7:02pm Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 7:02pm Apr 26 2010)
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ooc; I'm just gonna post and hope it's okay lol. ic; Nameless stalked towards the others. His claws being the only thing making indents in the ground. He made no sound, but he could be seen easily since he was quite tall. He could of sworn that he could hear the sounds of other dogs conversing, but he often believed his mind was just pulling tricks on him.
8:36pm Apr 26 2010
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Phoenix heard the growl and did the same, a warning but not a savage battle growl, "Who are you?" she barked to Velocity.
8:39pm Apr 26 2010
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"Whats it to you?" Velocity retorted. Her fur stood on end and her muscles were tense. She had learned not to trust stangers the hard way.
8:45pm Apr 26 2010
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"You are in our place. Or rather," Phoenix said, "Where All Mother has allowed us to live. You can stay with us. No harm is intended to you." Phoenix dipped her head respectfully,for once in her life not wanting a fight.
8:50pm Apr 26 2010
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Velocity blinked in suprise, then dipped her head as well, "I am Velocity. A lone traveler. I didnt know this belonged to a pack." she said, "I'm sorry for tresp*censored*ing."
8:55pm Apr 26 2010
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"No worries traveller. I am Phoenix that Flies in the Wind." she said, announcing her full name for the first time in a long time, "This is Ashtron" she said indicating the one-eyed husky at her side. "We belong to not exactly a pack, rather a group of dogs with equal power and control over all os uf."
8:58pm Apr 26 2010
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Velocity nodded, "Pleasure to meet you." she said happily.
9:02pm Apr 26 2010
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"Come with us" Phoenix chortled her tail wagging a rare action for her. She walkded back to the clearing which was nnow full of dogs, "Byron" she woofed padding over to him, "This is Velocity and she wishes to join us" Byron woofed happily to Velocity, "Welcome!" his bi-coloured eyes shone and he turned back to Kiru, "We have much prey near here. Squirrel, elk, deer, moose and rabbits."
9:12pm Apr 26 2010
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Velocity smiled warmly at Bryon, "thank you." she dipped her head respectfully then looked back to Phoenix, "so how did you guys start this group?" she asked curiously.
9:14pm Apr 26 2010
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( East!!! what is happening!?lolo ))
9:17pm Apr 26 2010
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Phoenix padded closer to Velocity and pulled her aside and spoke, 'Its a long story. Want to walk?" Without waiting for an answer she started wallking and talking, "It was me, Nainie, Xapher, Akadia and Byron who started this. Xapher and Byron have known eachother for a long time, sometimes I would swear they are brothers." she aid a hint of a smile in her vice, "Akadia has known Xapher since they were pups as well I think. Well Byron and Xapher met up one day after Byron decided to run away from sledding, it wa too violent for him. He came to the clearing with Xapher for a night and decided to stay there. Akadia soon ame. Me and Nainie hadn't known eachother until a few days before we started it, we met and we could smell the males so we came heree. We all wanted the same thing, peace." She sighed, aughed and shook her head, "Rather they did. I was a savage yearling who attacked everything. i was raised a fighting dog. We went there and all joined in peace and harmony. Until today all these dogs cae out of no where."
9:27pm Apr 26 2010
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Velocity nodded, "well, I was raised as a sled dog actually. I was known to pull with force, hence the name Velocity. I never wanted to stop, and when I did, i had to slow down first. But the wolf in me was never happy. I always wanted to be free. So one day, I left. I was about a year and a half. And I've been traveling ever since." she said with a laugh, "but I leanred a lot about power and fighting as a sled dog." she said. ((Remember the Name=BEST SONG EVER Velocitys Verse: This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will. 5%pleasure, 50%pain and 100% reason to remember the name >:D))
9:51pm Apr 26 2010
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Xapher sat on the ground confused. "Byron?" he Barked into the air.
10:41pm Apr 26 2010
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"I'm right here Xapher" grunted Byron padding over to the hsuky. "What is it you want soul-brother?"
1:06pm Apr 27 2010 (last edited on 8:40pm Apr 27 2010)
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Falchion started heading back for the clearing.
5:22pm Apr 27 2010
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Xapher looked at Byron, a little confused by his words. "uh... aii.... I am lost?" he barked confusingly.
5:57pm Apr 27 2010
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{Anything much happen?}
6:37pm Apr 27 2010
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It wasn’t long before Nameless got to the main source of the smell. He peered over a bush and saw other dogs in a clearing. His fur bristled but he fought the temptation to curl up his lip and growl. He always felt the need for animosity when he was around other dogs.
8:36pm Apr 27 2010
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"No Xapher" laughed Byron, "We;re in the clearing. Where we live." His Heavy set, muscular body shook with raspy laughter. "Come hintng with me", he woofed, "I'll race you." As he started to pad away he noticed Nameless and woofed, trying to be friendly, "Would you like to join us?" Foster padded after Falchion trying to comfort her. Phoenix woofed, "let us go." and walked back to the clearing. ooc; Not really det :P
8:40pm Apr 27 2010
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Velocity smiled and nodded, padding back to the clearing, "hey, so who is everyone here?" she whispered to Phoenix.