10:50pm Jul 17 2010
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Reoko followed most, Leading her into the next room. She heard what the rather young looking boy had said, and followed suit with his words. The room has tables, On each was a necklace. One called out to her. Walking up to it, she realized it had has strong resemblance to the ceramic dragon she had picked up earlier. She carefully picked up the swirling golden creature, its mouth opened and body poised gracefully. She put the golden part down and picked up the laced black string, pulling it over her head. (( Fail ))
6:53am Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Arya followed jared into the next room. she looked around. many neclaces lay on the tabels that surrounded them. she obeyed the warden and started looking for her necklace. "Ursa where are you. she finally came upon a necklace with a bronze bulky bear clasped to the end. "i found you." she smiled and pulled it over her pigtails. she was very excited that she had the same spirit guide that her mother had had. Her mother had told her all about ursa. and how she was so kind. Arya really hoped that ursa was the same to her. what if Arya got scared when she approched ursa for the first time. she didn't care. as long as Ursa excepted her. that's what arya really cared about.
6:57am Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((im going to be gone all day. going to a theme park!! very excited!!!!))
7:10am Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( *charreh is ignored again* ))
1:43pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: D; You're not ignored Lauren.
8:40pm Jul 18 2010
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8:44pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Thats a lot to read >.>; And it's only been three days. Seeing as i'm going on vacation soon and will be gone a lot longer i'm going to drop this one. Sorry for any inconvenience.))
8:46pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,338
9:09pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((aw no stray! DX don't leaveh!))
9:15pm Jul 18 2010
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9:44pm Jul 18 2010
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"Well, you probably want to get settled in your cabins. Off you go." the warden said, letting them depart. Jared left his things back at the Ring of Colors room so he went to retrieve them. He picked up his bags and set off to find the Lyture Cabin. He exited the Training Building, pas.sed the Svir Cabin, and walked by the Training Area before finally finding the tall, six story building. Jared proudly walked to the Lyture Cabin but before he could go in he saw a long line of people before him, each carrying their own bags. He got in line at the end, it seemed as if you were as.signed your room number there.
10:00pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Arya walked to her cabin. she was very excited to finally enter her cabin. her mother had told her lots about it. she couldn't wait. (braindead)
10:14pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Ariskye doubled back and watched as a line started to form in front of the Lyture dorms. Cocking her head to one side, her right ear flicked in slight annoyance before she padded up to a boy [Jared] and gave him a good sniff. Flicking both tail tips, she glanced up at him with crimson eyes before licking the left side of her maw. Padding down the line, she continued to give her own inspection of the first-years.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:32pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,895
Jared looked quizically at the animal but quickly thought nothing of it. Soon it was his turn to get his number. "Jared Bond." he said to the senior in charge. "Room 234." the girl said looking at her papers, she gave him a key with the Lyture symbol on it's handle. Jared smiled and took the key, turning it over in his hand. He grabbed his things and headed up to the second floor. He searched the room numbers for his, 230...231...232...233...finally he came to 234 and stuck the metal key into the tiny slot below the door knob. It clicked open and he turned the knob, pushing on the door so he could enter. The room was large enough, it had two bunk beds, two desks, and two dressers. He unpacked his things into one side of the first dresser while whistling.
10:35pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((can my room be next to yours?????))
10:38pm Jul 18 2010
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Once her mini inspection was over, she loped up back to the door. Once back there, she shifted human which gained a few gasps from the couple first-years that saw her. Showing her key to the girl, she slipped in and went back to her room. Room 226. Closing the door behind her, she went to her bed before crashing on it. While on her back, she reached under the bed were she stashed her sketchbook. Flipping it open to a half-done picture of one of her shifting forms, she cocked her head slightly as she tried to remember what it was supposed to be.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:38pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,895
10:43pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// -raises hand- I thought Ariskye [my char] and Arya [Amh's char] were sharing a dorm?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:43pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((okay.)) Arya waited for her name to be called. "Arya banes?" the woman asked. she looked up. Arya smiled and waited for her room number. "235" she said. Arya nodded and took the key when she held it out. she followed jared up the stairs and walked into the room next to his. she opened the door after turning the key. it was big. it had a few bunks. And two desks. Two dressers were pushed up against the wall on opposite walls. Arya walked over to one bunk and started un packing her bags.
10:44pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((well then. i don't mind.))