11:33am Jul 15 2010
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When Arya got through everything she rushed onto the plane. she had her bag and the people had taken her big suit case. she sat down and put her bag on the seat next to her which was an empty isle seat. she was very excited. she knew she would have to be patient and just wait so she grabbed a book out of her bag and began reading. this book was probably her favorite. it was by an author name Erin hunter. she had also written the warriors series which Arya had already written. the book she was reading was about three bears that were traveling through the wilderness all by themselves. and they were only cubs. her favorite out of the three bear cubs was lusa. the black bear. she was very cheerful and Arya like her very much. Arya was almost done with this book she she had brought the next three books with her as well.
11:35am Jul 15 2010
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Rakoren Oaneel woke up as his loud alarm clock sounded. He groaned as the alarm clock beeped, well not what someone would call a beep, more like the sound of someone speaking into a bullhorn. Rakoren got out of bed and looked out the window. There was his father's car, parked out in the driveway. Rakoren's father was out there also, loading the car with his things for the school that he was supposed to be going. Rakoren, though he didn't smile, was quite excited to go to this school. No parents to bug him, only teachers and other stuff. Rakoren still remembered when he had found out that he was a shapeshifter. His mother had told him about a year before he was going to go to the school. She had told him about her being a shapeshifter. Rakoren's father wasn't a shapeshifter, but that wasn't that bad. The young boy got dressed and hurried out of his room and down the stairs. He heard his mother yelling at him to hurry up and leave before he was late. Rakoren grabbed an orange off the table, before taking his dark jacket and left the house. He saw his father urging him into the mini van. Rakoren dropped himself into a seat and buckled himself in. "So, where are you supposed to go again?" his father asked, wanting to be clear on where to go. "The airport. Remember? I've got a plane to catch." Rakoren's father jumped into the driver's seat, made sure all the doors were closed, and then backed out of the driveway. School, here I come.
11:40am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 11:44am Jul 15 2010)
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The blood was pounding in Rakoren's ears. The plane could leave any minute. He grabbed his suitcase and boarded the plane quickly. His heart was beating rapidly, not wanting to wait for them to arrive at the other airport. Even though no emotion was on Rakoren's face, the turmoil was inside. Rakoren then sat in his as.signed seat and stored his suitcase in an overhead compartment.
11:42am Jul 15 2010
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11:43am Jul 15 2010
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"Reoko. Nice to meet you, Jared." She said, The thoughts of what she might be filled her head, And a rush of enthusiasm ran through her body. "I wonder what I am!" She said, Meaning for that to be quiet. Several of the pas.sengers gawked at her, And several whispered. She felt embarras.sed and dumb, Hiding a smile she placed her head in the palm of her hands.
But in the back of her head, She still had a painful urge to burst out of the plain and fly off into the wild blue yonder.. She wondered about that thought, And turned around randomly. Pressing her face to the window, She sighed and watched as the white puffy clouds pas.sed by fast. She closed her eyes and felt the wind on her face, Speeding over the blue sky's... She soon snapped out of it and looked back at Jared, Scratching the back of her head. "I don't know.. Heh." She said, Laughing silently to herself.
11:49am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
"Me too, I often feel like I am flying and that I could do anything. Do you ever get that feeling? And sometimes I am swimming underwater and I don't have to hold my breath. Others I am just running, not for any reason really, just for the sake of running I guess." he looked off at the airport through his tiny window. He could feel the plane shake and hear the people in charge telling the p*censored*engers to buckle up and prepare for take off. He buckled his seatbelt and waited patiently.
11:54am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,338
Arya had already buckled her seat belt. she over heard a person who was sitting behind her. wow i know exactly how he feels. she thought. she did. she had that feeling all the time. she turned around and looked at the person who had been talking. "i have that same exact feeling." she whispered and turned back around for the plane started moving.
11:56am Jul 15 2010
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"Quite often. I sometimes get these vibrant dreams, Almost real. Most of the time I am flowing freely through the sky, Or walking through a dense forest. At rare occasions I am drifting through an dark ocean." She said, "It confuses me as to what I might be." She said. "My father shifted into a mighty dragon, While my mother shifted into a delicate Maned Wolf. Its all very confusing if you ask me." She said, rubbing her finger on her eye. She buckled her seatbelt, And propped back into a comfortable position. Pulling something grey out of her backpack, She flipped open the top, And the white apple began to glow. Signing on, She immediately opened safari and went to her website, Where a few real shapeshifters chatted along on the chat box.
11:58am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
Jared heard her and thought maybe the feelings they have are something to do with the animals they can shift into. But how can one feel all air, earth, and water and just be one type? He pondered this while the plane took off in the sky. Shrugging, he put his headphones to his ipod back in his ears. Sooner or later he would find out so no need to worry about it.
12:01pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 12:02pm Jul 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,299
Rakoren listened to the instructions of the flight attendants. He buckled his seat belt. Then, he glanced around, staring at everyone on board the plane. Which ones were going to the school also? Rakoren continued staring around, getting a few annoyed looks from other pas.sengers, mostly the older ones. He tilted his head back to rest on the headrest and wondered what animal he could shapeshift into. Something fierce maybe? No, that isn't all like me. Brave? No. What could it ever be? Rakoren flicked through his characteristics in his head. I'm lonely and maybe smart, but what animal is that? Rakoren sighed and moved his black bangs out of his eyes.
12:04pm Jul 15 2010
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Arya continued to read. sh couldn't stop thinking about what the boy had said. she knew that feeling. she felt it every morning she woke up and every evening when she fell asleep. she felt it in her sleep. being in the water and not having to hold her breath, flying in the sky with wings so big she barely needed to flap them and her favorite running though the forest and having the earth crunch beneath her feet. it was exilerating.
12:14pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
Jared pushed his feelings of flight, running, and swimming aside. Since others felt it then it must just be a normal shifter thing that everyone went through. Little did he know that it was the first sign that he is the prophecy child. ((brain dead))
12:15pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ -raises hand- Question; Should the older kids already be at the camp or on the plane? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:23pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((*Reads all the posts* I have the same question as Dragonstar.))
12:26pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((on the plane))
12:27pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ 'Kay, thanks. -works on intro- ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:29pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 1,299
As soon as the airplane took off, Rakoren suddenly felt a longing to be back on the ground, to feel the earth beneath his feet. He took a deep breath. There had to be an explanation for the feeling. After all, this is my first time ever going on a plane.
12:37pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Yawning in boredom, Dimitri leaned his head back against the seat of the plane he'd occupied. Crossing his arms in slight annoyance the senior glared heatedly at nothing in particular, hating pretty much the whole 'going to school' thing. He'd rather be at home sleeping, or perhaps running through the small woods behind his small house in four paws. Anything but listening to teachers drawl out lessons on things he could care less about and being forced to abide by their silly rules. Glancing quickly at some of the new students, he mentally snickered at their enthusiasm, wondering if it would last after they got to the school. He pitied these poor souls who would probably be brainwashed over the power the teachers said they could give them with the powers of shifting. Closing his eyes, he decided to nap and catch up on the sleep he'd lost due to packing and the long drive to the airport he'd learned to loathe. Then again going to the school might be better then being shunned by normal humans. Hating the whole unfairness of it all, Dimitri tried to get into a more comfortable position on the hard seats that had not changed in four years, and waited for the plane to take off.

12:41pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((Time skip to when they land?))
12:43pm Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Sounds good to me ))