Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
Leah shrugged. "Jordin's heard my parents argue, so how big is the deal now?" she asked in a stubborn tone as she began to nod repeatedly. She then saw Wyse, posed like a chicken, and snarled while rubbbing her feet upon the ground.
Leah smiled. "Chicken of Lag and Kinterooism," is all she said before going back to snarling. She then began to slap her feet upon the ground while running in circles, still snarling.
Leah nodded. "I'm probably the strangest person in the state of Indiana," she chuckled and then placed a fist in front of Wyse's nose. "A precatuion," she said with a smile.
Leah frowned. "You won't even sniff it," she muttered before twirling around, moving five feet to the east, and sitting down. "Even the secondary lone newb let me pet him!" she exclaimed angrily and then muttered the f-word, this being the second time she said it in this new world.
Ribunny covered Dot's ears again. But Dot had already heard it and now was chanting the f-word while doing a dance. Soon, he trees started to russtle, and a bunch of squirrels came out and started chanting with Dot.