7:53pm Aug 13 2009
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San lashed her tail. "Who is Darkenedstar?" she asked curiously, all threats, fear and hatred gone for the moment. "He sounds important to you and Fallenrain, Nutstrike." Ash leaped froze in shock. "How did you know their names, San?" (Does SunClan cat's still have powers?)
8:05pm Aug 13 2009 (last edited on 8:06pm Aug 13 2009)
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(Where'd my post go? There it is.)
8:05pm Aug 13 2009
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Fallenrain arched his back. "Get yourselves a brain!" He snarled, narrowing his eyes. Loosing his control, flames sprint from the bottum of his paws. Then swirling around to the top of his chest. "You two just jumped into the right direction to being prisoners." He kept his body to the ground, as if to control himself. He took a deep sigh and the flames cut out. "Die, or be our prisoner. It is as simple as that, since it looks like leaving isn't the correct option here." He got to his paws, and unseathed his claws. "Running away wont work. Nether fighting us, unless you are mouse-brained enough to think you can win against a flame of fire or a fast killing bite on the neck."
I'm Feline♥
8:05pm Aug 13 2009 (last edited on 8:07pm Aug 13 2009)
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(It's gone. :O I found my post.)
8:06pm Aug 13 2009
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((T_T' Weren't they fighting?!))
I'm Feline♥
8:06pm Aug 13 2009
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((Yellow is mellow <3))
8:10pm Aug 13 2009
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((They were fighting...a little bit ago. then they stopped.)) Nutstrike wasn't going to say anything anymore. These cats didn't deserve to know who Darkenedstar was unless when they learned of her, they learned to fear her as well. Suddenly she got an idea, mabye they knew Darkenedstar's old name. What was she before she was a clan cat... Darkenedstar haad told Nutstrike when Nutstrike was still Nutpaw. Centri! That was it! " She is also known as Centri. "
8:12pm Aug 13 2009 (last edited on 8:15pm Aug 13 2009)
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(Edited.) "Centri?" San asked, fogetting about Fallenrain for a moment. "Darkenedstar's name before. Before she became a Clan cat." Ash listen to Fallenrain, and put his head down, and started to move forward with his tail dragging. "Prisoners." he said sadly. San snarled at Fallenrain. "Fine. But only because Ash is going." But really, the reason why she wanted to go was because she was curious to know about the Clan.
8:13pm Aug 13 2009 (last edited on 8:13pm Aug 13 2009)
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I'm Feline♥
8:17pm Aug 13 2009 (last edited on 8:17pm Aug 13 2009)
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Fallenrain quickly cought up Nutstrike's idea. He flankes the two cats by one side, and leaded them back to SunClan. They would have to share space with Stripe, their other prisoner. "Centri is now leader of SunClan, it used to be Sunpelt... But anyway, she is Darkenedstar now. Maybe you know her..."
I'm Feline♥
8:19pm Aug 13 2009
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San cast a suspicious smile. "Maybe."
8:24pm Aug 13 2009
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Nutstrike took the other side. The only problem now would be if they tried going straight forward or backward. That wasn't likely to happen though. They didn't seem like they would run. Back in camp Darkenedstar caught a whiff of two intruders scent's mixed with Nutstrike's and Fallenrain's. How many cats would have to be taken hostage here before they learned a leason? Stripe was now back in his ordinary inprisoning spot chatting casually with Jacklefur as though he had known him his entire life. Jacklefur seemed to be replying rather chearfuly. It aappeared to Darkenedstar that Stripe fit in well with this clan and most cats seemed to enjoy his company now. Mabye he could be made an apprentice in Sunclan... It wasn't a bad idea. Not bad at all. Sure he needed to learn a bit more about fighhting, but that cat was great for gathering moss and prey. Yes...she would consider letting him join with Starsong and Lunarsight. Starsong simply because he was deputy, and Lunarsight because she had likely seen how these sort of things went before. She was old and therefor had much knoledge that woluld be useful in this situation.

