2:23pm Jul 16 2010
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(( Me ))
2:23pm Jul 16 2010
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[[ -raises hand- Teh Dragon is on. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:25pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 2:25pm Jul 16 2010)
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((can we continue then or shall we wait for nightmare post her intro?))
2:28pm Jul 16 2010
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OOC: I'm on, writing intro :D
2:52pm Jul 16 2010
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Jake felt excited... And miserable. Why miserable? Because, he was riding in an airplane, about to go to some academy for shapeshifters, and was sitting next to a girl 13-year-old girl who looked like she was about to be sick. Great. At first he was happy that he got next to sit next to somebody so he could talk with someone along the way. She was a pretty girl at that, as well. Unfortunately, it didn't happen that way. The girl's name was Taika v-... Something-or-other. He couldn't understand her last name because when she had spoken, she said it softly and abruptly to all the vowels were slurred together. She was either really cold or really shy. Either way, Jake wasn't feeling to good towards her right now. Why him? He had had his life for a moment, and then it turned into: oh yeah. You're a shapeshifter, son. Forgot to mention that. Of course excitement came with that, but also lots of questions. What animal could he shift into anyways? His stomach did a flip-flop as the plane began to land.... -x-x-x- Taika felt sick and anxious. Beads of sweat were on her face, one even dripping down. A strand of her red hair clung to her cheek. It was the after-effects of the plane ride. Something about Taika was the fact that she was incredibly scared of heights. And now she was standing in line, awaiting her fate, standing in the dreaded "Ring of Colors". Ahead of her, the boy who had sat next to her on the plane was called up. She watched as he ran his hands through his blonde hair before taking the ring and slipped it on his finger. It glowed greenish-brown. "Liyture." On the wall, a dingo glowed purple, its eyes remaining white. An Australian Dingo Jake thought to himself. He knew; he done a project on them before when he was younger and in middle school. After him, it was Taika's turn. She looked like she was about to faint. Her skin which was normally pale enough to make a person worry was now as white as a blank piece of computer paper. Her palms were sweaty. Her hand trembled as she took the ring. She fumbled with it a moment trying to get it on her finger. Blue. Baby blue... "Svir." Taika realized that this meant she could shift into something with wings. That couldn't be. It didn't match, did it? She was scared of heights! On the wall, she watched as a ceramic bird that looked almost like a crow glow purple; the eyes remaining white, of course. She started to walk towards the door... And then she gasped as yet another animal started to glow purple. A smaller timid, cute and fluffy looking bird. Taika swallowed. Two animals? This was normal, right? Hopefully. But it also made her thoughtful.
3:28pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 2,895
After all of the first years went to the Wall the warden led them into another room. This room was filled with a bunch of necklaces, each had a tiny golden creature on them. They were on tables, each one labled. "Pick your Spirit Guide necklace and put it on. That way your Spirit Guide knows who you are, if you don't have it on then they will ignore you when you approach them, or worse..." the warden said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Jared walked into the room with the rest of the first years and quickly found the golden Artic Wolf necklace and put it around his neck. His parents never told him about this part so Jared was a little worried. His mother would have told him about meeting your Spirit Guide face to face, wouldn't she?
3:54pm Jul 16 2010
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4:30pm Jul 16 2010
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OOC: Not sure what to post now. -waits-
4:57pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,299
((Back.)) Rakoren was done with finding out his spirit guide and what animal he could shapeshift into. A desert fox. Quite interesting to find out. Now, Rakoren was among the many necklaces with the other first years, searching for the necklace that was his. Then, he saw it. The one for the Desert Fox. Rakoren grabbed it and placed it carefully around his neck.
5:36pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,299
(( ~Bump~ ))
8:26pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((Night: find your necklace like the other first years then I'll continue with this RP))
10:40pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((sorry for poofing. i've been hanging with my friend all day))
10:43pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((that's all right, but if you could post now that would be nice...))
10:47pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((i cant.im really sorry. i have to hang out with her or she'll get angry at me. im so sorry. you can talk to her later on out rp. shes mcfris.))
10:48pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((Ok, well...please try to post asap.))
10:50pm Jul 16 2010
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((i will))
5:30pm Jul 17 2010
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6:51pm Jul 17 2010
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OOC: Okays :D BiC: Jake made his way towards the tables where everyone else was heading. Everything was a whirlwind of confusion. He knew why he was here, and what he was, and what he was supposed to do... Yet somehow he wondered how the heck he could be a shapeshifter. Oh well. It was probably just the speed of everything. He was moving slowly and everything was racing ahead of him. He sighed. Soon he would catch up again. It would just take some time. He glanced around the tables. Finally he found his necklace. He took it into his hands and held it up to the light. It was a thin black chord with a silver clasp. On it hung a little dingo made of what looked to be sterling silver. It was so small and yet so detailed. Jake looked closer. The dingo's eyes seemed to be staring right at him... Almost as if it were piercing a hole through his very soul. He took a deep breath and clasped it around his neck. It felt good there. Next to him, the girl Taika who he had sat with on the plane was staring, perplexed, at the table she was looking through. Jake made his way over to her. "What is it?" She probably jumped a foot in the air. She regained her composure. "I have two animals I shift into. Should I just take two necklaces?" Jake shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe you should take the necklace of the animal that glowed first on The Wall?" he suggested. Taika shrugged as well and decided that this seemed pretty logical. "Okay then." she paused. "Thanks." She took a necklace that looked exactly like Jake's, except that instead of a dog-like creature hanging from the black chord, it was a bird that looked almost like a crow. Jake gave a smile in response and walked off.
9:03pm Jul 17 2010
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((anyone here??))
10:30pm Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((I am, now))