8:07am Jul 15 2010
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(( Join as an shifter in the Lyure cabin? ))
8:12am Jul 15 2010
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((sure Lauren))
8:35am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 9:07am Jul 15 2010)
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Name: Reoko Gender: Female Age: Seventeen Grade: 12'th Prophecy Child?: No. Animal(s): Dragon Spirit Guide: Draco Personality: Reoko is sweet and caring, Quiet and somewhat shy. In her shifted form, She is strongly fierce to anything out of her school/cabin Appearance: ~  Other: Nope
8:53am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((lauren, the prophecy children are already taken, sorry))
9:39am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((ok, you are accepted. If your dragon can fly she will have to go in the Svir Cabin though))
10:23am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Okay. ))
10:26am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((when are we going to start??))
10:26am Jul 15 2010
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(( I was just about to ask the same thing, Amh. xD ))
10:28am Jul 15 2010
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10:29am Jul 15 2010
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(( Could you post on the Wolf RP? :) ))
10:36am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((oh yeah hold on. it may take a while because i have like 15 different rps :) lolz))
11:00am Jul 15 2010
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((I'll post my intro now))
11:02am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,551
OOC: W-o-w... Today is very eventful for me. o.O A car crashed right in front of our house first thing in the morning... Luckily my mom is a registered nurse (RN) and helped the person who's car was completely totaled, upside down and all. @_@ Poor girl. She's okay now, though, for the most part. And right after the car crash thing was sorted there was piano lessons, straight to school, and then I have to go to somethin' else. Yipes! xD
11:03am Jul 15 2010
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11:05am Jul 15 2010
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OOC: Wow. O: Kind of sounds like Stonebrook parkway, (I call it the evil highway) Me and my mom always take to the route to get our hair done. I think it is haunted, Knowing that the first time we went I got sick and vomited all in the car, The next time we got in a wreck and tore up the hole front of the car, And the next time we blew out an tire. Scary much? XD
11:09am Jul 15 2010
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11:13am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 11:16am Jul 15 2010)
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"Southwood Academy here I come!" Jared whispers excitedly as he wakes up. He throws the covers off his bed and changes his clothes. Grabbing his suitcase, Jared runs down the stairs and hops in the car. His parents drive him to the airport and say their goodbyes. Jared hugs them and gets on the plane. He takes a seat in the back, taking out his ipod and listening to a few songs, he knew it would be a long ride. What would his animal forms be? Who is his Spirit Guide? A million questions filled his head as he thought about his new school. He doesn't have any siblings but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what to expect. Both of his parents are shifters and they went to the very same school. Jacob Bond, Jared's father, was the champion in the Tyeih Competition. The Tyeih competition is where a bunch of shifters sign up to fight a person one on one.You have to fight from one person to the next until you lose, then you are disqualified. If you beat everyone then you are champion. This competition only happens once a year so almost everyone joins. Someone wins a fight when the other person gives up, saying they quit, that usually happens when someone is near death. Jared personally thinks that the cometition is barbaric, but they are partly animal and that is the way of the creatures. It makes them feel less human and more like a creature.
11:23am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Arya woke, she was very excited to be going to the new school. when she found out that she was a shapeshifter, she more excited than ever before. she couldn't believe that she would have to leave her family all behind for a whole year. she knew she would survive though. she got up and got dressed quickly and put her black hair in pigtails. she quickly grabbed her suit case and a bag full of other stuff for her and walked downstairs. She grabbed a banana off of the counter and walked outside. she Tried to get a taxi right away but it didn't work. after a while she got one. it was almost time for her plane to start boarding. she climbed in the back. "to the air port please, and as fast as you can." she said to the driver. she couldn't wait. Arya found out that she was a shapeshifter when she was 10. that was only three years before now. she couldn't wait to start school at this school for people like her. Her mother had gone to that school, as did her father. she didn't know what animal she could shift into or who her spirit guide was. sh couldn't wait to find out and she was so excited that she was going to at this new school.
11:25am Jul 15 2010
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Reoko was just a seat ahead of Jared, And turned her head around on the seat, Watching him carefully. She placed her hands on the top, And pulled herself up. "Whatcha' listening to?" She said, Not caring that she was talking to a stranger. - Fail -
11:30am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
"Apologize." Jared replied, turning around in his seat. "I'm Jared, who are you?" he asked curiously. Obviously she didn't have any siblings that go to the school and she didn't have any friends so he knew she must be a first year like him, since she is friendly and outgoing she would have friends if she was anything more than a first year.