5:31pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Rono smiled even more. "So you aren't with a male? I mean as for a mate?"
5:32pm Apr 25 2010
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That's right, sister, Angel said in her mind. She snorted loudly with laughter. She looked up at everyone in the clearing, trying to make herself as invisible as Daemon. It didn't work. She backed up into a tree and scared herself. "Erm... Hi?" She said after a moment of embara.ssment.
5:32pm Apr 25 2010
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((Fail post. xD No making fun 'o me!)
5:33pm Apr 25 2010
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Kiru's mind wandered, bored with the topic of the current conversation. "Is having a mate so important?" she asked Byron curiously, her tail flicking to and fro agitatedly.
5:43pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"This guy seems t think so." Byron woofed, "I guess, in order to live on, the pack needs mates and pups." Tayler snorted, "No. I have not chosen a mate. No one as smart as any of the dogs here would choose you. Going from one she-dog to another." her tail hung limply, "Choose someone to pad after and keep yor decision unless there is a good reason to sway you."
5:44pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 5:52pm Apr 25 2010)
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Posts: 779
Rono's smile droped and he glared. Sarah rolled over again smiled at Kiru. "By the way I'm Sarah. And that bozo is Rono."
5:53pm Apr 25 2010
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Tayler looked at Rono's upset ex pression, "That wasn't a taunt. Its' true though, focus on your feelings and you will find who you truly love"
5:55pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Rono huffed and got up padding away. "Whatever."
6:29pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Thanks for flooding me. o.O;; Where are you guys at?
8:10pm Apr 25 2010
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ooc; Mostly in the clearing. Cept for {Phoenix and Ashtron they are still headed for the clearing. Foster and Falchion are off talking.
8:20pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 8:27pm Apr 25 2010)
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Posts: 779
Falchion flinched her tears were still falling and she whimpered a bit. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just...so scared of males. My father never truly loved me. He would constantly hurt me and do terrible things. I-I just never got to see a nice male like you. You're the first nice male I have seen in my life." she had kept her head down and tail under her.
8:20pm Apr 25 2010
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10:35pm Apr 25 2010
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ooc; OKay. -deep breath- Byron went hunting with Phoenix and saw Kiru who then angered Phoenix with some unknown erason so Phoenix left the two other dogs to takl and asked Akadia who was in the clearing if she wanted to hunt before they could go Nainie came back with Sarah Rono and Ashtron who she found in their territory Nameless was watching the dogs in the clearing from the stream Falchion then came to the stream and was nearly scared away by Nameless cuz hes male and shes scared of males Tayler adn Foster then came Tayler is worried that Falchion is injured Falchion *censored*ures her shes fine they go to the clearing as angel and Daemon come and go angel walks to the clearing after Daemon Rono keeps hitting on all the females so far Nainie Kiru and tayler Falchion yelled somthing interessting and Kiru pas.sed out Tayler woke her up with lavender Pjhoenix and Ashtron left to go huntng but are jsut talking and they discover they have the same past fighting and travelling Ashtron was thrown out because he lost to a pitbull mastiff and lost his eye Phoenix cried and said that no one understands herFlachion ran away and Foster chased her actually spekaing which he doesnt do often Tayler just pwned Rono and Falchion and Foster are having a conversation -pas.ses out- Foster touch his nose lightly to Falchion ear, "it's all right" he whispered, "none of us will harm you." He sighed deeply, "Your father was one male and I know thta it will change your perspective but trust me, we are all good. Excpet Rono" he added jokingly, "He's a jerk"
4:03pm Apr 26 2010
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((well, Velocity is sniffing around for food, so con somebody like...see her? shes a big Wolfdog so shes not very hard to find))
4:17pm Apr 26 2010
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{What happened to Byron? Has he spaced out? o.o}
5:55pm Apr 26 2010
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Falchion shivered a little but calmed down. "...I-I will try to find a new perspective." Ashtron sniffed the air and growled. "I smell another dog."
6:30pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; So Nameless' been seen but they went back to the group, right?
6:34pm Apr 26 2010
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ooc; no he was just talking. Phoenix stiffened, "Me to." her flame pelt brsitled as she sniffed the she-dogs scent, "Let's find her." Byron sighed.
6:47pm Apr 26 2010
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Velocity followed the scent of the squirrel, nose to the ground. Sure, a squirrel wasnt much, but it was food. Her pointed ears were alert and she heard some other dogs. Her head bolted up and her nose quivered. her fur stood rigid on her spine and she began to growl softly.
6:50pm Apr 26 2010
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{Byron sighed? xD} Kiru winced, feeling her stomach growl. "What sort of prey do you have in this area?" she asked, wishing she had caught that lone fawn she had seen a day back. It would have been worth the effort and time.