9:21pm Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 9:22pm Jan 1 2010)
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((Sure. that would work. Hold on.. XD)) Karienne dryed her hands quickly and then checked herself in the mirror. She moved some hair out of her face then walked outside whener she saw a girl who seemed to be, dancing? She stiffled a giggle and put her hands over her mouth. (fail XD)
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:23pm Jan 1 2010
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((Hold on to what? That last bit of sanity? Voice in Head: What sanity? Me: Shuddup. I can imagine I have some still. ViH: Okay.))
Resident mounted archer
7:53am Jan 2 2010
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(( LoL Todie. I have a voice too. It tells me I'm doomed to the aslyum but I just punch it in the face and tell it to shut it's hole. lol ))
Sicarius grinned broadly at Sais. "Thanks man. Yeah. I thought the blooming flower would add a nice kick to it." He said quietly. In reality thouh, he hadn't done it because he had wanted to. It had just happened. Just like everything else just happened. His cat purred, rubbing it's head against his hands. He chuckled adn scratched behind his ears again.
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11:41am Jan 2 2010
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"How did you do that trick anyway?", Leena asked curiously, "It was truly amazing." She was grinning, rubbing her damp hands together, trying to warm them from the chill of the cold sink water. Leena was astonished at what had happened. She accadently went into Sicarius's room, than became friends with him, just as she had wanted to. This couldn't be a coincidence. Just after she had been thinking about getting to know the pianist, she mistakes his room for the bathroom.
4:41pm Jan 2 2010
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Sais nodded than he looked at Leena wondering why she was still in Sicarius's room. A normal person would have left by now. He twriled a pen in his hands. Dont ask where he got it he took it off of Sicarius's desk.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:01pm Jan 2 2010
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((OMmigod. Catch me up, please. O_O))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:10pm Jan 2 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Okay so everyone charas were at Wolfy charries piano concert so it just finished so my new charrie Sais is talk to Wolfs and my other chara is watching Gaia Todeos charrie dance outside the bathroom. and Leena Maybells charrie is in Sicarius's room because she was looking for the washroom.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:24pm Jan 2 2010
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((Thanks Ser! ^_^)) Melanie said, "Excuse me," to the girl who was dancing outside of the restroom and walked inside. ((Omg fail, Cuz I have no idea what to do. x3))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

9:37pm Jan 2 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Sira Todeos charrie. XD)) Sira stared open mouthed as the girl walked into the bathroom, making a noise on unbelief and turning, suddenly noticing the girl looking at her. Her face flushed. "Uh...gotta go...like that old comercial. Gotta go gotta go gotta go right now." She made a sound like a whine and stared at the door. "An'," she held up two fingers. "Either stop stiffling your laughter or let it out."
Resident mounted archer
7:20am Jan 3 2010
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Sicarius stared at the pen in his hands. "That's a million dollar pen. Please don't break it." He said, knowing he would regret the words. Every time he asked Sais not to break something, he broke it. Figures. His cat purred against his stomach.
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3:35pm Jan 3 2010
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Melanie walked out of the bathroom and nodded at Sira She then walked to nowhere in particular simply because she wanted to. Eventually, she ran into two boys speaking about a pen that was in one boy's hand. "I'm sorry," she said, but did not leave at first.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:20pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Lol. we in Sicarius's dressing room and I think the door is closed XD)) Sais looked up. "Too late."he said. He put the pen down and looked at his hands. They hand ink on them. Then he looked back at Sicarius. "Who spends a million dollars on a pen anyways?"She said as he got up and walked into thje bathroom to wash his hands. Karienne let out her laughter. "Well I didn't want to interupt your dance."She said grinning.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:59am Jan 5 2010
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Leena couldn't help laughing at the two boys' antics. "Yeah, seriously, a million dollar pen? Well, I guess if it's solid gold, or something, but still..." She continued to giggle, grinning broadly the whole time. This was probably the best day of her life.
7:48pm Jan 5 2010
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"It's fine," Sira said to the first girl, then blew her breath out through slightly closed lips at the others comment. "Takk for your concern," She mummbled before opening the door and walking jerkily inside the room of the Glorious Porclain Bowl.
Resident mounted archer
6:35pm Jan 8 2010
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Sicarius growled at Sais. "I didn't want it. But you don't exactly refuse a gift from the Governor." Sicarius growled. As if in respone to his growl, his cat mewed and glared at the room where Sais had disappeared.
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6:45pm Jan 8 2010
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"Aww calm down." Sais said as he walked out. "If it was that impoatant you would have it in a gl*censored* case not lying on your table where I can pick it up and break it on accident." He sai.d He pick up the pen and looked at it. "What do you mean by govenor? Like the govenor of Claifornia.Did you get that from Arnold Scharznegger (lol i cant even spell that but you know who I mean right?)"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:02pm Jan 8 2010
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"Does it really matter which governor it is?" Leena asked, giggling, "You still broke it."
8:04pm Jan 8 2010
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Sicarius chuckled slightly, but it was hard. "I was using it to write checks to my manager, but you broke it and splattered ink on my floor's carpet." He sighed. "Sais, I can stick you in a room with only a gl*censored* vase and a steel vault and somehow, you'll manage to break the vase and then break through the vault. With one finger." He said, sighing.
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8:07pm Jan 8 2010
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Sira sighed, relieved, as she left the bathroom. "Hate yet love it." She said aloud. "Same with Mountain Dew. Caffeine." She tilted her head in the direction of a conversation about breaking, then shrugged and tuned out; she wasnt part, she wouldnt listen.
Resident mounted archer
9:19pm Apr 16 2010
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OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png