3:23pm Apr 25 2010
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XD Yes yes you did!)
3:23pm Apr 25 2010
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Tayler dipped her head respectfully, seeing Falchion out of the corner of her eye. Padding over to her, she poked her nose into the she-dogs fluffy creamy white fur. Whispering into the Samoyeds ear she grinned sllightly, "Have no worries. Foster wouldn't harm anything. Thats a reason we left the life as a sled dog." Foster stood and spoke for the first time that day, "Hello" his soft, whimsical voice carried through the breeze. Nainie leot at Rono and bit his shoulder, "All Mother is not pleased and nither am I."
3:27pm Apr 25 2010
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Angel's ears perked up as Foster spoke. "Hi," She said with a small grin. "So.... Uh, how long have you been in the area?" She asked, trying to start a conversation. In the meanwhile, Daemon walked over to the crowded clearing, he sat on the side, slightly hidden by trees, and watched what was going on. He was confused. Who's all mother? He asked himself.
3:27pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Falchion slowly nodded but remained. "But I'm not sure about the others. They could be just like father." Shaking she felt a tear run down her cheek at the memory of her childhood. Rono yipped in pain. "OW!" he glared at her.
3:32pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru glanced at Byron, "I miss her," she whimpered, not realising that it would make no sense to him. Suddenly, she collapsed, blacking out from the memory. "Rose?...Rose!" Kiru called, a plaintive whimper in the back of her throat. "Rose!" but the roaring of the human's transport had faded, leaving nothing but a small clump of rosy-red fur behind as a memory. "Why, why did the human come?" whispered Kiru, a large silver tear sliding down her cheek. "No," she said stiffly, "I must stay strong, must...I cannot show my emotion, I will keep Rose aliv inside me," she decided, her jade green eyes losing their feeling, becoming like shards of stone. "And I will find her,"
3:34pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Sarah jumped up. "Hey! Is she alright?!" she padded up to her and nudged her.
3:34pm Apr 25 2010
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Foster pinned his ears back, not wanting to speak. He forced himself to talk again, "Only moments. We arrived as the sun rose directly up." Looknig at Angel, he smiled shyly. Tayler quickly said, "Daemon seems nioce enough." Padding over to Angel Tayler spoke happily, "Yes, we have been here since Sunhigh." Nainie smirked at Rono, moving a little she positioned herself so her paw was on Rono's chest, ready to choke him if he did something again, "Now that you're listening. I am not "tots" nor am I "this Female" I am Nainie respect the name my mother had given me. All Mother respects everything so in turn you should respect her."
3:36pm Apr 25 2010
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Byron yelped and dashed the litle way over to Kiru, nudging her with his nose he murmured, "Wake up!"
3:37pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Rono glared at her. "Fine. Now get off." Falchion was still the way she was. "M-my name is F-falchion." She forced herself to speak her voice was soft. Very soft.
3:40pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru shuddered and fell into a deeper stupor, "Human," growled Kiru, her hackles raising. The human backed off, holding it's firestick in one hand. It seemed to be shouting nonsense to Kiru and she snarled, crouching low. "You're dead!" she cried, landing on the human's chest. It scrabbled uselessy with its pink paws as Kiru bit its throat. "Rose is avenged," she muttered, feeling the hot blood soak her heay fur.
3:40pm Apr 25 2010
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Stepping lightly off Nainie smiled, "Try it again, it won't be your shoulder I bite." Paws lightly skimming the earth as she quickly stepped over to Kiru she woofed, "What's heppened. I was too busy dealin with that flea-bag to see anything. Will she be alrigh?" she poked the other she-dog lightly.
3:42pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Rono scrambled up and huffed. Sarah looked worried. "I don't know when I said hi she just collapsed."
3:46pm Apr 25 2010
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Tayler heard worried calls coming from not far away. Looking to Falchion she murmuered, "Come with me." and she dashed off to the clearing. Seeing Kiru laying on the ground she poked the she-dog hard with the very tip of her paws with her claws. Ignoring Byrons serious growls she dashed quickly back to the stream wher before she had seen some lavender growing, nipping off a few stalks she dashed once again back to the cearing and waved theheavily scented flower in front of Kiru's face begging for her to wake up.
3:47pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru grunted and opened her eyes, glaring at Tayler. "I'm fine" she snapped, getting to her feet. "Go along," she grmubled, "There;s nothing to see ehre,"
3:51pm Apr 25 2010
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Tayler, usually calm and unagressive snarled, "Glare needed is not." she snapped, "None will be pleaed by this. Not the Mother not All Mother. Only Dark Fire Walker will." turning around she briskly ran and brought Foster back to the clearing with her.
3:53pm Apr 25 2010
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{How does Tayler know about her dream? o.o}
3:55pm Apr 25 2010
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ooc; She doesn't. She just is angry cause kiru was all like "leave!" rawr rawr raw. Tayler can be snappy :P
3:57pm Apr 25 2010
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{Leave! Rawr rawr raw? xD} Kiru sighed, "The Mother already has hurt me, there is not much more she can do," she whispered, a plaintive whimper in her voice.
3:57pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Falchion had followed Tayler but stayed in the bushes when she sensed more males. Why? Why mother?! Why?! I did nothing wrong! Why must there be males everywhere? They're only going to be like my father so why do you torture me so?! Unknown to her she had yelled this out in the real world as well. It was loud enough it seemed that all the forest must of heard her.
4:02pm Apr 25 2010
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Nainie turned to look at Falchion who had yelled something rather odd out. Padding up to her she asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?" ooc; Shush up about my fails Tayler walked slowly up to Falchion and sat down besde her. Pressung herself against the samoyed for a second she tried to comfort her. Foster padded into the clearing, seeing all the dogs he flattened his ears against his skull, not angrily, but, rater scared. He did not like to speak and all this, all the dogs, meant he would have to.