2:47pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru narrowed her eyes, feeling protective at the sight of another she-dog, "Who are you?" she growled, her hckles rasing ever so slightly.
2:48pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 2:50pm Apr 25 2010)
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Posts: 779
Falchion shook her head. "I-I'm alright. I'm just a little scared. I haven't been very well with males." She got up trying to comfort Taylor as well as nodding shakily at Foster. Quickly she gave a nervous glance at the black thin dog. Rono huffed. "I'm Rono. I was brought by," Glancing at Nanie, "This female." Looking at Kiru and padded up to her. "Why hello~ Name's Rono. What's your's toots?"
2:50pm Apr 25 2010
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ooc; Yup. Falchion, Tayler, Nameless and Foster are by the stream though.
2:51pm Apr 25 2010
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{Toots? xD}
2:53pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 779
XD Rono's way of saying baby. And may I ask who Kiru growled at?)
2:54pm Apr 25 2010
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{Nanie} Kiru looked at Rono coldly, her eyes like twin chips of ice cold jade, "I resent being called a 'toot'," she growled, "It offends me and the Mother,"
2:54pm Apr 25 2010
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"My name is not 'This Female' bub." growled Nainie, her llong pointed teeth glinting, ""It's Nainie. You better respect it or I'll-" she broke off as Byron snarled at Rono. "Snarling savagely Byron stepped towards Rono, hackles rising, fur bristling he snapped, "Respect. That's all the All Mother asks. Respect"
2:56pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru grinned savagely, "I may sound biased, but non-believers tend to act especially disrespectful," she sniffed disdainfully.
2:57pm Apr 25 2010
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((M'kay. I'll go there. xD)) Angel padded her way through the forest, sniffing this tree then that one. Seeing the clearing was filled, she walked silently past that. Shaking her head, she jaunted down to the stream. Up a ways she heard voices. "Never alone..." She muttered. Walking up with Daemon at her heels, Angel nodded towards the other dogs. "Hi..." She said after a moment or so.
2:58pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 2:59pm Apr 25 2010)
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Rono backed up. "Whoa ok didn't know she was your's man. Sorry." he looked at Nanie and smiled. "Tell me...are you taken?" Falchion looked at the new female and nodded then saw the male and went paranoid.
2:59pm Apr 25 2010
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"I am Nainie." Nainie spoke calmly to Kiru, not wanting a fight with the seemingly nice she-dog, "You came with Byron. He is wise. I want no fight with you.."
3:02pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru nodded sharply, "As long as we understand each other," was all she said, though she had implied more than just those words in that small sentence.
3:03pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 3:08pm Apr 25 2010)
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Byron rolled his eyes before saying, "No one is taken. You cannot be taken unless you want to be. You can leave, come, or wander, but none can be taken" Snortin, Nainie said, "Byron speaks rightly. I am not taken. None have taken me. The All Mother chooses waht is taken and what is left." Paddig up to Rono she shoulederd him into the mud, "And never taken shall I be by a dog as much of ajerk as you"
3:04pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru sighed, "Taken," she whispered, thinking of Rose, "Stolen more like,"
3:09pm Apr 25 2010
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Rono looked up at her. "You know toots sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt." Getting up he smirked.
3:10pm Apr 25 2010
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Tayler and Foster looked to Angel and her brother, "Hello" she spoke calmly. Her bi-colured eyes looked from side to side. Sniffing the air again, she realized the unfamiliar scent that sheathed them was the newcomers. "Upaluarpok adlartok who are you?" She asked speaking lightly, "I am Tayler. Foster is my brother. He speak does not often"
3:12pm Apr 25 2010
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Angel lolled her tounge out of her mouth. "Hi... I'm Angel, and this is my friend Daemon. He doesn't talk much either." Angel sat down while Daemon stood beside her, watching in that over protective way he always did. "We are somewhat.. new to this part of the woods," She added to the unfamilular dogs around her.
3:13pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru turned her head away, "May the Mother strike you down," she snarled, closing her eyes.
3:16pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 3:22pm Apr 25 2010)
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Falchion lowered a bit and backed up. To many males were around her. How many more males will end up coming here? I have met enough as it is. Mother...help me...please... Pleading for silent help she looked very paranoid and was backing up in complete and utter fear. Sarah growled at Rono. "Rono! Enough!" she glared hackles raised at the Doberman male. "Ashtron is more of a male then you ever will be. No girl would want you." turning to Kiru she wagged her tail. "Hi I'm Sarah. And I'm sorry about Rono." Rono growled at her, "Oh pipe down and Ashtron's not here to save you now." lowering he glared darkly at her but remained where he was.
3:19pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{Homg, I just started a religion xD}