8:36pm Aug 13 2009
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"Don't tempt me." San replyed silently under her breath, replying to Nutstrike's thoughts.
8:39pm Aug 13 2009
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(g2g. I'll be on tomorrow.)
10:16pm Aug 13 2009
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((There is already a cat who can read minds.. She is SunSet. I'm not saying you have to change him though. There can be two mind-reading cats.)) Fallenrain hissed at San, "Shut it." When they arrived, he pushed the two cats between the bramble screen and scuted them over to Darkenedstar. "We found some stubborn new prisoners here," He mewed, his angry tone still covering his voice. Sunset, still protective of her clan, padded out of the Queens' Den, leaving her three kits behind. "Are we like collecting prisoners or something?" She hissed, her stare lost below her. Then looked up. "Stripe seems pretty much a SunClan warrior now," She mewed, this time serious. Starsong joined the event. "True, but if these cats are stubborn as Fallenrain says, then we have no choice, Sunset... Unless we kill them." He sat down, and waited for Darkenedstar's reply to all this.
I'm Feline♥
7:10am Aug 14 2009
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Darkenedstar looked at the new prisoners and said " I do not want to have to kill. I will only do so if they are practicly asking for it. I have a question for the cats here. Should Stripe be accepted as a member of Sunclan? He would start as an apprentice of course. " Darkeendstar said. She was prepared to turn into her powered form if these cats tried anything. Just for safety purposes.
12:36pm Aug 14 2009
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Sunset nodded. "SunClan will do with more apprentices," She mewed. Starsong smiled, "Sounds like a great idea. But shouldn't we ask him first?" He added. MoonFall padded into the group of cats. "I'll be his mentor, Darkenedstar, if you want." He offered. Fallenrain kept close to the new prisoners, looking around as if paying attencion to what they said.
I'm Feline♥
8:36pm Aug 14 2009
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"How are you kits, Sunset?" San asked. "I hope they are all well. Your kit's will make great warriors. It is to bad that Sunpelt abandoned you." She turned to Darkenedstar. "It is an honor to meet you." she said, awe in her voice. She easily knew that this cat was important to the Clan. (IF San can have the mind reading power, can she be able to read all of the thoughts that went through a cat/animal's brain? All of the thoughts that the catanimal ever tohught of in their life?)
8:46pm Aug 14 2009
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((Erm...I think if that is so, I personally would like some cats have the ability to block her out. Definatly Darkenedstar. Starclan doesn't want other kitties running around in her mind and looking at stuffs O3o)) Darkenedstar ignored this new prisoner. She was putting together a meeting in her mind. " Okay. Some cats need to gaurd our new prisoners. i'm going to call a clan meeting. " She then leapedonto the fallenlog after getting a running start and yowled " All cats old enough to catch there own prey gather in front of the fallenlog for a clan meeting. " She waited for the cats to gather. Stripe raised his tail and aaasked " Am I old enough to catch my own prey? I think I am. Can I join? " Jacklefur held back a laugh. Stripe had his own little sense of humor. Acting stupid. He could tell Stripe was only acting this, but he always seemed to pull it out whenever something serious was happening and he would make things funny. Darkenedstar smiled and said " Yes. You can join the rest of the clan Stripe. " She watched rather happily as he leaped up joyfully onto his paws and trotted over. She guessed he was really happy that he was getting to do things with the clan. It was so cute to see a cat who looked like him and was an adult, acting like a kit or an apprentice. He was so excited! It was as though he knew what would happen. Nutstrike looked at Darkenedstar as she called for the meetingt, and padded over. She looked up too see what Darkenedstar had to say. Lunarsight padded over as well, guessing that somewhere in this meeting her becoming an elder would be mentioned. She grunt as her paw gave a particularly sharp bit of pain but kept going. Why had her paw been hurting so much? Jacklefur joined the other cats gathering for the meeting. ((*Goes to first page to see if I missed any cats* ))

8:48pm Aug 14 2009
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((Wow. Gottem all on the first try :3))