws. It doesn't hurt me, but it sure does hurt anyone else who touches it! I can only get it to my chest though, soon enough it might be all of my body!" Fallenrain mewed with much enthusiasm, "In other words, I burned up a badger today."
I'm Feline♥